
The way to save your husband: how to save the feelings that have been destroyed by yourself? Can broken feelings be saved?

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The way to save your husband: how to save the feelings that have been destroyed by yourself? Can broken feelings be saved?

People who once thought they would love for a lifetime may announce that they are leaving in the blink of an eye. Can broken feelings be saved? What went wrong to get to where it is today? Explore this with you today and tell you if your broken feelings can be saved.

The way to save your husband: how to save the feelings that have been destroyed by yourself? Can broken feelings be saved?

First, can the broken feelings be saved?

Most people may not know that all love goes through three stages: the attraction stage, the value stage, and the role complementarity stage. And most of the emotional problems occur in the value stage.

At this time, there will be misunderstandings, conflicts, followed by quarrels, cold wars, power struggles, infidelities, breakups, divorces, etc. Therefore, there is no absolutely perfect and suitable person in this world, marriage needs to be run-in, and happiness depends on management.

Will broken feelings be saved? Perhaps in the eyes of an outsider, many feelings are not worth saving. But if you look at it utilitarianly, life is a game process, and the choices you are willing to make will definitely be in line with your "interests" as much as possible.

Of course, the breakdown of feelings is not necessarily entirely because there is no feeling, in fact, many people who love each other will not necessarily come to the end, the trivial things in life, the feelings are not only the things of two people, but also accompanied by two families.

Therefore, it is very important to understand the reason for the breakdown of your feelings, as the saying goes, the right medicine is prescribed, and only when you know the reason for the breakdown of your feelings can you think of a solution.

The way to save your husband: how to save the feelings that have been destroyed by yourself? Can broken feelings be saved?

Second, can the broken feelings be saved?

First of all, someone has to come out and admit his mistake, whether it is his fault or not, because having a good attitude with him is a first step in recovery.

Buy some gifts for her, because sometimes you need to break the ice, you need to use gifts to give you a buffer.

Secondly, you must understand the cause of the problem between the two of you, and only after the cause of this problem is solved, can you talk about and save your feelings.

You can use various ways to message her, such as using videos\/letters, QQ and other things to message her to prove that you care about her.

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The way to save your husband: how to save the feelings that have been destroyed by yourself? Can broken feelings be saved?

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