
The younger daughter is weak and deceitful, and I have indulged the eldest daughter's "countering violence with violence"

At five o'clock in the afternoon, there were more children in the community, and the kindergarten and primary school at the entrance of the community were closed at the same time.

There are equipment for children to play in the community, there are many children, there are many parents, and the five-year-old daughter did not get together, because she was recently addicted to the game of cooking, and chose a quiet place, where she collected different leaves alone, and placed them on the ground in different categories, so that I could help her watch.

A little boy of about five years old ran over, and he first crouched next to him to look at the leaves on the ground, and within half a minute, he suddenly grabbed a handful of soil from the ground and sprinkled it on his daughter.

The daughter looked at the soil on her body, there was no reaction, still laying out the leaves, she probably didn't know what to do, of course, she may not dare to do anything, such as shouting at the other party or something.

The younger daughter is weak and deceitful, and I have indulged the eldest daughter's "countering violence with violence"

In fact, I know that the little daughter has always been very timid outside, her voice is also small, and she is still a bit flattering in dating, so I criticized the little boy on the spot and made him apologize.

The little boy looked at me and ran away screaming, and he pulled grandpa, who was sitting not far away, over and asked him to beat me.

I and his grandfather briefly talked about the incident, his grandfather did not protect the short, said that the child is a bit of a skinny, and asked the little boy to apologize, the little boy did not apologize, stretched out his leg to kick me, was dragged by his grandfather, I saw no meaning, I was ready to pull the child away.

The eldest daughter who happened to be playing outside came to me, curious about what was going on, I simply said that the eldest daughter listened, and was not in a hurry to leave, pulling her sister and the little boy to theorize.

On the other side, the grandfather pulls the grandson on the one hand, and the sister pulls the younger sister on the other.

The younger daughter is weak and deceitful, and I have indulged the eldest daughter's "countering violence with violence"

At the moment, my brain is running at high speed, I don't know whether to pull the child away, or let the child argue with each other, which choice is better for the child's future.

In front of me, the youngest daughter is 5 years old, timid and afraid of things, and when she meets a slightly stronger child, she shrinks back, holds back outside, and returns home to find comfort.

The eldest daughter is 11 years old, with a hot personality, a strong mouth, and full of energy, and belongs to the kind of person who has nothing to do.

It can be seen that the boy in front of him, favored at home, has great courage, the concept of right and wrong is still relatively vague, and the intensity of being pampered at home is obviously more than the intensity of being disciplined.

It is customary to say that when children fight, they all go to their mothers, go back to their respective homes, and whoever has the children is said by whom.

But the situation in front of me is obviously that the sister has been bullied, the sister wants to fight and hug, the boy has bullied people, and now he has begun to scold people, and the grandfather is reluctant to reprimand.

At this moment, if I forcibly pull the child away, will the little daughter be depressed and depressed, and will her personality be more cowardly in the future?

And the eldest daughter did not put this matter to rest, will her heart suppress anger even more, and then send anger to her sister?

If the little boy has no confrontation, will he still sprinkle soil on others in the future, and will similar bear things continue to be done?

Thinking that there might be such an outcome, what was the point of me forcibly pulling the child away?

The younger daughter is weak and deceitful, and I have indulged the eldest daughter's "countering violence with violence"

In fact, there are two little people fighting in my heart, but I still don't hesitate to leave, I expect them to fight, the child's contradiction will let the child solve it by himself!

After cooking, I went out to see, I did not expect that the two sides were still arguing, surrounded by a circle of people, the eldest daughter was still calling the little boy to apologize, the little boy was still scolding, the boy's grandfather obviously did not want to care, I heard the little daughter learn from her sister, shouting the little boy to apologize, I was pleasantly surprised by her performance, and the change of the two people before the judgment, thinking that at this moment I should avoid it again, the problem let the children solve it by themselves.

After a while, the two children came home hand in hand, and they were elated and rushed to talk to me about their achievements, and they said that the boy still did not apologize in the end, so in the end she also sprinkled dirt on the boy.

I was stunned.

The result of this... To tell you the truth, I was very surprised, I really did not expect that the eldest daughter actually chose to "fight violence with violence" in the end, and one report was also reported.

But it sounds like... Not bad either.

The younger daughter is weak and deceitful, and I have indulged the eldest daughter's "countering violence with violence"

Some people may say that this mother's heart and eyes are too small, and if the woman commits murder, her daughter will become bad in the future.

I like to think about things for a long time, and strive to be a visionary mother, on the road to the growth of children, I have always been willing to have the right to be dimensional, and I must be bent, but I never dare to let her take the initiative to "commit murder", unless the "fierce" takes the initiative to find her.

From a moral point of view, people are divided into high and low, good and bad are separated by countless levels, the world is not black and white, "teach children to be good people", this sentence needs to be dialectical, and "teach children to be a qualified person"

This is the standard for most family education.

So, we who have a great impact on the future of our children, when we should not distinguish clearly, what is a good person? What is a qualified person? And what is an honest man?

I am a middle-aged mother who has broken her heart for her child's health, learning and soul, more parenting articles and parent-child public welfare content are included in the public account [Parent-child Paradise], welcome to subscribe.

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