
Take your child out, the child is always troubled in public, what should parents do?

Mothers have had this experience, happily taking their children to the mall, only to cry in public because of some very small things, and as a result, they can't do anything and make themselves very embarrassed. So, how can mothers avoid such embarrassment?

Take your child out, the child is always troubled in public, what should parents do?

1. Prepare some toys to distract your child

In order to avoid children crying when they go out, all they have to do before going out is to prepare some toys and small objects to distract them. When a child cries, parents can give him some candy or toys to distract the child and make him stop crying immediately.

2. Abide by the agreement with the child

When deciding to go out, tell the child what to buy, but in the end do not buy, the child's heart will be very sad, will cry desperately, so parents should strictly abide by the agreement between themselves and the child, do not make them unhappy.

Take your child out, the child is always troubled in public, what should parents do?

3. Enhance children's self-control ability

If it is because the child wants something, but the parents do not let them buy it, they will make a big fuss, then the parents should reflect on whether they are too spoiled for them.

In daily life, parents should help their children learn to self-discipline, and they should not let their children think that they can want what they want, otherwise they will become selfish and do not care about the feelings of others. For a child to be successful, he must have the ability to control himself.

5. Adhere to the agreement, do not break the agreement

Sometimes, before going out, we will make an agreement with the child, this time we do not buy toys in the mall, he agreed, but when he went to the mall, the child did not recognize the account, did not recognize the agreement before going out, this is the child does not understand.

Take your child out, the child is always troubled in public, what should parents do?

If this is the case, parents must educate their children well, let them know that they are responsible for what they say, and do what they promise. This can cultivate the child's keeping of his promises, do not let him get in the inch, and avoid him from doing things in the future without a bottom line.

When children cry in public, it will not only affect themselves, but also affect others, so parents can try the above methods to stop their children from crying.

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