
A top-notch wisdom: obedience

People, you are in the rules.

What are the rules? Rules are a law of nature and a law of development.

For example, the cycle of the four seasons is a law of nature, and the evolution of species is a law of development.

It is true that those who blindly break the rules will eventually suffer hardships, just as man-made disturbances to the laws of natural development, so all kinds of bad weather, as well as sudden extreme climates, are a natural "punishment" of nature for human beings.

A top-notch wisdom: obedience

Therefore, people who abide by the rules are bound to maintain a reverence for nature.

To be a person and do things, you must abide by the rules, not only you have a personality, nor only you can be different.

Therefore, as human beings, as other species that see the same species, we should do what we should do and keep the rules that should be kept.

As Han Feizi wrote, "There are rules for all things." ”

Life in the world, life, old age, illness and death, is not only a law, but also a "rule" of life evolution.

Only by understanding the rules and abiding by the rules can we understand life and keep life.

A top-notch wisdom: obedience

1: Rules are a kind of measure

In today's materialistic society, many people feel that the rule-abiding person is a kind of stubborn and non-flexible person, and feel that such people have pedantic ideas, outdated ideas, and no future.

As everyone knows, there is not much difference between people, and after all, they can't escape the cycle of birth, old age, illness and death.

Many people treat people with a so-called snobbish eye and utilitarian heart, and feel that people with wealth and status can truly match success and happiness.

But in fact, success and happiness are just a concept that exists in everyone's heart, and even this concept is different.

It's just that some people constantly expend their time and energy in order to meet the standards that others think are successful, and in order to achieve their goals, they lose their original intentions, lose their direction, and break the rules that should be followed regardless of their disregard.

These people are just because they have embarked on a road of "blindly following the crowd" and "going with the flow", they feel that everything they are doing at the moment is "unbreakable and unbroken", dare to break the rules, and then they can succeed.

A top-notch wisdom: obedience

In fact, where in the world are there so many "unbroken and unbroken"? Many times, this idea is nothing more than a disguise that others use to deceive themselves.

People who really have rules will not blindly listen to the voices of the outside world, but will also calmly and soberly maintain a sense of proportion.

This sense of proportion is to be able to have a sense of distress and know how to cross the river by feeling the stones.

Mr. Zhou Guoping once said:

"A sense of proportion is a sign of mature love, and interpersonal communication knows how to respect the necessary distance between people."

Deeply believed, the real mature people, the real heart of the love of people, they in the world know how to maintain a certain distance from people, but also know how to abide by the rules.

This is a kind of respect for each other's relationship, but also to maintain the courtesy that should be, to speak and act decently, and to raise their hands and feet just right.

People who abide by the rules will not lose the courtesy and sincerity they should have because of the pursuit of practical efficiency, nor will they rush to integrate because of changes in the outside world, for fear that they will not be able to integrate into the current circle.

A top-notch wisdom: obedience

2: Rules are a kind of upbringing

As the saying goes, there are no rules, no squares.

Indeed, in the family, children should pay attention to rules, so that they can get along well with their elders.

In society and at work, the elders must also abide by the rules and regulations of the company, or follow the necessary "rules" formulated by the company.

These are not only a culture, but also a cultivation rooted in everyone's heart.

In life, there are always some unwritten little details, some small etiquette, and these things are a kind of rule in the end.

It is precisely these often less conspicuous rules that can truly reflect a person's cultivation and quality.

Zhuge Liang once said:

"We shall not be proud, and arrogance will be disrespectful, and if we are disrespectful, we will leave, and if we leave, we will rebel."

A general who is easily proud will soon breed a disrespectful attitude and words and deeds, so he may show an invincible and uninhabited appearance wherever he goes.

A top-notch wisdom: obedience

Of course, others may be hindered by differences in status, or because of the estrangement of the relationship and dare not point it out in person, but they will have a feeling of alienation.

Once this kind of people's hearts are alienated, then over time, everyone will see the pride and arbitrariness of this general, and then they will leave.

As a result, it is conceivable that even if the general's personal ability is strong, he cannot withstand the strength of the people, and naturally he will not be able to accomplish a career.

Therefore, a person who truly abides by the rules will not only care about his own cultivation, but also pay attention to his personal quality.

Good upbringing and cultivation has always been a very confident rule.

This kind of rule can also evolve into a force, a force that wins people's hearts, a power that strengthens the heart and creates the future.

3: Rules are a kind of wisdom

Rules, in fact, are also patterns, or a kind of wisdom.

Yan Zun once said:

"The heart is like a rule, the will is like a ruler, the peace is like water, and the integrity is like a rope."

When a person has this awareness of rules, it is like putting a ruler in his heart.

Therefore, when doing things, there is a direction, a measure, and a scale.

Then, in order to achieve a square heart, calm as water, adhere to the bottom line, keep the bottom line, but also to open the pattern.

The state has the national law, the family has the family rules, and any family, a society, a nation, and a country have their own culture.

A top-notch wisdom: obedience

This kind of culture, in the final analysis, is an extension of the rules and a kind of survival wisdom.

Therefore, the rules, cultures, and beliefs formed over thousands of years are like the blood flowing on the body, which has a long history.

Therefore, please find the rules that suit you, or learn more about the rules of society, some of the rules of life.

Then, resolve the contradictions, sort out the esoteric points, find the laws in them, integrate into them, and find their own support points.

Then, this kind of life experience, life experience, can make you perceive a more wonderful and broad world, and then create your own wonderful life.


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