
Parents and children's practice

Many children are originally good, but some parents also look at this unpleasantly, that is not right, this is not comfortable.

To measure children by their own so-called standards, isn't this the devil's bed? Legend has it that the devil saw everyone pull over and put them on the iron bed, and saw off the head or foot that grew as long as it was longer than the iron bed he had built.

But if the person who puts on the iron bed is shorter than the iron bed, then forcibly stretch the head or legs of the person. None of the passers-by escaped his clutches.

The most critical and fatal thing is that such so-called parents still have to say: "Because I love you, others will not be like this." 」 ”

Reminds me of a little fable. One big winter, a strong man was chopping wood. His child was small, still a doll, in the swaddling next to him. Splitting him, he felt that his body was hot, so he took off one of his clothes. Then this thought, alas, the child must also be hot, and stripped off one of the little doll's clothes as well.

In the end, he was bare-chested, and the child was also bare-chested, and as a result, the child froze to death...

Is this love or harm? If this is love, it is stupid love.

I'm afraid he never thought about what he thought others should do. Is what he thinks really what he thinks? Does he think it must be 100% correct?

So is this 100% true for others? Is everyone the same?

In reality, too many so-called parents treat their children this way. The result is that the child becomes more and more unconfident, always feeling that he can't do it or that's not good, so he shrinks in everything he does, and becomes less self-respecting.

If I had to say there were problems, where did they come from?

If the child is not his own child, it is likely that none of the problems are problems. Obviously, the problem comes from the idea that it creates the problem, or the problem comes from the idea that it is problematic.

Well, I can't help but ask these parents:

Are those problems that you think of as children really children?

Are your (thought) children really "yours"?

Do you think it's really yours?

Are you (the think you) really you?

If the child is a parent. Then as a child of your parents, you are not yours, you are your parents'. Therefore, you are not even your own, where are your children yours?

Do you still think your child is "yours"?

Do you really think, (what the mind thinks) yours thinks is yours?

Do you really think you're really you?

Parents and children's practice

Parents are foolish to think that their children are their own. In a sense, this has created the separation of the original unity.

In fact, at most, it is said that children come through the fate of their parents, and the fate arises and disperses, and there is no ironclad relationship. Parents and children are at best related people.

Is it a good cause or a bad karma? No, because good and evil, good and bad, are nothing more than separate mental opinions, and there is no certainty.

In this way, how many parents are not ignorant?

Thinking that parents are ignorant or children are ignorant, thinking that there is such a thing as ignorance, this is still a kind of "ignorance"! After all, apart from the preconceived notions of the mind of false self-separation, where is there any foolishness?

If you don't have a problem, how can there be a problem with the existence of all the realities of this world, the whole universe?

If some parents insist that the problem is the child, or insist that the child is problematic.

So very good, since this is just a child's business, then what does all this have to do with you?

If you (the mind) think that all this needs to change, so you are extremely uncomfortable. This is clearly just a child's business, but you are not comfortable, who caused this? If therefore all kinds of results are caused, all kinds of troubles are brought about. What is the reason for this?

Does the child really need to change? Or do you (the mind) think it needs to change?

Maybe because of this, you find that the problem doesn't really come from the child, but from the one you (the mind) think.

So good, no problem for the kids. All your discomfort has nothing to do with the child, only because of certain discriminating thoughts of the self (mind).

The results that are caused, the troubles that arise, are only due to the original thought. It can really be said that one thought of heaven, one thought of hell, heaven and hell were created by the only intellect!

Further, you can see from this that the minds think it has nothing to do with you?

If you can perceive this, then thank you for thinking that you are liberated by it. Look, it's okay to even think!

How many people are doing the role of parents, the role of children, their own roles in the same way that they have never questioned?

That's how people live.

Rise up, people who don't want to be slaves!

Take this body and mind as the dojo of the world. See the falsehood of seeing all mental thoughts, and liberate yourself from the characters and stories of cognitive thoughts!

It's about the practice of parents and children.

This is the awakening of the whole human story, and this is the great liberation in the true sense of the word!

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