
The pressure of life has made many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a very difficult future

Online classes, in fact, cultivate children's self-discipline and self-consciousness, so that children can't help but have a habit of active learning, and the improvement of self can actually play a role in promoting. School education is only a part, family education is also very important, how the living environment, how the atmosphere of life, will also have a profound impact on children. Under pressure, let many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a difficult future.

The pressure of life has made many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a very difficult future

First, independent thinking

Many children's ability to think independently is not strong, in school, there are teachers with learning, under the guidance of teachers, you can quickly understand the content of learning. Without the guidance of the teacher, the ability to be independent has declined. Life is the same, when encountering problems, do not want to think, but to ask others for help how to solve, very dependent on people, such children grow up, will become unassertivized, the future life path, may become bad.

The pressure of life has made many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a very difficult future

Second, the ability to withstand pressure

Many people have weak ability to resist pressure, commonly known as the glass heart, encountering a little bit of small things is particularly easy to collapse, emotional fluctuations are relatively strong, do not want to bear the pressure of a place. As long as life is a little unsatisfactory and unsatisfactory, it is particularly easy to collapse. In the future after growing up, it is easy to be distressed by the disappearance of life, although it is not worth mentioning in the eyes of others, but for others it is a hurdle that cannot be passed. It is conceivable that in society, under the multiple pressures of life and work, you will feel helpless and confused.

The pressure of life has made many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a very difficult future

Not discouraged in the face of setbacks, calmly coping with failures, no big deal, only people who are really strong in their hearts will become a better version of themselves. When it is at a low point, we must move forward bravely, and when we encounter setbacks, we must insist on not giving up. As long as this is the case, it deserves a better and future. A strong heart, and a tenacious will, a tenacious inhibition, and a rich spirit are a person's greatest wealth.

The pressure of life has made many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a very difficult future
The pressure of life has made many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a very difficult future

Third, the ability to plan money

Many families have fallen into an economic crisis because of the epidemic, and even many parents are facing the risk of unemployment, as well as high mortgages and car loans, and credit cards must be repaid on time. Everyone should have a sense of danger in times of peace, have a correct concept of financial management, be more rational in consumption, and parents should be more cautious in investment. Financial management that should not be touched is resolutely not touched. In fact, it is also necessary to cultivate children's further understanding and understanding of money.

The pressure of life has made many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a very difficult future

Moonlight clan is the most risky thing, such as the salary just issued, two days to use up, after the twenty-eight days how to do, consumption should have a reasonable plan, even if there is a credit card, one day unemployed can not go to what to do? Therefore, in the treatment of money, we must take precautions, we must prevent problems before they occur, we must cultivate good awareness and financial quotient, and children should learn more about these knowledge. If children have no concept of money, they will lack the ability to plan money in the future, and the financial quotient is very low. Financial quotient refers to a person's ability to deal with money, not only to create wealth, but also to control wealth and apply wealth.

The pressure of life has made many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a very difficult future

What should parents do to improve their children's financial quotient and establish a correct view of money and consumption? Let's take a look at this book, and explore with children how to cultivate financial intelligence, in the book "Financial Business Enlightenment", in simple language, big truth, to explain the concept of money, and the use of money skills. It is very suitable for children in the initiation stage to read and learn.

The pressure of life has made many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a very difficult future

The use of a combination of pictures and texts to let children understand the process of making money, the story is rich, the language is concise, and the simple story contains a big truth.

The pressure of life has made many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a very difficult future

Let the child know the meaning of making money, and rely on labor to get the wages and remuneration they deserve. What to pay attention to when borrowing and repaying money, and how to deal with borrowing and repaying money.

The pressure of life has made many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a very difficult future

When borrowing other people's money, you must keep your promises, borrow and repay, and have credit, so that others may trust you. Others trust enough to help.

The pressure of life has made many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a very difficult future

In the face of untrustworthy borrowing, we must have the ability to refuse and be brave enough to say no. However, when conditions permit, it is also a very meaningful thing to be generous to others.

The pressure of life has made many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a very difficult future

"Spending money and so much learning" allows children to spend money more rationally, no longer blindly buying, no longer blindly spending money, and forming a more rational concept of consumption.

The pressure of life has made many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a very difficult future

Learn to manage your money and use it correctly when you need it later. Don't have money, just squander it at will, and maintain a clear understanding of money and a correct concept of money.

The pressure of life has made many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a very difficult future

There are some additional questions after the short story, which can make the child think after learning and fully mobilize the child's thinking.

The pressure of life has made many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a very difficult future

There are paintings in the book, there are books in the paintings, the story is interesting, the picture is rich, easy to understand, easy to get started, so that children can learn in one life scene after another, and help children understand the truth in the story.

The pressure of life has made many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a very difficult future

This set of books has been recognized by many experts, loved by children, and praised by parents, which is undoubtedly the biggest affirmation of the content of the book.

The pressure of life has made many people understand that children without these 3 abilities will have a very difficult future

The correct concept of money will accompany the child throughout his life, and the right values can provide great help to the child's future life path. This book is very necessary for children to read! The growth of children needs to spend a lot of time to cultivate, otherwise, the ability is not strong, emotional intelligence and financial intelligence are very low, the future road will become less smooth.

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