
Rise up, new forces, new strengths!

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A generation has a generation's mission and opportunities, and no one can stand at the head of the tide forever.

When the change of the times is carried out, the back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave, so that we can witness and embrace more new forces and new strengths together.

New forces and new strengths have filled the world with vitality and vitality.

The reason for such emotion stems from several events that have occurred in the past two days:


Early in the morning, Lu Ge, a neighbor and friend of the community, sent me a WeChat message, "I don't have time today, accompany me to pick up the car"...

Because the children were uncomfortable these two days and some sticky, the child's mother went out to do things early in the morning, and I explained the situation to Lu Ge and let him go alone.

Lu Gexi mentioned the new car - another electric father in the community

In fact, just the afternoon before, I had accompanied Lu Ge to the brand direct sales store of Huangpu Science and Technology Park for the final car viewing and test driving experience.

I just didn't expect the "surprise" to come so suddenly.

Lu Ge said that when he entered the store yesterday and saw the car, the sales staff informed him last night that one of the new cars we saw outside the store yesterday was the car that Lu Ge ordered and waited for for four months.

As a result, at about 17:22 on April 7, Lu Ge, who took the car home, sent me a message again, "Finally got it done, brought it back, fortunately you didn't go, so as not to delay your day, I thought I could get it done in half a day."

So I rushed downstairs with excitement and went to look at the new car that really belonged to him again. Yes, it's an electric car, and it's also the product of a brand of new car-making forces that is not so famous - zero-run C11.

According to our observation, this is probably our entire community, following the new forces of Electric Vehicles such as Weilai, Ideal, Xiaopeng, Weima, Tianji, and Xilis SF5, the first zero-run.

Rise up, new forces, new strengths!


Why did you have a 200,000 car purchase budget and buy this zero-run C11 that at least looks very niche for now?

On this issue, I think many people for unknown reasons, more or less have this question, Lu Ge and more zero-run C11 users of the car purchase process, we go back to separate details.

Here, everyone only needs to understand that the neighbors and friends of the le tease classmates bought a zero-run C11 for real money.

Tesla and Wei Xiaoli, who are blessed with a star aura, do not say, more and more new forces and new brands such as Skyrim, Weima, Xilis, zero running, etc., have also begun to enter thousands of households in the streets and alleys, and the times have really changed.

With a budget of 200,000, Wuhan is not a "limited purchase" city, and there are not too many brands and models to choose from!

Lu Ge's vote is not only a victory of zero running, but also a victory of a number of new car-making forces under the background of the change of the times.


After Lu Ge returned from the car, within two hours, a self-made video of a peer in the circle of friends once again aroused people's deep thoughts.

"After 5 years of making a hobby a career, I hated myself!"

It turned out that Zi Zhao, a little brother who had previously been a "car review host" on a short video platform and was also responsible for his appearance (more often in the circle, everyone used to refer to so-and-so "teacher" ) made his debut in the form of a self-statement video.

Yes, another generation Z young man, "left the platform to dry."

To be honest, due to the relatively small circle and other reasons, I met Zi Zhao at a test driving event a few years ago, a few years younger than me, but I have nothing to say about my appearance and talent, and I have shown great enthusiasm for automotive products.

Zi Zhao student B station "Infinite Love" video

On why he chose to "naked words" to start a business, Zi Zhao did not shy away from revealing his mental journey in the video, in a word, while still young, he could still toss and turn, be himself, and bravely fight for his dreams.

Frankly, I am not at all surprised by his bold and encouraging decision.

Acting and excellent guidance, this is an inevitable trend, and there will be more and more young generations with dreams, talents, and dare to think and dare to do, who will go forward and join the ranks of "leaving the platform to start their own businesses".

After all, in reality, the platform has the benefits of the platform, but what is protected will be bound by what. Ask yourself, how many "hit workers" are unhappy a lot of the time?

If conditions permit, or if temper and boldness are a little greater, I think more people will make similar choices.

In fact, just the day before, the author just exchanged this topic with another post-90s media colleague, who also just left the platform before the holiday to choose "self-reliance portal".

Regarding more and more Generation Z, choosing to break the shackles / jump out of the "comfort zone" to bravely start a business, the road ahead is dangerous geometry, the geometry of success or failure, is another topic that will not be elaborated on here.

As a first batch of post-90s who have "flowed" through this road and are "old", I would like to say to more big friends:

Most of the time when starting a business is of course "nine deaths and a lifetime", but since you think so and do it like this, then shake off your arms and fight hard.

Success or failure depends on the superposition of multiple factors, no matter what, dare to go, you have come ahead of many peers.


Just when my mood had not completely calmed down, the pre-sale conference of Lantu Dreamer began.

What is not surprising is that after sufficient warm-up and preparation, lantu automobile, which is incubated by the central enterprise Dongfeng, which prides itself on being the "new strength" representative of the new power camp of electric car manufacturing, finally released the second bullet on the basis of the victory of the first medium and large SUV Lantu FREE.

Somewhat unexpectedly, although the current epidemic prevention and control situation is still grim, it is not appropriate to hold large-scale offline activities, but for such a heavy new car, Lantu has not even arranged a some-scale online (media) activity.

Obviously it's not just a matter of "money".

In fact, there is very little money for an online event with hundreds of media outlets, which is largely due to the brand tone and the ideas and styles of the helmsmen.

Earlier in this regard, the author also exchanged views with some personnel of the manufacturer, and did not carry out analysis due to the limitation of space.

Like Lantu FREE, which continues to be held high, and the positioning and pricing are more high-end, the second mass production car of the Lantu brand, the Dreamer, has set its sights on the electric luxury MPV market segment in the higher price range of 400,000-600,000.

Will dreamers be as blockbuster as Lando FREE?

This question is put aside for the time being, just its courage to shine the sword, dare to shine the sword of the "bright sword spirit", the author feels that it is necessary to praise the Lantu brand, and a number of excellent new forces & new strengths including Lantu.

Not to mention the high-end business MPV market segment, any market segment, why has foreign brands been firmly occupied?!

When the rise of the great powers is carried out, the national tide is just red, the great changes and the era of great changes that have not occurred in a hundred years, all walks of life, including automobiles, Chinese brands are generally transforming into new and strong rises.

In fact, in terms of the emerging electrification and intelligent industrial changes, the new forces & new strengths represented by Weilai, Ideal, Xiaopeng, Lantu, Zhiji, etc., are concentrating on breaking through upwards and subverting the value system built by traditional giants such as BBA.

Needless to say, the era of foreign brands' profiteering should be accelerated to an end.

Write at the end:

The above seemingly unrelated things are intertwined, and people can't help but feel emotional:

There are talented people in the Jiangshan Dynasty, each leading the way for hundreds of years, and the prince will have a kind of Xiangning?

In the long course of history, countless cases have long shown us that a generation has a generation's mission and opportunities, and no one can stand at the head of the tide forever.

As the saying goes, a generation will eventually grow old, but there are always people who are young.

The "people" here can be extended to countries, nations, dynasties, etc. at a large level, and to each of us individually.

Once we see this clearly, and the corresponding general trend and direction, each of us must neither be arrogant nor arrogant.

In the final analysis, in the vast universe and the long river of history, we will only be a drop in the ocean of history.

Since this is the case, then life and death are looked down upon, and the √ is let go

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