
Why are playful kids smarter?

We often say that it is the nature of children to play. Children can play with concentration, observation, imagination, creativity and memory, play with intelligence and intelligence! Children can play with self-confidence, self-control, love, unity and cooperation, social skills, and cultivate IQ and emotional intelligence!



What are the characteristics of children who can play?

Children are energetic every day, running and jumping at home, jumping high, drawing with pens, and even going into the kitchen with pots, pots, bowls and knocking around, going out, they will also look around, touch, and can't idle for a moment. Parents are so tired that they just want to lie flat, but their children are still full of electricity.

However, parents can find that such children, no matter what environment they are in, can play on their own, they are imaginative, creative, and always play well.

Why are playful kids smarter?

Mom and Dad, you know what? Kids who can play are smarter!

Play promotes your child's physical development

Children sleep most of the time after birth, but as they grow older, their vision gradually broadens, they are curious about everything around them, so they unconsciously turn their heads and bodies to the left and right, wanting to see more.

At about 3 months old, they are almost able to turn over on their own, at this time, if mom and dad attract them with toys, their eyes will follow the toys, and in the process, their ability to follow the eyes will be exercised. Hand-eye coordination also improves as they lie in bed, trying to grab the bedbell at the head of the bed or trying to grab their feet.

At about 8 months, children will move their legs forward because they want to get the toy in front of them, and after many attempts, they will master the skills of crawling, and at the same time, their neck, back, limbs and waist muscles have also strengthened.

Do not underestimate the child's every attempt and effort, it is in the play again and again, they have laid the foundation of physical strength and motor coordination for learning to sit, crawl, stand, and walk in the future, and have built confidence.

Play promotes children's cognitive development

Children recognize and perceive the world while playing. They are very interested in everything in the outside world, and as their ability to act increases, they are free to explore everything that interests them. Parents can prepare some toys according to the child's age and interests, and under the premise of ensuring safety, let the children do it themselves, use their brains, and play by themselves.

In the process of building blocks, they will feel that the blocks are hard, the building blocks have different shapes, sizes and colors, and their hands-on ability and three-dimensional thinking ability will also be improved.

When playing puzzles, children's concentration and memory will be improved. Hide-and-seek games allow children to understand the concept of object persistence, and home games can stimulate children's imagination.

Play promotes children's language development

Reading picture books and telling stories can strengthen children's language expression ability and memory, and listening carefully to stories can also cultivate concentration.

In the process of interacting and playing with parents or other children, children's communication skills, social and language skills will also be further developed.

Why are playful kids smarter?

How can I get my child to play well?

Get closer to nature

In nature, children get a lot of stimulation. For example, when spring comes, children can see green leaves and red flowers, hear birdsong, and stimulate their imagination while understanding the colorful world.

Therefore, we encourage parents to take their children outdoors every day and often go to the park, such activities can not only expose children to nature and understand the natural world. It can also allow children to bask in the sun, promote the synthesis of active vitamin D in the body, and enhance the metabolism of bones. When playing outdoors, the child's body can get more oxygen molecules, enhance metabolism, and benefit physical development.

Exercise more

Exercise is the basis of a child's physical, psychological and intellectual development. With the help of games and small sports equipment suitable for children, you can play a good workout.

Running, running, jumping and jumping can exercise the muscle strength of the child's body; playing with children to shake the horse, riding a scooter, etc., can exercise the strength and balance of the lower limbs; playing the slide can exercise the child's balance ability, improve the child's sense of space and speed; playing high and low bars or horizontal bars, you can exercise the child's upper limb strength, the strength of both hands; walking the balance beam, you can exercise the balance and coordination of the body.

Interact with others more

Integrating into the collective and learning to interact with others are the necessary abilities for children to enter the collective life and enter the society. Usually, parents can take their children to contact the familiar environment around them, play with the children around them, encourage children to interact with others, communicate more, learn to unite and cooperate, and learn to make friends.

Why are playful kids smarter?

In summary, we can understand that many of the skills of children are mastered through play. A child's daily life, in addition to eating and drinking Lasa, is play. In play, they learn to see, listen, speak, learn to communicate with parents and children, learn to unite, help each other, learn rules, improve hands-on ability, hand-eye coordination ability, exploration ability, exert imagination, creativity, satisfy curiosity, and cultivate safety awareness.

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