
Five new car-making car companies announced sales in February, Weilai ranked at the bottom, and Xiaopeng won the championship

Although the domestic new energy vehicle market is a thriving scene, there were as many as dozens of new car-making car companies, and after a big wave of sand and sand, there are few left.

Among them, the performance in terms of sales is remarkable, basically leaving "Wei Xiaoli" and Nezha and zero-running cars.

Let's take a look at the sales of the above five car companies in the past March.

Five new car-making car companies announced sales in February, Weilai ranked at the bottom, and Xiaopeng won the championship

1st Place: Xiaopeng Motors

Xiaopeng Automobile sold 15,414 vehicles in February, an increase of 202.1% year-on-year and 147.6% month-on-month, which can be said to have set a record for the highest monthly sales of car companies that have created new car manufacturers.

Among them, the Xiaopeng P7 alone, the sales volume in March reached 9183 vehicles, and the Xiaopeng P5 sold 4398 vehicles.

The worst was the Xiaopeng G3, with sales of only 1833 units.

In this way, xiaopeng automobile officials previously said that the sharp decline in sales in February was due to the technical transformation of Xiaopeng Automobile's Zhaoqing base seems reasonable.

From January to March this year, the cumulative sales volume of Xiaopeng Automobile was 34,561 units, an increase of 159.1% over the same period last year.

Five new car-making car companies announced sales in February, Weilai ranked at the bottom, and Xiaopeng won the championship

2nd place Nezha Car

Nezha Automobile sold 12,026 units in February, an increase of 270.5% year-on-year and 69% month-on-month.

This is the second consecutive month of Nezha Automobile, becoming the runner-up in sales of car companies that are new car manufacturers.

It is worth noting that since the second half of last year, Nezha's car sales have begun to grow steadily. If you put aside the brand factor, from the perspective of sales in the recent period alone, Nezha Automobile seems to have entered the first camp of car companies with new car manufacturers.

In January this year, which car ushered in the 100,000th vehicle off the production line.

As of the end of March, the cumulative sales volume of Nezha Automobile this year was 30,152 units, an increase of 305.1% year-on-year.

Five new car-making car companies announced sales in February, Weilai ranked at the bottom, and Xiaopeng won the championship

3rd Place Ideal Car

Ideal Cars sold 11,034 units in March, up 125.2% year-on-year and 31.1% month-on-month.

Although in terms of sales, ideal car has been surpassed by Nezha car for many months, but only with the ideal ONE, a single model, ideal car can achieve such sales results, it is still worthy of praise.

Since the listing of the ideal ONE, this car has accumulated many months to become the domestic medium and large SUV single-month sales champion.

In the first three months of this year, the cumulative sales of ideal cars were 31,716 units, an increase of 152.1% year-on-year.

Five new car-making car companies announced sales in February, Weilai ranked at the bottom, and Xiaopeng won the championship

4th Zero-run cars

Zero-run cars sold 10,059 units in March, up 908.9% year-on-year and 192.8% month-on-month.

If I remember correctly, this is also the first time that a zero-run car has achieved a single monthly sales of more than 10,000.

Of course, even if the sales of zero-run cars surpassed those of Weilai Automobile in March, among the five new car companies mentioned in this article, zero-run cars are still in a backward position.

In the first three months of this year, the cumulative sales of zero-run cars were 21,579 units, an increase of 409.5% year-on-year.

Five new car-making car companies announced sales in February, Weilai ranked at the bottom, and Xiaopeng won the championship

5th NioLai Automobile

NIO sold 9,985 units in March, up 37.6% year-on-year and 62.9% month-on-month.

Surprisingly, in the past March, Weilai automobile sales were actually surpassed by zero running, and it also became the lowest sales volume among the 5 new car-making car companies.

In this regard, Weilai Automobile insiders revealed that they are still affected by the epidemic.

Whether this is the case or not, it is an indisputable fact that NIO's sluggish sales have been sluggish in recent times.

If the NIO ET7 that has just been delivered does not achieve good results in terms of sales, then it will be a very bad thing for NIO.

In the first quarter of this year, NIO's cumulative sales volume was 25,768 units, an increase of 28.5% year-on-year.

Five new car-making car companies announced sales in February, Weilai ranked at the bottom, and Xiaopeng won the championship

As for the sales of Weima Automobile, another new car-making force car company, it is estimated that it will have to wait.

But it can be expected that the sales volume of WM motors is likely not to be ideal.

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