
Viewpoint | New Energy Vehicles: Rising Oil Prices? I'm also up! Car market "God" in a dilemma?

Recently, the "general rise" momentum of domestic new energy vehicle companies has reached what extent? ......

Well, even the Hongguang MINIEV, which has always been regarded as a "national staging god car" and previously started at only 28,800 yuan, has risen!

Viewpoint | New Energy Vehicles: Rising Oil Prices? I'm also up! Car market "God" in a dilemma?

The rise of the "god car" is a full 4,000 yuan. The 13.9% increase and the price "threshold" thus broke through the 30,000 yuan mark - even SAIC-GM-Wuling, which "built cars for the people" in the minds of the majority of car owners, could not bear it, and the fierceness of this wave of "price increases" and the actual cost pressures faced by major new energy vehicle companies reflected behind it.

Therefore, there are more than one person who has soared by 20,000-30,000 yuan in a single time; as for Tesla, it has increased prices three times in a row in 8 or 9 days!

As can be seen from a relevant statistics on the Internet, as many as 20 car companies and more than 50 electric models have joined this round of "price increases".

Viewpoint | New Energy Vehicles: Rising Oil Prices? I'm also up! Car market "God" in a dilemma?

Compared with the hundreds of new energy products on the market, although the above figures do not seem to be much, their total sales account for more than 80% of the domestic new energy vehicle market.

In a word - those that sell well, almost all of them are rising!

Over there, it is the recent continuous "crazy rise" in oil prices.

When consumers are "surprised" and plan to "turn to the "camp" of new energy vehicles, this side of the box is not sooner or later ushered in the "price increase tide" - good coincidence? ......

For a time, the "gods" in the car market seemed to be in a situation of "left and right"--I don't know what you think about this? ...... Next, let's first ask the "Yuanfang" of "Car Power" -

After the price increase, the new energy vehicles are really not "fragrant"?

——The power of the car | Wang Wei

Under the influence of multiple factors such as "national subsidy slope" and "rising raw material prices", the domestic new energy vehicle market has encountered two "price increases" this year.

According to incomplete statistics, more than 80% of the hot new energy models on the market have implemented price increases - of which the increase is as little as 4000 to 5000 yuan, and the more is as high as 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.

Viewpoint | New Energy Vehicles: Rising Oil Prices? I'm also up! Car market "God" in a dilemma?

For consumers, this is obviously not a small amount. Some netizens even said: "The reason why I considered buying a new energy vehicle was originally to save fuel expenditure, but I didn't expect it to become a "one-time payment in advance" - it is really outrageous! ”

So, in the face of the "price increase tide" that seems to be intensifying, will new energy vehicles still be the "true fragrance" choice in the eyes of the majority of consumers? ......

In the author's opinion, the current new energy vehicle users can be roughly divided into two categories: namely, "just need family" and "early adopter".

First look at the former, because the "green card" is not limited to the line, unlimited number, coupled with the convenience of travel, low cost and many other advantages, chose to buy an electric vehicle to travel; as for the latter, or keen to chase technology and trends, or pay attention to energy saving and environmental protection concepts, so as to take new energy products as the "second car" at home.

Viewpoint | New Energy Vehicles: Rising Oil Prices? I'm also up! Car market "God" in a dilemma?

For the "just need family", as long as the increase is within the acceptable range, of course, there will still be some users willing to pay - after all, the car is sooner or later to buy, but no one knows how long this wave of "price increases" will last; as for the purchase tax subsidy, it will really be gone next year.

Looking at the "early adopters", they are more likely to regard new energy vehicles as an "electronic product", but there is not much urgent need for travel. Compared with price increases, they may be more concerned about whether the product itself can bring "a different experience from fuel vehicles."

Of course, once the price increase exceeds their affordable range, naturally no one will be willing to be the "wronged head".

Viewpoint | New Energy Vehicles: Rising Oil Prices? I'm also up! Car market "God" in a dilemma?

All in all, regardless of the starting point of consumers' respective needs, what they value more is naturally the four words "value for money".

In view of this, major new energy vehicle companies must not blindly "follow the trend" when making price adjustments, but need to make more reasonable and correct judgments according to their own product strength - only in this way can they achieve a "win-win situation".

Electric car: didn't expect it? Oil prices are up, and so am I!

——The power of the car | Deng Ruipeng

After seeing the continuous rise in oil prices, perhaps many people feel that electric vehicles will usher in a wave of sales increases.

But what is surprising is that what follows is that major new energy vehicle companies have announced "price increases" - including even entry-level electric vehicles such as Wuling Hongguang MINIEV.

At the same time, the issue of car costs, which has been widely concerned, has also fermented again.

The reason why many people choose electric vehicles, in addition to the smooth acceleration experience, the more important thing is the low cost of using the car - which is also the main reason why electric vehicles have attracted more attention after rising oil prices.

However, if you carefully calculate the account, you will find that the current difference in the cost of the car between the fuel vehicle and the electric vehicle will be completely "erased" by the price increase when the latter is purchased in the near future and the lower used car price when the car is changed and sold in the future.

Viewpoint | New Energy Vehicles: Rising Oil Prices? I'm also up! Car market "God" in a dilemma?

Therefore, from a comprehensive point of view, if only from the perspective of car cost, electric vehicles after the recent price increases do not seem to have obvious advantages - after all, if you buy a fuel vehicle at the same price, its ability to supplement and the breadth of car use scenarios are better than electric vehicles.

Of course, this does not mean that electric vehicles have temporarily lost their market competitiveness. From the perspective of energy conservation and emission reduction and user "early adopter", electric vehicles are still a very good choice at present.

Want to buy a new energy vehicle in the near future? Placing an order as soon as possible may be a wise choice

——Zhao Bingliang, the | of the car

Recently, the car circle has talked about a lot of topics, which undoubtedly includes the "same rise" in oil prices and new energy vehicle prices - so for consumers, should they order a car in the near future, or wait for the price to fall before selling? ......

Viewpoint | New Energy Vehicles: Rising Oil Prices? I'm also up! Car market "God" in a dilemma?

In fact, the main reason for the "collective" price increase of many new energy vehicle companies is the rise in raw material prices caused by market supply and demand and the recent international situation.

At present, it seems that the price of raw materials is unlikely to fall sharply in a short period of time, so the price of the car will naturally not be able to pull back; at the same time, in the face of the unpredictable international situation, the "collective" price increase of new energy vehicle companies is likely to be just a "prelude" - after that, we will usher in the "price increase tide" again.

Viewpoint | New Energy Vehicles: Rising Oil Prices? I'm also up! Car market "God" in a dilemma?

In addition, the "national subsidy" previously enjoyed by new energy vehicles will also be completely cancelled from next year. After car companies lose this part of the subsidy, the price of their terminal products is bound to increase; as for the preferential policies that new energy vehicles have been enjoying, they will not rule out changes.

Therefore, for consumers who have recently planned to buy new energy vehicles, it may be a wiser choice to place an order as soon as possible and sit and wait for the car.

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