
The price of BMW Brilliance X5 has been announced, starting from 605,000, is it to leave room for price reduction?

From the end of 2020 was exposed to plan domestic production, to last year's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology information exposure, this year's new car official map debut, and last night's listing, it is more than a year, frankly speaking, bmw brilliance X5 domestic speed seems to be faster.

In the BBA, after all, it is the first domestic medium and large SUV, and the sales volume in the imported car market is also among the best, and the domestic production of BMW X5 is to "go to a higher level".

The price of BMW Brilliance X5 has been announced, starting from 605,000, is it to leave room for price reduction?

If it were not for the 2022 Beijing Auto Show, the launch of the BMW Brilliance X5 would have been at the auto show, but the plan could not catch up with the changes, and could only be adjusted forward, and the offline was turned online. In addition, there is an Easter egg, that is, the new BMW i3 is also officially listed, and the manufacturer's suggested retail price is 349,900 yuan.

The price of BMW Brilliance X5 has been announced, starting from 605,000, is it to leave room for price reduction?

Let's talk about bmw X5, about what the domestic BMW X5 looks like, we focus on the price today, a total of 4 configuration models, and the price range is 605,000-775,000 yuan.

The price of BMW Brilliance X5 has been announced, starting from 605,000, is it to leave room for price reduction?

Once on the Internet once rumored that the domestic price of BMW X5 will be lowered to the range of 500,000, it turns out that BMW Brilliance still raises its proud head, but compared to the imported version of 699,900-839,900 yuan, it is already cheaper 6.49-9.46 million yuan, should be satisfied, in any case, BMW Brilliance is going to make money.

The price of BMW Brilliance X5 has been announced, starting from 605,000, is it to leave room for price reduction?

Some people will say that the imported BMW X5 is about this price, why choose BMW Brilliance X5? However, domestic and imported are two completely different sales channels, with essential differences. And BMW X5, as BMW Brilliance's new flagship SUV, is naturally to enhance the brand premium, of course, it may also be leaving room for terminal discounts in the later stage.

The price of BMW Brilliance X5 has been announced, starting from 605,000, is it to leave room for price reduction?

There is no doubt that BMW Brilliance X5 is worth recommending, whether from the value, space, brand, or power, the longest wheelbase of the same level, directly lengthened 130mm, 2.0T four cylinders and 3.0T six cylinders are available, to meet diversified needs, provided that you have an adequate budget.

The price of BMW Brilliance X5 has been announced, starting from 605,000, is it to leave room for price reduction?

Written in the end: when the Audi A7 was listed domestically, the sales volume was not ideal, and it could only look forward to the later discounts, and the X5 did not necessarily go in volume, but more importantly, the brand value.

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