
What are the consequences of a woman's failure to avoid her father? | psychological explanation of the Eliza complex

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Everyone's habits are not predestined, nor are they shaped after growing up, but are accumulated bit by bit in the process of growing up.

The behavior habits of early childhood can affect a person's later life development, although the outlook on life, world outlook and values at that time are very hazy, but it is undeniable that it is already the prototype of the three views.

Parents must pay attention to the fact that when infants and young children are in a period of establishing world views and psychological concepts, both parents should pay attention to their words and deeds, so as not to bring negative educational effects to their children.

For example, if the daughter is older, but still shows great affinity with the father, this phenomenon will make the child's thoughts and concepts deviate. Generally speaking, the female eldest does not avoid the father, and the eldest child does not avoid the mother, which will lead to the psychological unhealthy growth of the child, and may even bring unimaginable risks.

What are the consequences of a woman's failure to avoid her father? | psychological explanation of the Eliza complex

In the category of psychology, there are two kinds of psychological problems, one is the Eliza complex, that is, the electra complex, and the other is the Oedipus complex, both of which are formed in early childhood, although parents think that the child is still young and does not understand anything, but at that time they have developed a hazy love and desire for the opposite sex.

The above psychological problems mostly occur in children's 3 to 6-year-old age group, if they fail to get the correct guidance and care of their parents during this period, or miss this link in family education, then children in the future days, it is difficult to distinguish the difference between parents and other members of the opposite sex.

The key period for parents to help children establish emotional concepts is when the child is three years old, this time is the easiest time to correct the child's psychological problems, if you do not grasp the key stage, it will take a lot of effort to correct it later, if it is not corrected, it will even affect the child's marriage.

What are the consequences of a woman's failure to avoid her father? | psychological explanation of the Eliza complex

With the development of the times and the change of ideas and concepts, in the current society, people's cognitive level is constantly improving, although the concept of son preference still remains in the minds of some people, but there are also many people who have long given up the idea of feudalism, rather than raising boys, they want to have a daughter, not only that, there are people who call themselves daughter slaves, especially the father group.

Some fathers love their daughters too much, so they will always subconsciously maintain an intimate act with their daughters, taking the famous football star David Beckham as an example, he is a typical daughter slave.

For Beckham, his daughter is not just a child, but a unique princess, because all his children are sons before they are born.

This daughter is not easy to come by, so Beckham will naturally pour most of his love into the little girl.

What are the consequences of a woman's failure to avoid her father? | psychological explanation of the Eliza complex

When you search for past news, it is easy to see the loving interaction between Beckham and his daughter, who is really afraid of taking his daughter in his hand and afraid of melting in his mouth, but this love is not appropriate in the eyes of the outside world, because a photo he once had attracted countless criticisms.

In the photo, Beckham and his 7-year-old daughter kissed mouth to mouth, perhaps in his opinion, this is just a way to express love, but in the eyes of netizens, the child is already old and must maintain boundaries with his father, so his behavior is definitely a deformed education.

Psychologists say that most girls will take their father as their first fantasy object in the growth stage, which is very normal, because the opposite sex that girls most often come into contact with is the father, so they will naturally see the father as a partner in the period of ignorance.

What are the consequences of a woman's failure to avoid her father? | psychological explanation of the Eliza complex

Fathers must strictly control their behavior to their daughters, many of his actions will affect the daughter's understanding of the opposite sex and the cognition of gender relations in the stage of growth, this influence will even accompany his life, if not handled well, the daughter will also encounter many ups and downs in choosing a mate.

Whether it is a father or a mother, everyone should try to avoid intimate physical contact when in contact with the child, otherwise the child will form an Oedipus complex and a Oedipus complex, and will also make him have a wrong concept in other cognitive relationships.

Girls who have been intimate with their fathers for a long time can easily not know how to properly interact with boys when they are adults, and the same is true for boys who are very close to their mothers, and those inappropriate ambiguous behaviors in daily interactions are born from this, and if they bring misunderstandings to each other, they may cause unnecessary trouble.

What are the consequences of a woman's failure to avoid her father? | psychological explanation of the Eliza complex

Whether it is a boy or a girl, parents need to establish a correct sense of boundaries for him when he is young, do not feel that the child is still young, such education can be postponed, in fact, the child's growth is often rapid, before you react, he has grown up.

I don't know how you guys think about it, but if you have any ideas, let's talk about it at the bottom of the comments section.

- The End -

Author | Tommy

Edit | Rain

The First Psychological Writing Group | A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

参考资料:Bruk, A., Scholl, S. G., & Bless, H. (2018). Beautiful mess effect: Self–other differences in evaluation of showing vulnerability. Journal of personality and social psychology, 115(2), 192-205

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