
Confinement has taboos, these aspects do not pay attention, it is difficult to have a "second spring"

For Chinese people, confinement is a stage that has attracted much attention. In the eyes of the elderly, it is emphasized that the confinement sits well, the body recovers well, and the confinement does not sit well, and it is likely to leave sequelae. From a scientific point of view, Yue opera is indeed a postpartum woman, the stage of extreme weakness of the body, recuperation is good, then our physical problems can also be quickly eliminated, but if the recuperation is not good. It is likely to leave a small lesion on our body, causing secondary damage to the female body.

Confinement has taboos, these aspects do not pay attention, it is difficult to have a "second spring"

Therefore, confinement is indeed a more important process, so what are the taboos in the confinement? Must you never touch it?

First, do not get cold

For the traditional confinement, we must pay attention to the body, and no part can catch a cold. Throughout the month, we must do a good job of keeping the body warm, especially women who give birth to babies in winter, from the hospital to the home process, the work of keeping warm must be done well, and must not get cold.

Confinement has taboos, these aspects do not pay attention, it is difficult to have a "second spring"

Second, don't be too tired

For women in the confinement, physical fatigue and psychological exertion may cause the results of our poor recuperation in the confinement, so whether you are a feminist or a male in the family? Higher status is no reason for you to be too tired during the month. This time is very special, we still recommend to focus on cultivation.

The best way is to ask a sister-in-law at home or go directly to the confinement center. Be a comfortable and completely free scientific confinement.

Third, pay attention to windproof

Don't want to leave a body of problems after the confinement, we recommend that women should pay attention to wind protection during the confinement period. After giving birth, our bone slits have been completely open, at this time, if there is a cool wind invading, it is likely to lead to the occurrence of arthritis, many women have joint pain shortly after giving birth, which has a lot to do with the cold wind into the bone slit.

Confinement has taboos, these aspects do not pay attention, it is difficult to have a "second spring"

In addition to the above three points, we need to pay attention to, we also need to emphasize that couples must not have sex during the month.

Because the anterior and posterior curved bows require a recovery period, after the lochia is exhausted, we can consider the matter of husband and wife having sex. Especially women who have undergone a cesarean section, they must not joke about their bodies, but it is only a matter of our physical health, and even the safety of our lives.

Confinement has taboos, these aspects do not pay attention, it is difficult to have a "second spring"

Postpartum premature intercourse leads to female uterine infection and even uterine removal, therefore, we women must pay special attention to protect ourselves, after all, we shoulder the heavy responsibility of conceiving life, which also requires us in the face of this huge test, we must be able to withstand, do not cause great harm to our bodies because of temporary negligence.

On the road to parenting, we are all novices, how to take better care of children, you can pay attention to me, and discuss with me those things on the road to parenting.

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