
Financial consumer protection by your side, protecting rights and interests and preventing risks - Yongjia Rural Commercial Bank has carried out "five entry" centralized education and publicity activities in an all-round and multi-position manner

author:Tech Financial Times

From April to May, in accordance with the unified deployment, the Zhejiang Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration supervised the institutions under its jurisdiction to highlight the key points, grasp the rhythm, and carry out the 2024 financial knowledge "five entry" education and publicity activities of "entering the countryside, communities, campuses, enterprises, and business circles" at different levels and through multiple channels, so as to convey the positive financial energy of supervision and finance for the people to the society, so as to make the financial knowledge education and publicity deeper and more practical.

In order to effectively prevent illegal financial activities, improve the financial knowledge level of the masses and the ability to resolve financial risks, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers, under the deployment of the Yongjia Supervision Branch of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, Yongjia Rural Commercial Bank closely focuses on the theme of "Financial Consumer Protection by Your Side, Protecting Rights and Interests and Preventing Risks", gives full play to the advantages of the bank's "many outlets, wide distribution, and many personnel", takes the initiative to go into the community, approaches the masses, and carries out a series of consumer rights protection education and publicity activities of "being a person who understands finance". Guarding the people's money bags" has been concretized and practiced, and good results have been obtained.

Positive outreach to the community

Adhere to the case to explain the risk, guide each branch to scientifically arrange the consultation desk, publicity banners, posters, combined with specific case explanations, to publicize and explain to the masses consumer rights protection, anti-counterfeit money, anti-money laundering, credit investigation and other financial knowledge. Focus on doing a good job in anti-fraud publicity for vulnerable groups such as middle-aged and elderly people, the disabled, and help the elderly in communities with less access to the Internet to receive convenient financial services offline, and further enhance their awareness and ability of risk prevention, so as to increase the popularization of financial knowledge, and at the same time patiently answer the problems encountered by residents in handling financial business.

Financial consumer protection by your side, protecting rights and interests and preventing risks - Yongjia Rural Commercial Bank has carried out "five entry" centralized education and publicity activities in an all-round and multi-position manner
Financial consumer protection by your side, protecting rights and interests and preventing risks - Yongjia Rural Commercial Bank has carried out "five entry" centralized education and publicity activities in an all-round and multi-position manner

During the event, the Yantan Branch of Yongjia Rural Commercial Bank went deep into the Yantan community to carry out financial knowledge publicity and popularization activities, and publicized financial knowledge to community residents by setting up publicity platforms, hanging publicity banners, and distributing publicity leaflets in community parks and other venues with large traffic flows. At the same time, the financial experts with rich financial experience are specially arranged to provide consulting services for residents, and start from the financial knowledge close to the needs of the people, such as establishing risk awareness, preventing illegal fund-raising publicity and education, and the fraud routines that the elderly are easy to fall for, etc., to carry out in-depth and detailed explanations for the on-site community residents, so as to realize the "zero distance" and "heart-to-heart" communication and interaction with the community residents, effectively gather financial strength, and help community residents, especially elderly residents, identify financial scams, which has been well received by community residents. Up to now, more than 150 staff members of the bank have gone into different communities to receive more than 400 consultations from the public, helping the masses solve more than 130 practical problems, which have been unanimously welcomed by the community.

Knowledge is disseminated to the community

Actively carry out a series of activities of "financial knowledge into the community", take multiple measures to popularize financial knowledge to the community, and so far, a total of more than 1,000 leaflets have been distributed.

Financial consumer protection by your side, protecting rights and interests and preventing risks - Yongjia Rural Commercial Bank has carried out "five entry" centralized education and publicity activities in an all-round and multi-position manner
Financial consumer protection by your side, protecting rights and interests and preventing risks - Yongjia Rural Commercial Bank has carried out "five entry" centralized education and publicity activities in an all-round and multi-position manner

During the May Day holiday, the Qiaoxia Branch of Yongjia Rural Commercial Bank joined hands with Qiaoxia Hongdi Central Huafu Property to carry out a financial publicity activity with the theme of "deposit insurance" and "anti-money laundering", which won unanimous praise from the staff of Central Huafu Property and community residents. During the event, the bank's lecturers gave detailed and vivid explanations on issues such as "what is deposit insurance", "which deposits are protected", "which financial institutions are protected by deposit insurance", "what is the source of guaranteed funds" and "how high is the degree of protection", which not only improved the public's awareness of deposit insurance, but also let the masses understand the important role of deposit insurance in protecting the legitimate rights and interests of depositors in accordance with the law and promoting the steady development of the banking industry. At the same time, the lecturers popularized the dangers of selling and lending bank cards and receiving QR codes and other payment accounts to the community residents at the scene through the distribution of publicity leaflets, and warned residents to be vigilant at all times, so as not to become accomplices of criminals to commit illegal acts; Be wary of the trap of "running points", enhance the awareness of risk prevention, and don't be greedy for temporary profits.

Featured salons into the community

Focusing on the special group of "one old and one young", we will carry out special salon activities in the community in combination with hot spots, and publicize financial knowledge and financial policies benefiting the people to community residents through the promotion of short videos of "being a person who understands finance", holding tea parties, knowledge quizzes, theatrical performances, etc.

In order to further improve the anti-fraud awareness of the elderly, recently, the business department of the head office of Yongjia Rural Commercial Bank walked into the community university for the elderly to organize and carry out the micro-salon activity of "popularizing financial knowledge and enhancing the awareness of prevention", planting the seeds of "anti-fraud and anti-counterfeiting" in the hearts of the elderly. At the event site, the lecturers first popularized the operation and application functions of bank cards, mobile banking, online banking, ATMs, etc., to the elderly group, to help the elderly cross the digital divide, and effectively let the elderly "use, know, dare to use, and want to use" the bank's intelligent financial services and share financial information achievements. At the same time, the elderly who participated in the activity were introduced to the relevant knowledge of preventing telecommunication fraud and pension fraud, focusing on new high-incidence fraud methods such as impersonating the public procuratorate, health care product scams, lottery scams, and fictitious pension projects, telling the real anti-fraud cases that occurred in the outlets around them, exposing the "routines" of pension fraud by telling the risks of the case, and guiding the elderly to register and install the "national anti-fraud APP" and guard their "money bags".

Financial consumer protection by your side, protecting rights and interests and preventing risks - Yongjia Rural Commercial Bank has carried out "five entry" centralized education and publicity activities in an all-round and multi-position manner
Financial consumer protection by your side, protecting rights and interests and preventing risks - Yongjia Rural Commercial Bank has carried out "five entry" centralized education and publicity activities in an all-round and multi-position manner

The Yongjia Rural Commercial Bank's financial knowledge "five entry" education and publicity activities are still ongoing. In the next step, the bank will continue to innovate publicity methods, uphold the business philosophy of "finance for the people", effectively safeguard the rights and interests of financial consumers, and carry out financial knowledge publicity and education activities on a regular basis.

Correspondent of this newspaper: Xing Wanyue

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