
Aries Crescent: Meet the "Wounded Healer"


Translation & Finishing/Rustling

On March 20, 2022, the Sun entered the constellation Aries, and the new year in the astrological sense began. But it wasn't until the first crescent moon appeared in Aries that everything really started to work.

The New Moon Aries occurs on April 1, 2022, and the most special place about this new moon is its conjunction with Chiron: the distance between the Moon, the Sun and Chiron is less than 1°. The Moon is located at 11°30' Aries, the Sun is located at 11°30', and Chiron is located at 12°18' Aries. If that's not enough, we can also count Mercury: Mercury is at 9°44' Aries and is also quite closely related to the new moon.

Chiron Star, the planet that represents the "wounded healer," has profoundly influenced the New Moon.

Unique crescent moon

In astrology, the conjunction of the four planets is quite powerful, and when the new moon participates, the constellation becomes rarer, brighter, and more powerful. What is more special is that, apart from the chiron star, the sun, moon, mercury and other planets have almost no angular relationship.

On the entire new moon's astrolabe, there are almost no phases. You can see the constellation of the New Moon, you can see Venus-Mars-Saturn combined in the constellation of Aquarius, and a weaker Mars-Uranus quadrant... That's all there is to it! Nothing else.

Aries Crescent: Meet the "Wounded Healer"

No phase means there isn't any energy to distract. The universe asks us to set aside everything else, to pay attention to this new moon, to the Aries part of our chart.

Whether or not you have a planet that falls in Aries, there is always an area (house position) on your astrolabe that is in Aries. Whenever a planet passes by Aries (as it is now), this area on your astrolabe is activated.

Chiron has been in Aries since 2018 and will stay here until 2027. Chiron's mission is to help us heal the areas of the astrolabe that are controlled by Aries.

If Aries rules your first house, it dominates your identity. If Aries is in charge of your second house, it dominates your self-worth and everything that comes with it: money, possessions, and other things that give you stability and security. And so on.

Chiron's energy as an asteroid is quite subtle, and it affects us in an unconscious way. When other planets activate Chiron, what was originally locked in our subconscious "drawer" is released.

Opportunities for healing

When the crescent moon is combined with Chiron Star, the "Wounded Healer", it brings a precious healing opportunity.

This is the first new moon of the year of 2022 astrology, so it is particularly important. It will lay the groundwork for the next 11 new full moons – it will be the cornerstone of the type of energy we witness in this astrological year.

The universe is asking us— almost to order us — to "do something." Because that's the energy of Aries. It's time to act. We can no longer stand still, hide problems and cover up mistakes. Aries carries an atmosphere of urgency that requires our immediate attention.

Chiron brings us crises and hurts, but also opportunities for healing.

Aries Crescent: Meet the "Wounded Healer"

(Greek mythological figure associated with Chiron: Macharong the Half-Man with Healing Abilities and Wisdom)

Before being cured, we will see a worsening of symptoms. However, this temporary "bad situation" is precisely the first step towards healing, although it may not seem so.

For example, when we have a fever, people feel uncomfortable – but a fever means that our immune system is battling the disease. Similarly, if we want to be healed, we must first take the wound out of the unconscious and bring it into the consciousness. Of course, once we are aware of the presence of a wound, we feel pain. But this is a necessary and unavoidable part of the healing process.

Chiron asks us to pay attention to the parts of ourselves that have been broken or injured. When these traumas are not acknowledged, they lurk behind the scenes. Although it hurt faintly, we didn't know what it was. We will try to stop the suffering, but in the process, there is likely to be overcompensation.

For example, if we lack self-worth, we may focus too much on our appearance, overeat, or overwork to prove our worth. However, we don't actually address the problem of self-worth – because, remember, wounds exist unconsciously at this stage. In the end, we realize that the over-compensating approach simply doesn't work. The only effective way is to face the wound and embrace it.

A key milestone in AA (Alcoholics Mutual Aid Association) and other similar rehabilitation programs is the ability of the person to admit that he or she has a problem and then take responsibility for himself/ herself. This stage of acceptance is the key to healing.

"Accepting pain" is the function of the Chiron phase. When we meet Chiron, trauma moves from the subconscious to the conscious. The wound is no longer hidden, we feel it and do something about it.

Once the wound is acknowledged, the pain that prompts us to seek relief also becomes a healing gift.

The trauma of our own identity helps us to see the beauty and uniqueness of ourselves and others.

The trauma of self-worth translates into a healthy ability to survive. We have the ability to take care of ourselves and others without exhausting ourselves.

The struggles we experienced in early years of communication will make us better communicators.

Feelings of anxiety or dissatisfaction can be transformed into art that touches the heart.

Failures in relationships can lead us to grow into more mature partners.


Chiron has the unique power to transform initial trauma into talent, mission, and most precious wealth.

Aries Crescent: Meet the "Wounded Healer"

But we need to "see" that possibility. When crises and wounds are exposed, we need to sit next to the wounds instead of continuing to cover it and paralyze it.

Face the trauma, feel it, accompany it, heal it. This powerful Aries Crescent is our chance to complete the Chiron homework.

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