
headache! "Night Crying Lang" makes parents helpless, and the doctor gives you a trick!

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point reporter Han Hongli correspondent Chen Fei

Late at night, everything is silent, and the parents who have worked hard for a day should have reached the moment of falling asleep, but there are always some children who start to sleep unsteadily and cry restlessly at night, which is commonly known as "Night Crying Lang".

The baby is crying sadly, parents listen to the heart, on the one hand, worried about the baby's lack of sleep, affecting growth, on the other hand, they are not well rested, exhausted, but also afraid of affecting the neighbors.

headache! "Night Crying Lang" makes parents helpless, and the doctor gives you a trick!

In the face of the "Night Crying Lang", find the cause

"First of all, we must seriously look for the reason why the baby cries at night. Then, look for a solution based on the cause. Li Ling, Child Health Research Institute of Jinan Children's Hospital, said.

See if it's time to change diapers or if the clothes or surroundings are uncomfortable for your baby.

When the baby has bowels and urine at night, the excrement will make the baby feel uncomfortable, and it will also cause crying, so we must pay attention to check whether the baby is smelly or whether the diaper is too much urine, and if there is a change in time. Also, if the baby's clothes are too tight, the quilt is too thick, or the surrounding environment is too cold, too hot, or the surrounding environment is noisy, it will also cause the baby to cry at night.

Second, see if the baby is hungry or overeating.

If your baby doesn't have enough to eat during the day, he will cry and sleep at night when he feels hungry. If the baby in the confinement has a small stomach capacity and frequent feeding, it should be fed on demand, if the mother likes to fix the feeding time, the feeding interval is long, and the baby is hungry and can only use crying to express dissatisfaction and hunger.

There are also babies who have added complementary foods, some mothers are always afraid of the baby's accumulation of food, feeding less during the day, or only eating porridge, noodles and other low energy density supplements, the baby is also prone to hunger and crying at night. Some parents are always afraid that the baby will not eat enough, frequent feeding during the day or eating more snacks before going to bed, and the heavy gastrointestinal burden or nocturia when the baby sleeps will also affect the quality of sleep.

Three to see if the baby sleeps too much during the day.

Li Ling suggested that infants within 6 months of age generally sleep 3 to 4 times during the day, each time for 1.5 to 2 hours; infants aged 7 to 12 months sleep 2 to 3 times during the day, each time for 2 to 2.5 hours. Sleeping too much during the day, being very energetic at night, unwilling to sleep again, and if no one pays attention, there will be crying and making incessant, forming a black and white upside down.

Look four to see if it is caused by the improper way of coaxing the baby to wake up and cry at night.

Before bedtime, parents have the habit of holding their children to pat, shake, move around or have nipples. These activities that accompany falling asleep continue until the child is asleep before gently placing him on the bed, and over time the habit is formed. It is normal for children to wake up at night after a cycle of sleep, generally slightly active and fall asleep, and parents are not even aware of it. But such a child cannot fall asleep on his own because he lacks the accompanying activities of falling asleep that he is accustomed to. Waking up still requires holding, patting, shaking or holding a nipple to fall asleep, and crying without meeting his requirements.

Five to see if the baby has food allergies or colic.

Babies with food allergies may sleep less, be irritable, cry at night, and babies with allergies may also have eczema, spitting up, diarrhea, blood in the stool, etc. Infants sometimes have intestinal colic, mostly in the evening or evening, manifested by restlessness or crying behavior that is difficult to soothe, and infantile colic usually occurs at 2 weeks of age and disappears spontaneously at 3 to 4 months of age.

Six to see if the baby is "calcium deficiency".

Calcium deficiency or/and vitamin D in rickets can also cause nighttime crying. Such a baby may have symptoms such as hyperhidrosis, easy to panic, square skull, chicken breast and so on.

Seven to see if the baby is sick.

When your baby is sick, it can also affect the quality of sleep, such as fever, cough, nasal congestion, earache caused by otitis media or otitis externa, and itching caused by pinworm disease, etc. will make it difficult for the baby to sleep. Intussus folded babies will have paroxysmal crying accompanied by vomiting, jam-colored stools, etc. In addition, skin bites by mosquitoes or certain allergic reactions, such as urticaria, cause itching of the skin and cause the baby to cry.

How to deal with the "Night Cryer"?

First of all, according to the reason why the child is crying. Li Ling said that if it is caused by environmental factors, improve the child's sleeping environment. "The ideal bedroom temperature is generally 20-25 ° C, relative humidity of 60%-70%. It is easy to fall asleep in a low-light environment and avoid sleeping in a bright environment. Li Ling suggested that parents should try to wear loose, soft clothes to sleep with their babies, and the quilt should be thin and thick.

"If you pull the urine, you should change the diaper for the child in time." Li Ling said that if the baby sleeps too much during the day, parents can consciously wake the baby up or tease him to play for a while. Through a few days of adjustment, you will gradually develop the habit of sleeping less during the day and sleeping long at night. If you suspect that your child has colic, parents can try "airplane hugging" to relieve the baby's crying with colic. If it is caused by rickets, vitamin D and calcium supplementation need to be supplemented with a doctor.

It is important to prevent your baby from crying at night and develop good sleep habits.

Parents can gradually cultivate their baby's regular sleep time from 3 to 5 months. Holidays should also maintain a fixed bedtime and wake-up time to maintain a normal sleep rhythm. "Generally no later than nine o'clock in the evening, but it is not recommended to go to bed in the morning. Parents should learn to recognize the baby's sleep signal, some babies will rub their eyes, pull their ears, in a daze, then help the baby fall asleep, it will be easy and quick to fall asleep, to avoid crying and then coaxing to sleep. Li Ling said.

Parents can also arrange 3-4 bedtime activities, such as small babies can wash, massage, feed, listen to music; as they grow older, breastfeeding should be separated from sleep, at least 1 hour before bedtime, to avoid frequent feeding, urination and interference with sleep. Children aged 2-3 can be accommodated for washing, toileting, storytelling, etc. The activity time is controlled within 20 minutes, and try to make sure that the child is in a quieter state at the end of the activity.

After the end of bedtime activities, send the child back to bed, do not give too much sleep behavior, children in the small age group should not sleep, sleep in the arms or breastfeeding, parents can accompany the side, wait for the child to fall asleep and leave.

Parents should also pay attention to the fact that some situations also require the baby to seek medical treatment.

If the baby cries loudly, the mental state and face during the crying interval are normal, the appetite is good, the sucking is favorable, the development is normal, there is no fever and other manifestations, the parents meet the needs of the child or after the bad stimulus is lifted, the crying continues to fall asleep peacefully, generally for the physiological night cry, parents do not have to worry.

"However, if there are any children who have the above-mentioned symptoms of illness or are mentally weak, irritable, crying sharply, feeding and eating poorly, growth retardation or crying is not easy to soothe, it is recommended that parents take their children to a professional health care institution for treatment." Li Ling said.

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