
Milk powder problems are frequent, how to choose a good milk powder? Choosing the right one can also enhance your baby's immunity

Over the years, milk powder problems have emerged in an endless stream, which has worried many parents. Many merchants in order to make huge profits, and do not care about the health problems of infants in swaddling, as parents, for the choice of milk powder, be cautious. How to choose milk powder, if selected correctly, can also enhance the baby's immunity.

At the time of birth, newborns can only obtain nutrients from milk due to the incomplete development of their body organs. Formula milk as a substitute for breast milk, in the choice of caution, some time ago, Weibo hot search has a well-known brand of milk powder exposed quality problems, and suffered a huge fine of 9.09 million.

Milk powder problems are frequent, how to choose a good milk powder? Choosing the right one can also enhance your baby's immunity

There are many milk powder brands on the market now, how to choose? With the globalization of the economy, the imported milk powder abroad is now also a lot of purchase channels, so many parents first choose the milk powder region. Many parents here have a misunderstanding that imported milk powder must be better than domestic milk powder. This is not necessarily the same, the physique of people in each country is not the same, so imported milk powder may not be suitable for Chinese babies.

Many parents dare not choose domestic milk powder, also because of the continuous problem of milk powder in recent years, but there are also many excellent milk powder companies. If you want to choose milk powder, you must choose a long period of existence and a good reputation. At the same time, it is best to have a baby around to eat. Now is an information age, you can also find some information on the Internet, from the experience of others to get answers.

Milk powder problems are frequent, how to choose a good milk powder? Choosing the right one can also enhance your baby's immunity

To choose the origin of milk powder, it is necessary to choose an area with less environmental pollution. Of course, the factory that produces milk powder is well-equipped and the quality is controlled. In this way, whether the milk powder will be polluted in the process of manufacturing is also the focus of the quality of the milk powder.

Milk powder is processed by animal milk, in this processing process, if it is not a milk powder processed into powder, it will cause serious loss of nutrients, high-temperature processed milk powder will also increase secondary pollution, and milk powder processed many times, it will increase the absorption difficulty of milk powder macromolecular protein, if the baby eats, it will cause constipation. This can be seen that when we choose milk powder, we try to choose milk powder that is processed into powder at one time.

Milk powder problems are frequent, how to choose a good milk powder? Choosing the right one can also enhance your baby's immunity

In addition to the origin and processing technology of milk powder, the formulation of milk powder is also very important, milk powder as a substitute for breast milk, the natural ingredient is the closer to breast milk, the better. If these professional knowledge, Bao Mama must do her own homework, and cannot listen to business advertisements and let them go. Kung Fu pays off, as long as the mother wants to find, you can definitely find a better, after all, this is the baby's rations, the wrong choice will have a great impact on the baby.

If your mother does not know the choice, she can also turn to the doctor of obstetrics and gynecology. After all, the doctor has been in contact with the baby for many years, and has professional knowledge, and has a better understanding of the baby's needs. One of the main purposes is that the doctor's original intention to help the baby is friendly, without any utilitarianism, and there is a big difference between the merchant salesman.

Milk powder problems are frequent, how to choose a good milk powder? Choosing the right one can also enhance your baby's immunity

In fact, no matter how many types of formula milk are on the market, they are still inferior to breast milk. Breast milk contains more than 2,000 known beneficial ingredients for the human body, which can help babies grow and develop better in intellectual and physical life. At present, scientific and technological means can only analyze more than 200 kinds.

Most of the formula milk powder is made of animal milk as the basic material, and then scientifically processed to make a powder. During the manufacturing process, nutrients are added and bacteria are also killed. These processes can cause certain nutrients to pass and the taste to deteriorate. Formula milk generally adds only a few dozen ingredients, and many precious ingredients in breast milk do not have. Therefore, formula milk powder cannot be compared with breast milk in terms of nutritional composition and taste.

Milk powder problems are frequent, how to choose a good milk powder? Choosing the right one can also enhance your baby's immunity

Although breast milk is the best food for the baby, many mothers are unable to provide breast milk to the baby. Some are objective causes, some are subjective reasons. Objectively speaking, it is nothing more than insufficient breast milk for the mother, and if the baby's food intake is large, it is more likely to have insufficient breast milk.

Another common situation is that the mother has to go to work and cannot take the child at home, but the breast pump can be used to solve this problem, if the mother has time, the breast milk can be sucked out with the breast pump, bagged, and placed in the freezer. In this way, when the baby wants to drink, it can be taken out to defrost and heated. Just in this way, it will increase the difficulty of feeding, but from the perspective of the baby's health, it is more secure.

Milk powder problems are frequent, how to choose a good milk powder? Choosing the right one can also enhance your baby's immunity

Some mothers, for the purpose of stature, are afraid of deforming their bodies when feeding their children, so when the child is born, they choose to give up breastfeeding and directly formula milk. There is nothing wrong with that. If the baby was born prematurely, or if the baby was born with a low weight, breastfeeding is more recommended, after all, breast milk is more conducive to the absorption of the baby.

Of course, the baby's health in addition to food is important, as well as sleep is also very important, the baby in the confinement period, the main is to eat and sleep, at this time to create a good sleeping environment for the baby, to feed the baby breast milk, it will make the baby grow white and fat, more healthy.

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