
Pregnant women should supplement iron, why? What are the hazards of iron deficiency, and how should iron be supplemented?

I believe that everyone has heard in life, to use more iron pot stir-frying remarks, so that it can help our body to replenish the iron required. In our daily life, iron supplementation is indeed a very important thing, because our body has no way to synthesize iron on its own, and it must be able to supplement iron through food intake. It is precisely because of this that if we do not eat more iron-rich foods, it is easy to cause iron deficiency in our body, which in turn triggers a series of adverse reactions.

Not only do we ordinary people need iron supplementation, there is a group of people who need iron supplementation more than we do, this kind of group is a woman during pregnancy, if pregnant women do not pay attention to iron supplementation, it will have a lot of adverse effects on the body, and even have certain harm to the fetus in the abdomen.

Pregnant women should supplement iron, why? What are the hazards of iron deficiency, and how should iron be supplemented?

Why do women during pregnancy need iron supplementation more?

Pregnancy is a very special period for women, and women during pregnancy are also at high risk of developing symptoms of iron deficiency. This is because when a woman becomes pregnant, the woman's uterus will begin to enlarge, the blood vessels in the body will begin to gradually thicken, and the blood volume in the body will begin to increase. To put it simply, there is more blood in the pregnant woman's body, but the iron in the body does not increase when the blood increases, which is easy to lead to problems such as iron deficiency anemia.

Because of its own physical reasons, the pregnant woman's own demand for iron increases, and the fetus in the pregnant woman's stomach also needs iron, so the demand for iron during pregnancy is much larger than normal, and it is correspondingly more likely to appear due to various symptoms caused by iron deficiency.

The problem of iron deficiency in pregnant women during pregnancy is relatively common, one is that the demand for themselves and the fetus increases, and the iron requirements for metabolism are also more, and the other is because the iron intake through normal food is very limited and may not be able to be completely absorbed, so it is easy to be iron deficient. Although such a problem is very common, but must not be because of the common lack of attention, pregnant women must pay attention to adequate iron supplementation during pregnancy, otherwise it will have a lot of adverse effects on the body.

Pregnant women should supplement iron, why? What are the hazards of iron deficiency, and how should iron be supplemented?

What problems can occur when women are deficient in iron during pregnancy?

The harm of iron deficiency in pregnant women is very large, and once it reaches moderate or severe iron deficiency, symptoms of iron deficiency anemia will occur. The development of iron deficiency anemia reduces the resistance of pregnant women and can easily trigger the risk of infection during childbirth. Moreover, it is easy to cause pregnant women to have high blood pressure during pregnancy, excessive blood loss after childbirth, trigger shock, and even cause maternal death in serious cases. If there is no problem during childbirth, it may also lead to postpartum depression, postpartum infection, and poor mother-child interaction.

Iron deficiency in pregnant women is also quite harmful to the child in the abdomen, which can easily lead to serious problems such as premature childbirth, miscarriage, and even death, which seriously endangers the health and life safety of mothers and children, and must be paid attention to.

The above situation is a serious problem caused by iron deficiency, generally mild iron deficiency will not have a very serious problem, but it is certainly not good for the health of the mother and baby, so it is very important to ensure the supplementation of iron in pregnant women.

Pregnant women should supplement iron, why? What are the hazards of iron deficiency, and how should iron be supplemented?

Several common misconceptions about iron supplementation

Iron pot stir-fry to supplement iron: can iron pot stir-fry supplement iron? The answer is yes, but the effect is not very good. Usually, we use an iron pot to stir-fry, which can make the iron ions in the iron pot precipitate, and then integrate into the dish to increase the iron content of the dish, so it is indeed able to help our body iron supplementation. However, the iron pot that helps us replenish iron belongs to inorganic iron, and the absorption efficiency of our human body is not high, so it is still difficult to rely solely on the iron pot to not lack iron. However, normal or recommended to use an iron pot to stir fry, long-term use or some help.

Red dates, brown sugar iron supplementation: like many of our older generation, they all say that these two foods can help replenish blood, women should eat more, in fact, such a statement is wrong. The key to the problem of iron deficiency anemia is iron deficiency, so it is most important to supplement iron. The iron in the red dates is still quite high, but the iron in the red dates is not conducive to the absorption of iron by the human body, even if you eat a lot of red dates, it is not helpful for the human body to supplement iron. And brown sugar is not to mention, there is no iron element at all, it is impossible to use brown sugar to supplement iron, and there is basically no big difference with white sugar, only the nutrition is slightly higher.

Pregnant women should supplement iron, why? What are the hazards of iron deficiency, and how should iron be supplemented?

How should pregnant women get iron supplementation?

First of all, you should eat more red meat and animal liver, red meat is well understood, that is, often eaten pork, beef and the like are red meat, and animal liver is also rich in iron, for the human body iron supplement is a good choice, in the choice of food as far as possible to choose lean meat, so that you can supplement iron at the same time, do not consume too much fat, for women is also healthier.

Secondly, you should eat more vitamin C-rich foods, some common fruits and vegetables, are rich in vitamin C, this step is not direct iron supplementation, vitamin C supplementation can promote the body's absorption of iron, sometimes the human body's absorption efficiency of iron is low, even if you eat a lot of iron-containing foods, there is no effect, at this time should be supplemented with vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables, is able to help us supplement iron.

Pregnant women should supplement iron, why? What are the hazards of iron deficiency, and how should iron be supplemented?

Finally, when there is no way to obtain enough iron for food supplementation, you should eat some iron supplements, common ferrous sulfate, ferrous lactate, etc., ferrous lactate is the most convenient to absorb and utilize, and the irritation to the stomach and intestines is the smallest, you can use this way to supplement iron. However, when using it normally, you should still follow the doctor's instructions and choose the most suitable way of supplementing iron.

Iron is a very important element in our body, and we should also pay attention to the supplement of iron. Usually, our body's intake of iron is generally insufficient, so in addition to pregnant women, everyone should eat more iron-containing foods, adolescents, the elderly and weight loss people are more prone to iron deficiency symptoms of the population, should pay attention to timely iron supplementation, to avoid adverse effects on the body.


"Still relying on the iron pot to stir-fry vegetables to make up for iron? Teach you how to supplement iron scientifically, these 5 types of people especially need attention" Medical Forum Network2019-12-04

"Clinical Analysis of Calcium supplementation and iron supplementation during pregnancy to prevent the occurrence of hypertensive diseases in pregnancy", Medical Forum Network2015-10-15

"Comprehensive Interpretation of Pregnancy complicated by Iron Deficiency Anemia: Screening and Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention" Health Community2020-07-13

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