
How do you view the high expectations of parents and the low desires of children?

How do you view the high expectations of parents and the low desires of children?

There are often parents who visit anxiously, spend huge sums of money on their children from an early age, and even devote all their families to let their children receive the best education and provide the best material life, originally expecting that their children can find a decent and high-tech job after graduation, on the one hand, they can give back to their parents to pay, on the other hand, they can live a better life on their own. The result was a great disappointment to the parents.

Either some children are not low because of their work, they lie flat at home and eat the old.

Or is it because you can't stand the competition and pressure of high-paying jobs, do jobs that don't match your own ability, be content with the status quo, and don't seek progress?

How do you view the high expectations of parents and the low desires of children?

First of all, high education and high ability, high workplace competitiveness can not be equated. A high degree can only indicate a high level of skill in a particular professional field. However, whether you can be qualified for a highly competitive position, in addition to the necessary professional skills, you also need comprehensive skills such as interpersonal coordination, communication, resilience, and workplace strain.

Second, in addition, many parents overly focus on the accompaniment of children's learning ability, ignoring the comprehensive training of children's other personality qualities, coupled with the large package for children in life from an early age, children in addition to learning, life self-care ability is very weak, work pressure is large, self-life care is a mess, resulting in a vicious circle.

Finally, from an early age in material life, parents always do their best to satisfy their children, never let their children experience the hardships of earning money and life, children go to society, even if they begin to be ambitious, it is difficult to adapt to the hardships of life and work at once.

And if the child has never experienced the pain of lack of money, where is the motivation to earn money? What's more, even if their children are already working, some parents are still worried that their children will not have enough money to spend and subsidize at any time.

How do you view the high expectations of parents and the low desires of children?

Therefore, if you want your child to struggle independently and not lie flat, not simply let him go to a good school, the key is to cultivate his self-reliant and self-reliant character from an early age, take responsibility for himself from primary school, do his own things, cultivate hard-working, dare to pay, optimistic spirit, and pay attention to the cultivation of children's communication, interpersonal communication, resistance to setbacks, and other comprehensive abilities.

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