
One-two-three future: Criticism education has lagged behind

Many parents of students will use criticism to educate and cultivate their children when they educate their children. Parents intend to let their children know that what we need to do is wrong. But these parents often do not think that the child is still very small, most of the children's psychological endurance is not very strong, this kind of education method will only hurt the child's self-confidence. One-two-three-three future editors believe that criticism education has the necessity of existence, but it has lagged behind.

One-two-three future: Criticism education has lagged behind

Parents need to know how to avoid critical education, and they need to know how to guide their children to know right and wrong through praise, so as to establish their correct values.

Some parents often express their anger by yelling at their children to make the same mistakes over and over again. In fact, roaring doesn't have an immediate effect, sounds and effects are often inversely proportional, education is not an outlet for emotions, and sounds don't solve anything, but make your child feel like you're uneducated and they lack respect. If both children and adults lose their temper, criticism is likely to escalate to crying and verbal abuse, and the educational effect will be offset to zero.

A long-term plan is based on education; education, educating people is the most important; education plan to educate people, moral education first; moral education is the most important thing is the method. Among the many methods of education, criticism is undoubtedly a double-edged sword – if you use it well, you can educate people for your own use; if you do not use it well, you will hurt yourself and others.

How to do the right criticism?

First, fully praise first, and then appropriate criticism.

Second, combine criticism with encouragement.

Third, choose the right time and seize the best time.

Fourth, in the process of criticism, we should remain calm and peaceful.

One-two-three future: Criticism education has lagged behind

We have a term called Chinese parents. These parents like to get together and make fun of their children for some mistakes. Adults often think that talking about some of the little mistakes children have made in their lives when they meet with relatives and friends can add a cheerful atmosphere to the party. They only think that children are cute, and they don't think it will hurt their faces. Another eternal topic about children is academic performance. Chinese-style parents have always implemented critical education, staring at what their children have not done well and asking them to improve, but often ignoring the progress that their children have made. It may seem awkward to praise children bluntly in the eyes of adults, so their encouragement is often hidden under accusations, turning praise into a spur.

One-two-three future Xiaobian believes that parents should treat their children as adults, respect them, do not feel that they are parents and elders, and it is a shameful thing to talk to their children on an equal footing.

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