
Expert Reminder! Do this well, the child grows taller and the brain is smarter

Expert Reminder! Do this well, the child grows taller and the brain is smarter

Hello everyone, I'm a big brother! Big Brother would like to ask parents, what do you care most about your children? Study, health, or something else. Big brother feels that a healthy body is the foundation of everything, and without a healthy foundation, everything else is empty talk, so for parents, ensuring the health of their children is the first priority.

While protecting health, you can receive some unexpected "gifts", but if this is not done well, then health can not be talked about. Big brother will introduce to you what is done well, so that children can grow taller and become smarter.

Expert Reminder! Do this well, the child grows taller and the brain is smarter

Sleeping is very familiar to everyone, but are you sleeping right, especially for children?

You can rest your body by sleeping, but from people to children are deeply obsessed with electronic products, the time to sleep is delayed again and again, and even in the early morning, they still hold their mobile phones.

Expert Reminder! Do this well, the child grows taller and the brain is smarter

5:00 to 7:00 and 21:00 to 1:00 in the evening are the highest time for growth hormone secretion in the human body. If the child is given timely rest during this time, growth hormone will act on the child in time to help the child grow in height. Get enough rest, and your child's brain will function very quickly.

Lack of sleep is harmful to children, such as affecting height development, memory decline, decreased immune resistance, body obesity and other issues.

Expert Reminder! Do this well, the child grows taller and the brain is smarter

Therefore, The big brother reminds parents that if you want to ensure the healthy growth of your children, you must ensure your children's sleep time.

This article is original by the parent-child life big brother, welcome to pay attention, take you along with long knowledge! Follow the author, forward the comments, like and collect valuable information!!!

Expert Reminder! Do this well, the child grows taller and the brain is smarter

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