
Volkswagen New Era Successor! ID.Buzz released, positioning pure electric MPV

A few days ago, Volkswagen officially released its new pure electric MPV model, that is, the ID.Buzz family, divided into ID.Buzz (passenger version) and ID.Buzz Cargo (freight version), the new car will be produced at the Volkswagen commercial vehicle plant in Hanover, Germany, and will be listed in Europe this year. The car inherits the design of Volkswagen's classic model T1 in terms of appearance, so this car can be seen as the successor of Volkswagen T1 in the era of electrification.

Volkswagen New Era Successor! ID.Buzz released, positioning pure electric MPV

The concept car version of the Volkswagen ID.Buzz has been unveiled as early as the 2017 North American Auto Show, and the appearance of the production version of the model basically continues the design style of the concept car. Since the car is based on the MEB pure electric platform and is equipped with a pure electric power system, the front cabin is shorter, and the space is as good as possible in the car, aiming to improve ride comfort and loading capacity.

Volkswagen New Era Successor! ID.Buzz released, positioning pure electric MPV

In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the Volkswagen ID.Buzz are 4712mm, 1985mm and 1937mm, respectively, while the height of the freight version model is increased by 1mm, and the wheelbase of the two models is consistent with 2988mm. At the same time, the passenger version adopts a 2+3 five-seat layout in the car, while the freight version adopts a front-row three-seat layout.

Volkswagen New Era Successor! ID.Buzz released, positioning pure electric MPV

In terms of power, the motor equipped with the Volkswagen ID.Buzz can output a maximum power of 150kW, the peak torque is 310N·m, the drive form is the rear-drive, and it is also equipped with a battery pack with a total capacity of 82kWh, but the official mileage has not yet been announced. It is worth mentioning that the car will also launch a four-wheel drive version of 300Ps horsepower in the future, which can meet the needs of some users for power.

Volkswagen New Era Successor! ID.Buzz released, positioning pure electric MPV

Volkswagen official did not say whether the ID.Buzz will introduce the domestic market, but from the domestic demand point of view, MPV models still have a very broad market prospects, at present, a number of domestic car companies in the pure electric MPV market began to layout, such as Lantu Dreamer, SAIC Maxus MIFA 9, etc., so Volkswagen ID.Buzz high probability will also be introduced into the country.

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