
Grandma took her grandson to sleep, and her mother found something strange and directly took the baby away, and the embarrassing things had to be known in advance

I don't know when the main force with the baby changed from grandparents to grandparents. However, there is still a difference in gender between generations, and sometimes grandma and grandpa bring a baby, which may cause embarrassment. Therefore, the mothers still have to know some things in advance, so as to avoid that after the occurrence, everyone will be unhappy and the children will not be happy.

Grandma took her grandson to sleep, and her mother found something strange and directly took the baby away, and the embarrassing things had to be known in advance

"No wonder grandma is not happy to take the baby now, it turns out that there is a reason, that is, you are a motherfucker!"

That day, Bao Ma Xiaoxue went to pick up the baby, but only when she walked into the door of her mother's house, she found that it was in a quiet state. Therefore, Xiao Xue lightly pushed open the door. This push did not matter, but I saw my 3-year-old son lying on his grandmother's chest, screaming and sleeping. At this time, Grandma only wore a small vest, and the grandson's saliva was direct. That scene was really not elegant enough, it was really embarrassing.

Xiao Xue hurriedly picked up her son and let him lie on the side to sleep. Then, he took a small bear pillow next to him as a comfort item and put it next to his son. Sure enough, the son did not have a moment's effort, and instinctively hugged the bear. Bao Ma Xiaoxue couldn't help but sigh, really served this child, sleeping without crying or making trouble, but it was very good to coax.

Grandma took her grandson to sleep, and her mother found something strange and directly took the baby away, and the embarrassing things had to be known in advance

It's just that this sleeping habit is unsightly, and the child's grandmother is by the child's nature, casually letting the child crawl around on the body, ignoring that it is a little boy!

Since then, Bao Mom no longer let Grandma help with the baby, Grandma was very angry when she learned the reason, and the child also clamored to let Grandma sleep, otherwise she would cry. Things were awkward, and in the end there was no solution.

That day, Grandma also called her daughter directly and complained: "No wonder Grandma is not happy to take the baby now, it turns out that there is a reason, that is, you are a mother of a lot!" ”

Why are some grandmothers not willing to take the baby after taking the baby?

I believe that many grandmothers have an idea, that is, taking a baby was originally a willing thing, but then carrying it with it became a very passive thing. Even, some grandmothers still have the idea of not wanting to take the baby again, and want to return the child to the mother.

Grandma took her grandson to sleep, and her mother found something strange and directly took the baby away, and the embarrassing things had to be known in advance

To this end, some self-media people have done relevant investigations, summed up the real ideas of some grandmothers with babies, let's see why some grandmothers are not willing to take babies later?

The child is too difficult to carry, and grandma is very tired

Some children are too difficult to carry, especially three- and four-year-old children, running east and west, jumping up and down. Grandma is slightly distracted and inattentive, and the child may have a safety problem. Grandma is old, physically weak, and occasionally tired, when Grandma feels very tired, she will have the idea of not wanting to take the baby.

Grandma took her grandson to sleep, and her mother found something strange and directly took the baby away, and the embarrassing things had to be known in advance

Grandma and Mom have different ways of bringing babies, and there are often differences

Some grandmothers are different from BaoMa's way of taking babies, and grandmas with babies may be more relaxed, and the method of taking babies is more old-fashioned. For example, grandma will go with the flow and coax the child to be happy with the child's thoughts. However, most of the mothers with babies are more disciplined, and they will set various rules for their children from an early age.

This gap is large, resulting in different children's living conditions, so some mothers see that the method of grandmothers with babies is "outdated", they will hold critical opinions, and the two sides will have contradictions and quarrels.

Grandma took her grandson to sleep, and her mother found something strange and directly took the baby away, and the embarrassing things had to be known in advance

This is the reason why some grandmothers are not willing to continue to take the baby after taking the baby. Some grandmothers believe that Bao Mom can't understand the pain of taking a baby, is always picky, and doesn't understand the difficulties of being an old man. And once grandma is really not willing to take the baby, give up the baby, and directly separate from the child. Children may not be able to stand it, emotionally unwilling to accept the facts, cry for a long time, and feel very hurt inside. In the same way, Grandma will be unhappy, feel that she is laborious and unflattering, and has good intentions to do bad things.

So, is it true that if the method of grandma taking the baby is not right, can't the mother criticize and correct it?

Of course not, when the method of grandma taking the baby is wrong, the mother can point it out in the right way. At least let grandma be acceptable, be generous in heart, and let children be happy, rather than leaving a shadow of childhood.

Grandma took her grandson to sleep, and her mother found something strange and directly took the baby away, and the embarrassing things had to be known in advance

When grandma takes the baby way and disagrees with bao mom:

First look at whose way of bringing the baby, it is beneficial to the baby

If the mother and grandmother have their own reasons, they all feel that their way of taking the baby is correct. Especially Bao Mom, how to see the mother with the baby feels wrong. Then, Bao Mom can talk to the child's grandmother with a pleasant face, sit down and calmly talk about why it is not good to take the baby like this, where is not good for the child, and how to bring the baby.

I believe that most grandmothers can still distinguish between good and bad even if they have no cultural knowledge. Moreover, most grandmothers will respect the opinion of the mother and try to use the so-called correct method to bring the baby.

Grandma took her grandson to sleep, and her mother found something strange and directly took the baby away, and the embarrassing things had to be known in advance

For example, Bao Ma Xiaoxue can remind the child's grandmother to wear more clothes when she sleeps, and let the baby crawl around on the body less. There is no need to take the child directly and not let the grandmother and the baby be together again.

Then express your gratitude to each other

It is not easy to bring a baby, there is no need to make each other difficult, after all, two generations are for the good of the child. Therefore, even if there is a conflict and a contradiction, after it is resolved, we must find a way to express gratitude to the other party as soon as possible. This inner word is good for both parties, can enhance each other's feelings, and it is easier for children to feel the warmth of the extended family and be full of happiness in their hearts.

Do you know who is helping to carry the baby, and grandma is helping to carry the baby?

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