
If your child is introverted, do you want him to become extroverted?

If your child is introverted, do you want him to become extroverted?

There are many reasons for introversion, such as:

1, the innate trait is characterized by introversion.

2, due to the influence of family atmosphere and surrounding environment.

The parents of introverted children are generally indifferent, they firmly believe that the child and the parent should be superior and subordinate relationship, they require the child to obey absolutely, the child's own personality is imprisoned in the cradle, and the child is forced to become an introverted child.

This is not right, only by letting the children feel the love and selfless dedication of their parents will the children grow into a spiritually sound person in the future. In the future, children will love their parents and love others. And hate and mistakes can become a kind of hate, and hate will make the person you love and disrespect you.

If your child is introverted, do you want him to become extroverted?

3. Due to the very sensitive self-awareness, "catatonia" and "phobia" are produced for people.

For example, when some middle school students come into contact with the opposite sex, they are too strongly aware that the other party is of the opposite sex and panic in their hearts.

Or due to inferiority complex, the originally lively heart gradually hidden, began to be unwilling to communicate with the people around it, from extroverted to introverted.

If your child is introverted for the first reason, don't worry too much and ask your child for his opinion.

Some children really like themselves alone, like to read, like to draw, do not like noisy groups, so that there is no need to change;

Some children want to have friends, but they are naturally shy, so parents should help their children overcome introversion and make their children a little more extroverted.

If your child is introverted, do you want him to become extroverted?

If the child is introverted due to two or three reasons, I hope that parents will pay attention to it, and in order for the child's mental development to be sound, it must be changed! The family atmosphere, the surrounding environment, and the child's own self-awareness all need to be adjusted!

If your child is introverted, do you want him to become extroverted?

As the saying goes, "Good medicine is good for the sick, and good advice is good for the ear." ”

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[Author of this article]: Director Li of Orangutan Village

[Original Statement]: Some of the content of the article is excerpted from the Network, if there is infringement, please contact the author to correct and delete.

[Column Introduction]:

"Orangutan Ball Has Something to Say" is a parent-child education column of the new media channel under "Orangutan Ball Village". We aim to help more families improve their parent-child relationship and let the flowers of the motherland have a good childhood.

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