
Personality affects a person's life, and the development of children's personality can not miss this time

In general, cheerful, positive, humorous, confident people are very popular no matter what position they are in, and it seems that good luck has always followed, so they are more likely to succeed than others.

And for introverts, pessimistic, inferior people, it seems that how they do is worse than others, never compared to others, and what they do is a failure.

Indeed, many times a person's personality affects a person's life and is a key to success. Therefore, for parents who hope to become a dragon and a daughter to become a phoenix, do not only pay attention to the learning of children, but also pay attention to the cultivation of children's personality.

Personality affects a person's life, and the development of children's personality can not miss this time

The most important time for a child to develop his personality

Professor Li of the People's Public Security University of the Mainland believes that children 0 to 6 years old is the most critical time for character development, generally to 12 to 18 years old, the personality has been fixed, and it is very difficult to change it.

Therefore, if you want your child to develop a good personality, you must seize the time period when the child is 0 to 6 years old, so that the child can develop self-confidence, know how to be grateful and share, and have a sunny and optimistic personality, which will affect the child's life.

Personality affects a person's life, and the development of children's personality can not miss this time

The cultivation of a good character in children starts from these aspects

1. Good family atmosphere

Growing up in a loving family, children will have a sense of security, more self-confidence, more cheerful and optimistic.

If parents often quarrel or complain to each other, children will have psychological shadows, fear of getting along with others, afraid of rejection, so they are very introverted, inferior, and will have no opinion.

Therefore, it is very important for children to develop a good personality and a good family atmosphere, even if they have differences with each other, they cannot quarrel in front of their children.

Personality affects a person's life, and the development of children's personality can not miss this time

2. Don't blame foreign objects

If the child accidentally falls, the parents will immediately pick up the child and say "don't cry, don't cry, where hit our baby, is this floor, we help you hit it."

But they don't know that it is this behavior that makes children not solve anything they encounter, and they like to shirk their responsibilities.

In fact, some foreign practices are worth learning from, such as when a child falls, let the child stand up by himself, and when the child does not know how to do it, he can imitate it next to him.

If you want your child to be independent and responsible, you must pay attention not to blame foreign objects, and what is there to find your own reason.

Personality affects a person's life, and the development of children's personality can not miss this time

3. Encourage and praise children

Many parents are accustomed to criticizing children, as long as children make mistakes, the first thing they think of is to scold children, but they do not know that this will make children more and more unconfident and more and more inferior.

In fact, many times smart children also rely on encouragement and praise, when seeing that children have progress, praise children more, children will be more confident, will work harder, hope to get the recognition of parents.

In addition, parents should not compare their own children with other children, but should continue to encourage children and let children improve day by day.

Personality affects a person's life, and the development of children's personality can not miss this time

4. Take your children out to socialize

If you want children to have good communication skills, it is definitely necessary for children to get along with people, so usually take children out to participate in social activities, go to the places where children play together, play with friends next door, and have more contact with peers, so that they can better learn to communicate with people.

In addition, you can usually let children participate in more interest classes, so that children know more children, and have more friends to play with, so that the personality will be more cheerful.

Personality affects a person's life, and the development of children's personality can not miss this time

People's personality is cultivated from an early age, especially the key time of character development, we must seize it, do not wait for character development to want to change, then it will be too late.


1. He Ding . Talk about how parents can cultivate a positive and optimistic attitude in their children. Good Parents . In 2019

2. Shang Chang Fei . Research on the problems and countermeasures of children's personality cultivation in families . Career Technology . Issue 02, 2018

3. Talk about some ways to cultivate children's personality education. Baidu Library . In 2021

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