
Life is short, so don't bother yourself

Life is short, so don't bother yourself

In this life, people say that the long is not long, the short is not short, what should be said and done, but it is to grasp it well.

And we are always frustrated, led by our own desires, when we encounter setbacks, we are always tormented by fear, it is easy to collapse, and the heart is always unclear, there are too many things to want, and there is always no moment of satisfaction.

It is always easy for people to find trouble for themselves, and one day you will understand that in the face of life and death, everything else is just a bruise.

The person who leaves you is doomed not to belong to you, do not have to seek trouble for yourself, what does not belong to you, and cannot be forced to come, and will eventually be lost.

Life is short, so don't bother yourself

Accompanying yourself has always been great for yourself.

Treat yourself like the person you love the most, please yourself well, and make yourself healthy and happy is king.

Deeply trapped in negative emotions, in addition to making you internal friction, there is no benefit, since you can not escape the unsatisfactory, it is better to face the emotions, so that you can calmly cope with the gains and losses in life.

Life is simply happiness, health and peace for yourself and your family is joy, people in this life, really don't need much, health and peace is already a great luck.

Life is short, so don't bother yourself

To be deeply involved in negative emotions is to fail oneself

Emotions are actually not good or bad, they are the embodiment of your current state, but there are many people who do not know how to relieve emotions, let themselves be deeply trapped in negative emotions, and it is difficult to extricate themselves.

Bitterness is a day, happiness is also a day, the world will not be because of your joys and sorrows, and there will be no change, if you have been depressed and entangled, the impact is your own physical and mental health.

People always have to learn to grow up on their own, to face the darkness of the process of growing up alone, and when we cross that darkness alone, we are already growing.

Unhappy things will always pass, and you must learn to reconcile with yourself, timely eliminate those negative emotions, and settle your heart in time, which is responsible for yourself.

Life is short, so don't bother yourself

Life is always unsatisfactory, and all this is the scenery on the road, we can't go on the road with negative emotions because we encounter unsatisfactory, but we must untie the burdens that bind the soul, and go with a relaxed and happy mood, see the clouds and clouds.

The past is let it pass, the good and bad are over, every day is a new beginning, don't live up to it.

Life is an experience

Life is like a journey, there are always bumps and bumps along the way, but happiness is our terminal station, we must not forget our purpose.

When experiencing setbacks and darkness, you may wish to learn to withdraw, not to get entangled in things, not to always get caught up in the storyline, but to dare to break the illusion and meet the real future.

Life is short, so don't bother yourself

As long as you want, from now on, you can start again.

If someone is good to you, there will be people who are not good to you, no matter what you live, someone will say something to you, so why should you bother with the eyes of outsiders?

Don't be harsh on yourself anymore, you are just an ordinary person, how can everything go as you wish, everything goes well? Stumbling is the norm in life.

Treat these good and bad as experiences in life, not entangled, not entangled, and after looking down, every day is a new beginning.

Life is short, so don't bother yourself

Loving yourself is a lifelong lesson

Life is short, don't be entangled anymore, live your own life from now on, pay less attention to other people's idle things, do not dwell in trivial matters, look down on it, everything will suddenly be open.

Don't torture yourself with the mistakes of others, don't always be harsh on yourself, learn to accept yourself, is a life's lesson, love yourself is your new beginning.

From now on, I am only willing to live for myself, not to waste every minute and every second in life, to accept the good times and adversities in life, not to be proud, not to escape, to face bravely, and to be a warrior in life.

Stop thinking wildly, don't make yourself unhappy anymore, let the bitterness and depression pass, and leave only ease and ease.

No matter what others say and how they look, you don't mind, you just want to live well, ease and happiness are the themes, live up to yourself, live up to life.

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