
What's hard about pregnancy? 5 symptoms are the most uncomfortable, learn 5 tricks can relieve the pain during pregnancy


Women are a petite woman before pregnancy, and after pregnancy, pregnant women not only have to face changes in their bodies, their figure is out of shape, their appearance becomes ugly, and they grit their teeth to endure all kinds of pain in their bodies.

My friend Xiao Chun originally thought that pregnancy was an easy thing, and he laughed at us pregnant pregnant women for being too squeamish.

When she was pregnant herself, she knew that pregnancy was really not easy, she worked hard to survive the morning sickness period, but she did not expect that edema made her hands and feet swollen into pig's trotters, which was particularly uncomfortable, not to mention calf cramps.

What's hard about pregnancy? 5 symptoms are the most uncomfortable, learn 5 tricks can relieve the pain during pregnancy

In fact, pregnant women will have different symptoms at different stages of pregnancy, making pregnant women particularly hard during pregnancy.

What's hard about pregnancy? 5 symptoms are the most uncomfortable

1. Morning sickness reaction (7-13 weeks of pregnancy)

Morning sickness begins at 42 days and ends on 90 days.

If the pregnant woman has serious morning sickness, or even until the third trimester, the most tragic one is that the food that the pregnant woman eats, most of it will spit out, but for the health of the baby, you can only eat the scalp, which is really painful.

What's hard about pregnancy? 5 symptoms are the most uncomfortable, learn 5 tricks can relieve the pain during pregnancy

I was pregnant twice, and the morning sickness reaction was the same, although there was no vomiting, but I had nausea all day and all night and had no appetite at all.

When I was pregnant with Dabao, I survived the morning sickness period by porridge, and I lost a full 20 pounds in just over a month.

2. Hunger (14-28 weeks pregnant)

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the development of the fetus is relatively fast, especially the increase in weight, pregnant women will feel particularly prone to hunger, pregnant women need to increase the intake of diet, in order to meet the needs of pregnant women and fetal development.

I am pregnant with a big treasure that will, the morning sickness reaction has just disappeared, the appetite has become better, the appetite is greatly encouraged, in addition to the normal three meals, two meals in the morning and afternoon, each meal to eat two bowls of rice.

I have to eat a late-night snack before going to bed, and I have to eat bread at 5 o'clock in the morning, otherwise I will be hungry and can't sleep.

As for fruit and nut snacks, when I saw my eyes lit up, I was very hungry, I wanted to eat, during that time I felt that I always couldn't control my mouth, and the hunger was very strong, easy to be hungry.

3. Frequent urination (28 weeks-40 weeks of pregnancy)

After pregnancy, the uterus becomes larger and larger and the fetal head is pressed, so that the bladder capacity of the pregnant woman becomes smaller, the pregnant woman will feel the increase in the number of urination, and there is always a toilet that cannot be run.

Especially when sleeping at night, frequent toilets make pregnant women feel very uncomfortable.

Pregnant women were fine at home and it was easy to go to the toilet. The most troublesome thing is that when going out, pregnant women are more troublesome to find a toilet.

When I was pregnant before, every time I went to a new mall, I always went to the toilet first, after all, the frequency of urination was too uncomfortable.

4. Pubic pain (28-40 weeks of pregnancy)

Pubic pain is the most feared pain in pregnant women, because it hurts really badly, and the pain of drilling the heart makes people feel that every minute is difficult, especially pregnant women who are pregnant with twins, the degree of pubic pain will be aggravated.

5. Insomnia (28 weeks-40 weeks of pregnancy)

When I was pregnant with Xiaobao, from the beginning of the pregnancy and fetal movement, I could not get a good night's sleep.

Especially in the third trimester, the fetal movement is more frequent, I sleep on the left, he kicks the left, I sleep on the right, he kicks the right, only if I lie flat and sleep, he will obediently not make a fuss, but the stomach is too heavy, only to sleep for a while, my waist feels very sore.

Every night when I go to sleep, I am constantly turning over, lying on the left side, lying on the right side, and changing the sleeping position in turn, so every day when I wake up, I have two black circles under my eyes.

In the early stages of pregnancy, fetal movements begin late, fetal movements are not obvious, and they will not affect the sleep of pregnant women.

In the second trimester, fetal movements begin to become frequent and fetal movements become more powerful.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, fetal movement will increase, the amplitude and strength of fetal movement will be greatly increased, pregnant women will feel uncomfortable in the stomach, fetal movement will form bulges, and the fetus will "punch and kick" in the womb, affecting the sleep of pregnant women.

How can pregnant women relieve discomfort during pregnancy?

1. Pregnant women with serious early pregnancy reactions should try to eat fewer meals and eat a light diet.

Pregnant women can usually eat soda biscuits or whole wheat bread, which can alleviate the morning sickness reaction.

2. If pregnant women have a sense of hunger, then they need to eat in time, and in the third trimester, the fetal development becomes slower, and the hunger of pregnant women will slowly disappear.

Unlike the first trimester, morning sickness in pregnant women slowly disappears in the second trimester.

Pregnant women do not feel nauseous about the taste of meals, and their sense of smell returns to normal.

When a pregnant woman can smell the normal taste of a meal, her appetite improves.

Even if she couldn't eat greasy meals right away, at least she wouldn't reject eating.

How uncomfortable it was when pregnant women had morning sickness, and how positive pregnant women were when the morning sickness reaction passed.

I remember that Huai Dabao would have to eat more every afternoon, otherwise according to the normal amount of diet, I felt that I would not be able to survive dinner.

Although the appetite of expectant mothers increases, it is not recommended to overeat, after all, morning sickness has just disappeared, and there needs to be a process of adaptation, starting with a list of diets, and then eating hearty dishes when the appetite is open.

What's hard about pregnancy? 5 symptoms are the most uncomfortable, learn 5 tricks can relieve the pain during pregnancy

3. Pregnant women with frequent urination, must drink less water before going to bed, usually do not hold urine, try to avoid drinking a large amount of water at one time, which will aggravate the symptoms of frequent urination.

4. Pregnant women have pubic pain, and usually you can use the abdominal belt to reduce the force on the abdomen and relieve the pain of the pubic bone.

5. Pregnant women have insomnia, insist on walking every day, control sleep time during the day, go to bed early at night, do not stay up late, and slowly adjust the biological clock.

What's hard about pregnancy? 5 symptoms are the most uncomfortable, learn 5 tricks can relieve the pain during pregnancy


Although pregnancy makes the mother very hard, but the thought of the cute baby, the mother's heart is softer, and then tired is a sweet burden, pregnant women learn these 5 tricks, can alleviate the pain of pregnancy, so that pregnant women successfully through pregnancy.

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