
Is the fetal heart not the heart of the fetus?

Some mothers find out when they are pregnant that the first thing we know is what a fetal heart rate is.

Is the fetal heart not the heart of the fetus?

Fetal heartbeat does not refer to the heart of the fetus but to the heartbeat of the fetus. Fetal heart rate is the heartbeat of pregnant women at about 8 weeks of gestation, fetal heart monitoring examination is the use of ultrasound principles to monitor the fetus in the womb, is the main means of assessment of the fetal intrauterine condition. Doctors and mothers can understand how the fetal heart rate reacts during fetal movement and contractions to speculate whether the fetus in the womb is hypoxic.

The fetus can move at any time in the abdomen, so the position of the fetal heart may also change.

1. When the fetus is less than 5 months old, the position of the auditory fetal heart is usually under the umbilicus, on both sides of the abdominal midline.

2. When the fetus is 6 to 8 months old, as the fetus grows, the position of the fetal heart will also move up. Since fetal movement is usually the fetal hand and foot movement, when the right side feels frequent fetal movement, the fetal heart is generally on the left side; when the left side feels frequent fetal movement, the fetal heart is generally on the right side. The head and breech position can also affect the position of the fetal heart. The fetal heart is under the umbilicus in the head position and above the umbilicus during the breech position.

3. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetal position is basically fixed.

Is the fetal heart not the heart of the fetus?

The fetal heart rate is 120 to 160 beats per minute, sometimes faster, and it is not very regular, and it is much more regular by the end of pregnancy. Sometimes there will be a short stop jump, or the speed reaches 180 beats per minute, which is normal. If the fetal heart rate is not normal, too little or too fast, it may be that the fetus has hypoxia, and it is necessary to go to the hospital in time.

But if the fetal heart rate stops, this situation is best to go to the hospital to check whether the fetal heart rate is weak or stopped, if a number of hospitals confirm that the fetal heart rate has stopped, it means that your pregnancy is about to stop, and there is no point in protecting the fetus at this time. May be caused by dysregulation, immune factors, uterine abnormalities, chromosomal abnormalities, genital tract infections, environmental factors, etc. At this time, pregnant women should not be too sad, from the perspective of eugenics and genetics, it should be considered that most abortions are a natural elimination, and it does not make much sense to barely protect the fetus, and it is more difficult to succeed in maintaining the fetus.

Is the fetal heart not the heart of the fetus?

I hope that everyone is always pregnant, and I also hope that the expectant mother will continue to be careful, and then wish the baby will come safely.

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