
Why Reagan was able to become the greatest American in the hearts of Americans

author:The daily routine of 2202

In the 2015 United States to select the greatest Americans, former President Reagan was elected as the first place, he came from a humble background, came from a poor family, worked as an actor, a lifeguard, worked odd jobs, first became a governor, and finally became the president of the United States at the age of 70.


President Reagan was born in 1911, his father was a rotten drunkard, and once in the winter, when his father came home in the snow in front of his house and almost tripped him, he found a man lying in the snow. His father and his family roamed the United States until Reagan was nine years old and settled in a small town of 10,000 people.

Why Reagan was able to become the greatest American in the hearts of Americans

Reagan in his youth

Reagan loved sports and was sociable from an early age, and his mother often went to church to organize amateur performances, and he participated in them from an early age, which made him like acting at the beginning of his life. When he was a teenager, he was a good swimmer, working as a lifeguard in the local park, when he was 17 years old, Reagan worked in a cement factory, because the family had no money and did not plan to go to college, once inadvertently talked to his boss about this matter, his boss fired him the next day, told him to go to college immediately, and he had to run to study quickly. In his second year of college, he suffered the worst economic crisis in American history, his family was already poor, his father was unemployed in 1931, and he went to restaurants to wash dishes to support the family, a history that he will never forget. He repeatedly told others that the economic crisis was his most memorable life experience, that he mixed very well in college, that although his grades were average, he had outstanding athletic speech skills, was handsome, and was a prominent figure in school.

Why Reagan was able to become the greatest American in the hearts of Americans

Reagan was working as a game announcer

After graduating from college, he began working as a live broadcaster for sports in 1933, earning five dollars per game. In 1937, he was introduced to a seven-year contract with Warner Bros., during which he also participated in World War II, because of poor eyesight, did not go to the front, continued to make movies in the army, in fact, never left Hollywood.

Reagan joined the Republican Party in 1962 and began politics, becoming governor of California in 1966 with the support of California's magnates, two outstanding governors, and became president of the United States in 1981 at the age of 70.

Why Reagan was able to become the greatest American in the hearts of Americans

Reagan was elected President of the United States

In 1980, Japan's automobile production exceeded that of the United States for the first time, becoming the world's first, because of the oil crisis at that time, Japanese cars were more fuel-efficient, leather durable, everyone chose Japanese cars, forcing american car companies to close down sixty thousand people unemployed, Great Lakes enterprises have gone bankrupt. Japanese electrical companies have also beaten IBM in the field of personal computers, and the whole of Japan seems to be full of vitality, and even the Americans themselves feel that the economy will not be able to do the Japanese in the future.

In the early 1980s, the U.S. merchandise trade deficit with Japan soared to $50 billion, and industrial centers such as the Midwest and Northeast took on the main competitive pressure from Japan, with unemployment twice the national average. People all over the world feel that the Japanese corporate model is more advanced than that of the United States, reagan does not think so, in the domestic economy Reagan advocated a large tax cut, a vigorous cut in social welfare spending, slow down the rate of monetary growth, reduce the burden of private enterprises, expand defense spending, and achieve a balanced budget six major measures.

Under the so-called "Reagan economics" set of economic play, the United States subsequently maintained economic growth for 110 months. Beginning in 1976, the United States launched 15 investigations into Japan through Section 301, including the automotive, steel, telecommunications, semiconductor, and pharmaceutical industries, and in 1985, Congress overwhelmingly passed a unilateral resolution on trade protectionism. A few months later, major Democratic leaders launched a trade war bill to impose a 25 percent tax while in Congress.

Why Reagan was able to become the greatest American in the hearts of Americans

Reagan visits Japan

In the face of the big stick wielded by the United States, Japan has been compromising and has not made any resistance. In order to cooperate with the reduction of the trade deficit of the United States, Japan has taken the initiative to restrict exports, reward imports, reduce the types of imports, reduce tariff rates, simplify customs clearance procedures, and increase the opening of important markets such as color TVs and automobiles to the United States. In 1977, Japan voluntarily restricted the export of color TV, in 1981, Japan voluntarily restricted the export of auto parts, and in the 1990s, Japan also opened up the telecommunications industry to the United States.

In 1985, the United States accused Japan of dumping and imposed 100 percent tariffs on Japanese computers, televisions and other high-tech products. In 1986, the United States and Japan signed a landmark chip industry agreement. Japan not only agreed not to dump chips in the U.S. market, but also set a 20% market share for U.S. semiconductor product sales in the Japanese market, which is the dividing line of history, and the Japanese semiconductor industry is dead.

It can be said that during his presidency, Reagan adjusted the domestic economic structure of the United States through a series of domestic and foreign economic policies, stifled the rising Japanese economy with a strong "policy" stick, and avoided the impact of Japan on the United States in various emerging industries in the future.

In 1994, Reagan's office announced to the public that Reagan had developed Alzheimer's disease and died on June 5, 2004, at the age of 93. On June 11, the U.S. government held a solemn state funeral for Reagan at the Washington National Cathedral. In addition to Reagan's widow, Nancy, and other family members, the funeral was attended by a number of heads of state and ministers, including former Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev, as well as former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, U.S. President George W. Bush, and four living former U.S. presidents who were close to Reagan. According to statistics, more than 100,000 Americans sent Reagan off, and Reagan had been out of the public eye for 10 years.

Why Reagan was able to become the greatest American in the hearts of Americans

Reagan's funeral

Reagan's life seems to be a typical portrayal of the American spirit: from starting from scratch to fame and fortune, from obscurity to shocking the world. His charisma and energy make Americans incredibly proud.

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