
14 kinds of parental "death" performance, sooner or later ruin the child! Quickly change it

14 kinds of parental "death" performance, sooner or later ruin the child! Quickly change it

In this world, there is a kind of love, called the love of parents, and there is also a kind of pain, which is also the love of parents! It's not that parental love isn't great, and not all parental love is great or worthy of praise. Some love, really no zuo no die, the following list, there is always a kind of performance of your "love work".


Demanding excesses

Such parents often do it, and the content of the work is "always not forgetting a creature in the world- "someone else's child."

No matter how hard the child tries, he can't beat the little king next door.

▲ The shackles in the name of love prevent children from moving forward.

As a result, the children raised by such extremely demanding parents are inferior and cowardly.


Non-hitting is scolding

There are also parents who do this:

When a child makes a mistake,

Parents often adopt a "spanking" or threatening approach to education.

▲ This may make the child "obedient", but more "afraid"!

Thus, the children raised by such violent parents are violently impulsive or servile.


Agency Substitute

The child will always stretch out his hands and eat to open his mouth,

In everything big or small, parents will do it themselves,

Thinking it is love is actually "harm"!

▲ A child who is mad in a cage by "love"!

As a result, the children raised by such "too wide management" parents are lazy, timid and shy, and have poor self-care ability.


Words without faith

Treating children is always a "blank check",

Talking doesn't count anyway, it doesn't matter to the child.

▲ Mine, be a good girl...

So, this kind of parent-raised child has no sense of trust, likes to lie and be dishonest.


Not motivated

There is a stupid bird in this world:

The first, because I'm a stupid bird, I'm going to fly first.

The second, because I'm a stupid bird, it doesn't matter if I fly, so I don't fly.

But there is a third, the most hateful, she gave birth to an egg, and when this egg hatched, she said I am a stupid bird, you fly for me.

What you don't want to do or can't do, you have to do with your child,

If you can't fulfill your own wishes, you have to let your children complete them.

▲ I have pinned my life's dreams on you, don't let me down!

Thus, the children raised by such parents - lack of love, lack of opinion, and everyone is in the clouds.


I don't like to learn

Never read a book for yourself for a while,

And staring at the child all the time to learn,

Even if you are with your child, your mobile phone is still in your hand.

▲ Without my remote control, how do you learn

Thus, this kind of parent-raised child - no motivation to learn, and enterprising, greedy.


No empathy

Pointing to the sanitation worker and telling the child,

This is the end of not reading well.

Pointing to the beggar and saying to the child,

These are all liars, behind all driving BMW.

▲ Is the so-called "you will always be a child in the eyes of your mother" a warm love or an endless curse?

So, this lack of empathy parents raise children – selfish, unkind.


Feel free to label

Open mouths and shut mouths to children, "stupid", "lazy", "stupid",

The child seems to be "useless".

▲ The fence that separates the outside world can sometimes stab the child

As a result, the children raised by such parents are extremely lacking in self-confidence and self-esteem.


Monopoly Dictatorship

Likes to make all decisions for children,

Even if you don't know what to do.

And there's the "golden oil" —

"It's all for your own good!"

▲ A child who will suffocate under excessive protection

As a result, the children raised by such parents are either inferior and cowardly, have no opinions, or rebel and violent.


Husband and wife quarrel

For a little trivial matter, you can break the mouth and scold, and beat up the hands,

causing discord between husband and wife or tension between parents and children,

The house is full of negative energy.

▲ You must be by my side all the time!

As a result, the children raised by such parents are sensitive and suspicious, insecure, irritable and dirty, and unhappy.


Shirk responsibility

Lack of tolerance of the family environment,

"Finger-pointing" is the main tone of this family.

▲ "I don't know who to believe..."

Therefore, the children raised by such parents - careful eyes, no sense of responsibility.


Negative extinction

As soon as I encountered a problem, I was shocked,

I always like to think badly about everything.

▲ Did the child become a puppet that you manipulated?

As a result, the children raised by such parents are passive and not optimistic, unstable, and like to complain.


Temper irritable

Like a powder keg, one point,

Thinking that getting angry and angry will solve the problem.

▲ I am the Queen, and you must obey me!

Thus, the children raised by such parents - timid, afraid of things, inferior, cowardly.


Doting is unlimited

"Baby long, baby short" hangs on the lips,

Endure all kinds of bad behavior of children,

Children who are at fault also feel that it is someone else's problem.

▲ No matter what I am, you are "me"!

As a result, the children raised by such parents - no one in sight, no gratitude, no concern for people, self-righteousness.

Source: The picture and text come from the network, invaded and deleted.

EDIT: Xiao Huang

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