
Small breasts, no breast cancer? True high-risk populations have these characteristics

When it comes to "breast cancer", many people's reactions are: breast cancer is easy to get breast cancer, and I have a small chest, so I don't have to worry!

Small breasts, no breast cancer? True high-risk populations have these characteristics

Is breast cancer related to chest size?

Breast enlargement is not more likely to get breast cancer! The risk of breast cancer is not related to chest size.

The size of the breasts mainly depends on the amount of fat in the chest. Breast cancer mainly occurs on breast tissue, and the fat tissue on the breast does not produce cancerous changes.

In addition to "large breasts" and "small breasts", many rumored "more likely to get breast cancer" situations, such as drinking soy milk, wearing underwear with steel rings, etc., are not really high-risk factors for breast cancer.

People at high risk for real breast cancer have some characteristics that may be completely unexpected.

If you don't believe it, you can do the following questions:

Small breasts, no breast cancer? True high-risk populations have these characteristics

All high.

Both dad and mom belong to first-degree relatives, and breast cancer in first-degree relatives increases a woman's risk of developing the disease.

(Yes, men also have mammary glands and are also at risk of breast cancer.) )

Small breasts, no breast cancer? True high-risk populations have these characteristics


The closer the blood relationship, the higher the genetic risk may be.

Xiaomei's mother's sister belongs to Xiaomei's second-degree relatives. Second-degree relatives include a person's grandparents, maternal grandparents, uncles (uncles), aunts, aunts, and uncles.

Xiao Fang's grandmother's sister belongs to Xiao Fang's third-level relatives. Third-degree relatives include maternal grandmother's siblings and children of uncles and aunts.

The criteria for a high genetic risk of breast cancer are as follows:

Small breasts, no breast cancer? True high-risk populations have these characteristics

Menarche earlier than 12 years old and menopause later than 55 years old increase the risk of breast cancer.

Small breasts, no breast cancer? True high-risk populations have these characteristics

Childbearing age may also affect the risk of breast cancer: having a first child later than 35 and not having children after age 40 may increase the risk of breast cancer.

Small breasts, no breast cancer? True high-risk populations have these characteristics

Xiaoli's risk of breast cancer may be higher.

Studies have shown that breastfeeding for more than 12 months reduces the relative risk of breast cancer [4].

Small breasts, no breast cancer? True high-risk populations have these characteristics

Obesity and alcohol consumption are both high-risk factors for breast cancer.

The standard of "obesity" is BMI greater than 30, and the circle already belongs to the obese population. In the higher BMI range (25 to 50 kg/m2), an increased BMI leads to an increased risk of cancer [4].

Qiqi loves to drink, and women who drink 20 to 30 grams of alcohol per day have a 20% higher risk of breast cancer than women who do not drink alcohol [5].

Small breasts, no breast cancer? True high-risk populations have these characteristics

Image source: Stand Cool Helo

After doing the above question, it is not difficult to find:

Breast cancer has some congenital factors that cannot be changed, such as family history, menstrual history, and so on. There are also acquired factors related to personal choices, such as weight control, smoking and alcohol cessation, reasonable diet, early babybirth, breastfeeding, etc.

That said, there is currently no clinically proven means to "effectively prevent breast cancer".

All we can do is: active screening, early detection and early treatment.

Small breasts, no breast cancer? True high-risk populations have these characteristics

If you have any of the following conditions, then you can be considered a high-risk group for breast cancer:

Strong family history;

Long history of menstruation;

Late or no childbearing age for the first time;


drinking alcohol;

Radiation exposure;

Atypical breast hyperplasia and lobular carcinoma in situ;

The breast tissue is dense (found on mammography).

Knowing this, the following one is completely "sending points".

Small breasts, no breast cancer? True high-risk populations have these characteristics

Little Red needs to be screened more aggressively.

Breast hyperplasia is mostly a normal physiological phenomenon and does not increase the risk of breast cancer. If necessary, Xiaoli's next test is to determine whether breast hyperplasia is atypical, and the biopsy to be done is done.

Instead, a history of breast fibroadenoma, a benign breast disease, increases the risk of breast cancer.

Active screening for early detection. Breast cancer is not so scary!

In China, the overall five-year survival rate of breast cancer between 2005 and 2009 was 80.9% [6].

With the increasing number of asymptomatic patients found in screening, the proportion of early breast cancer continues to rise, and the surgical pattern of breast cancer improves, the 5-year survival rate has improved significantly in recent years [7].

That is to say, even if breast cancer is diagnosed, actively cooperate with treatment and take corresponding measures, you can still have a good quality of life.

Do not rush to the doctor, to believe in all kinds of "folk remedies" and "massage", by bad businesses to pit money is small, delay the formal treatment, the consequences will be serious.

Loving breasts is also loving yourself. Please share this article with the women around you, so that more people can stay away from breast cancer!

Small breasts, no breast cancer? True high-risk populations have these characteristics

Review expert: Qi Liqiang | Deputy Chief Physician of Breast Surgery Department, Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences


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*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

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