
Often drink soy milk will get breast cancer? The pot that soy milk has been carrying over the years, the disposable feeder is innocent

The West drinks milk, while China has soy milk.

This derivative product, which originated from soybeans, has been accompanied by the Chinese people throughout the spring and autumn years of the millennium.

Although it is nutritious and delicious, the key is that the price is still cheap, but it is still unable to stop the various "blacks" of those rumor-mongers.

There is even a saying that soy milk will be easy to get breast cancer when you drink too much?

It is really ---- to spread rumors with a mouth, and to refute rumors and run away from breaking legs!

Often drink soy milk will get breast cancer? The pot that soy milk has been carrying over the years, the disposable feeder is innocent

Breast hyperplasia patients, can not drink soy milk?

Breast hyperplasia is a very common breast disease that generally occurs in women between the ages of 30 and 50. The cause of breast hyperplasia is related to the imbalance of the ratio of estrogen-progesterone in the female body.

To be sure, breast hyperplasia patients can drink soy milk.

As long as the proper drinking of soy milk, not only will not have a certain stimulation of the mammary glands, but also can play a role in inhibiting breast hyperplasia.

Soy milk contains a lot of soy isoflavones, which are a phytoestrogen.

It can not only prevent breast hyperplasia from occurring and continuing to develop, but also maintain bone density in breast hyperplasia patients, and can regulate the endocrine state of women.

Often drink soy milk will get breast cancer? The pot that soy milk has been carrying over the years, the disposable feeder is innocent

Drinking soy milk during menopause, will it be easy to get breast cancer?

Some people believe that soybeans contain a lot of estrogen, excessive intake will promote breast hyperplasia,

But in fact, although soybean isoflavones are said to be an estrogen of soybeans, the amount is not as terrible as rumored, only 0.1% to 0.2%, and soy milk is equivalent to 20 times or even more diluted soybeans.

Therefore, a cup of soy milk into the stomach, soy isoflavones that are less.

According to the recommendations of the Chinese Nutrition Society, the daily intake of soybean isoflavones by postmenopausal women in mainland China should not exceed 120mg at most, which is equivalent to 1.2L-2.4L of soy milk, and it is really difficult to exceed the amount.

Often drink soy milk will get breast cancer? The pot that soy milk has been carrying over the years, the disposable feeder is innocent

In addition, soybean isoflavones themselves have the ability to regulate in both directions, once the body lacks estrogen, soybean isoflavones can be supplemented, if estrogen secretion is too much, but can be reverse regulation, inhibit their own estrogen synthesis, reduce the level of estrogen.

Of course, if the human body secretes estrogen just right, then soy isoflavones will basically be obediently metabolized, which will not cause estrogen levels in the body to rise, let alone breast cancer.

In addition, for menopausal women, at this time, estrogen drops sharply, and instead eat soy products to balance hormone levels, but also to prevent breast cancer.

Often drink soy milk will get breast cancer? The pot that soy milk has been carrying over the years, the disposable feeder is innocent

Compared to soy milk, these foods need to be avoided?

First, foods rich in hormones

Most of the causes of problems with women's mammary glands are related to disorders in hormone levels in the body. After some breast diseases, be sure to avoid eating hormone-rich foods, such as pollen, royal jelly, and gelatin.

Second, tobacco and alcohol

Tobacco and alcohol can cause hormone levels in the body to be disturbed, and will stimulate the mammary glands, making the symptoms worse.

Third, high-fat plants

Fried foods, fatty meat and bone broths, broths, etc., these foods are particularly high in oil content, which can easily make women's bodies fat.

This leads to too high fat content in the body, affecting endocrine and estrogen-progesterone levels, which will stimulate the mammary glands, which will cause and aggravate some breast diseases.

Often drink soy milk will get breast cancer? The pot that soy milk has been carrying over the years, the disposable feeder is innocent

Drinking soy milk, will it be poisoned?

This really depends on the situation.

Drinking soy milk can indeed be poisoned, but the premise is "not cooked".

It should be known that unripe soy milk contains saponins, saponins and trypsin inhibitors, which may cause symptoms such as dizziness, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting.

It should be reminded that because the soy milk is cooked to 80 ° C, due to the foam floating, there will be a "false boiling" of the slender, so this time is not cooked, but also need to continue to cook for a few minutes.

Therefore, when cooking soy milk in a pot, you need to pay special attention to the fact that soy milk should be boiled until there is no bean smell before you can drink, but don't see the boiling and immediately turn off the heat.

However, considering that today's families drink soy milk, most of them use homemade soy milk, which can set the temperature, and generally do not need to worry too much.

Often drink soy milk will get breast cancer? The pot that soy milk has been carrying over the years, the disposable feeder is innocent

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