
What's the armpit pain? Doctor: Or maybe these diseases are sending a signal, don't worry!

The armpits are arguably one of the most inconspicuous parts of the human body, and many people do not pay much attention to the abnormalities in this part, even if they sometimes suddenly occur painfully, but because they disappear within a few minutes or days, they do not pay much attention.

However, armpit pain can not be ignored, it is likely to be a sign of certain diseases, to be treated in time, otherwise it may bring more serious harm to health.

So, what diseases are likely to be associated with pain under the axillary?

What's the armpit pain? Doctor: Or maybe these diseases are sending a signal, don't worry!

1. Inflammation

If you have mastitis, folliculitis, or inflammation of the soft tissues under the axilla, as well as the flow of infection foci in other parts of the body through the lymphatic vessels, it may cause inflammation of the lymph nodes in the axillary area, which will cause symptoms of redness and pain in the socket, and if not treated in time, it is likely to have secondary infection, which can lead to limited arm movement in severe cases.

2. Hypochondriasis

The second and third rib cartilages of the human body are prone to inflammation, which is medically called costochondritis. Because the ribs are close to the armpits, once the hypochondriasis is more serious, the pain will radiate to the periphery, including the armpit area, causing local pain, in addition to the armpits, the upper arm, shoulders and other parts may also appear pain.

What's the armpit pain? Doctor: Or maybe these diseases are sending a signal, don't worry!

3. Breast hyperplasia

Breast hyperplasia is a common disease in women, usually can occur in unilateral or bilateral breasts, the main manifestation is the appearance of lumps in the breasts, accompanied by pain, pain can radiate to the chest, shoulder back, armpits and other parts, the week before menstruation and when the mood fluctuates more obviously.

4. Pleurisy

If patients have pleurisy, the patient can feel pain during breathing due to friction between the visceral layer and the wall pleura, resulting in pain during breathing, because the armpits and thoracic side are the parts with the greatest lung mobility, so the pain in these two parts will be more obvious.

What's the armpit pain? Doctor: Or maybe these diseases are sending a signal, don't worry!

5. Malignant tumor

Armpit pain may also be associated with breast and lung cancer, especially when cancer cells metastasize to the inferior axillary lymph nodes, which can cause lymph node enlargement and compress local nerves, causing pain.

6. Muscle strain

Some people due to long-term heavy physical labor, or a long time to do horizontal bar, parallel bars and other exercises, can lead to damage to the soft tissue of the armpit muscles, causing pain in the part, this situation should be more rest, you can also use external blood activating stasis drugs to reduce pain symptoms.

What's the armpit pain? Doctor: Or maybe these diseases are sending a signal, don't worry!

7. Shingles

Herpes zoster is easy to occur in some immunocompromised people, such as the elderly, children, etc., if the armpits are invaded by shingles, there will be pain, if not treated in time, the later stage can also appear sequelae neuralgia, increasing the pain endured by patients.

8. Coronary heart disease

In the acute onset of coronary heart disease, the patient may have pain behind the sternum, mainly manifested as stuffy pain, dull pain or crushing pain, but there are also a small number of patients whose symptoms are not typical, but there is pain in the left armpit and pain in the left shoulder and left upper extremity, so this symptom should also be paid enough attention.

What's the armpit pain? Doctor: Or maybe these diseases are sending a signal, don't worry!

Armpit pain does not seem to be a big problem, but it is still necessary to pay enough attention, do not have a fluke mentality, once it occurs, you should go to the hospital in time to check, clarify the cause after targeted treatment, to avoid the disease become more and more serious.

Everyone should also pay attention to developing healthy living habits, reasonably arrange work and rest, do not stay up late, overwork, usually avoid excessive emotional fluctuations, peaceful and optimistic emotions are conducive to health.

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