
The calves are often sore and swollen, these 3 factors can not get rid of the relationship, should be paid attention to, timely inspection

Soreness in the lower legs is common and is a normal reaction of the body. It usually happens when people walk for long periods of time, increase their exercise, or engage in inappropriate activities.

It occurs mainly because of ischemia caused by violent muscle contractions during exercise, and is usually relieved by just a break.

However, if the calf continues to be sore, it is likely to be related to the following reasons and should be taken seriously.

The calves are often sore and swollen, these 3 factors can not get rid of the relationship, should be paid attention to, timely inspection

1. Muscle strain

Ordinary type of acid swelling is divided into immediate and delayed, immediate acid swelling can be quickly relieved by rest, and delayed acid swelling takes about a week to recover, these can alleviate the acid swelling are called ordinary type muscle soreness.

If the calf is stretched with increased pain, it is most likely a muscle strain.

Muscle strains are distinguished according to the degree of injury, mild and severe, and it is mainly caused by excessive stretching of muscle fibers, and sometimes bleeding.

The calves are often sore and swollen, these 3 factors can not get rid of the relationship, should be paid attention to, timely inspection

2. Varicose veins of the lower extremities

One of the most important manifestations of varicose veins in the lower extremities is soreness, and the superficial veins of the lower extremities will appear bulging and twisting, which is usually caused by poor local blood circulation due to prolonged standing.

For example, people who need to stand for a long time to work such as clerks and teachers are prone to varicose veins.

The calves are often sore and swollen, these 3 factors can not get rid of the relationship, should be paid attention to, timely inspection

3. Lumbar intervertebral disc herniation

People hear a protruding lumbar disc and usually think that the pain in the lower back of the waist is straight, but this is only one aspect.

The main reason for the lumbar disc herniation is because the nerves are compressed, which can also cause radiating pain in the lower limbs.

The calves are often sore and swollen, these 3 factors can not get rid of the relationship, should be paid attention to, timely inspection

It can be seen that if the calf is long-term soreness or accompanied by pain, it is not just an ordinary physiological reaction. It is likely to be caused by diseases such as intervertebral disc herniation, and people should pay attention to the symptoms in their lives.

So, how to deal with the situation of calf soreness in life?

1. Develop good exercise habits

Usually, people can exercise in low-intensity sports such as walking, square dancing, and cycling.

When performing high-intensity sports such as long jump and mountaineering, it is best to train under the guidance of professionals, and be sure to warm up before exercising to avoid muscle strain.

The calves are often sore and swollen, these 3 factors can not get rid of the relationship, should be paid attention to, timely inspection

2. Pay attention to rest

If you are engaged in the work of standing often, you must usually wear more shoes that fit comfortably, and you can slightly pad your heels when standing to help venous blood circulation.

When exercising and working, you can take a proper rest for 3 to 5 minutes, then carry out the next stage of activities, and then relieve the soreness by massaging or soaking your feet in warm water after returning home.

The calves are often sore and swollen, these 3 factors can not get rid of the relationship, should be paid attention to, timely inspection

3, pay attention to keep warm

When the weather is cold, the leg muscles or joints can also freeze, causing soreness in the calves. Therefore, people should add clothes in time and pay attention to cold protection and warmth.

4. Cold compresses, hot compresses

Ordinary muscle soreness, you can use the method of alternating hot and cold compresses to help improve blood circulation, timely discharge of lactic acid waste, and restore the function of muscle tissue as soon as possible.

If it is a muscle strain, be sure to stop the exercise immediately to avoid causing the second injury, and at the same time, you can wrap the ice pack with a clean towel and apply cold compresses to the injured area for 15 to 20 minutes, which can help the blood vessels constrict and reduce swelling and bleeding.

The calves are often sore and swollen, these 3 factors can not get rid of the relationship, should be paid attention to, timely inspection

5. Seek medical treatment in time

After a simple emergency treatment of muscle strains, it is also necessary to send them to the doctor for treatment in time to avoid inflammation.

Exclude muscle strain, if the foot and leg soreness has been persistent, you should seek medical attention in time to find out the cause, and you should not take pain medication on your own.

The calves are often sore and swollen, these 3 factors can not get rid of the relationship, should be paid attention to, timely inspection

In summary, after people exercise, there will be soreness in the lower legs, which is a normal physiological response. After the usual exercise, pay more attention to rest, use warm water to soak the feet, sore symptoms can be relieved quickly.

If the duration of soreness is long or accompanied by pain, it may be caused by varicose veins, lumbar disc herniation and other diseases, at this time, it is necessary to seek medical treatment in time to prevent it.

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