
Suffering from varicose veins of the lower extremities, timely treatment, can not be dragged, otherwise these 3 hazards will come to the door

There are blood vessels distributed in various organs and tissues throughout the human body, which includes three parts: arteries, veins and capillaries.

The value of the existence of arterial blood vessels is to deliver blood containing fresh oxygen and nutrients to various tissues. The function of the venous blood vessels is to let the blood flow back into the heart and be used by the human body again.

Usually, the blood from the veins of the legs flows back into the heart, and it is walked upwards against the gravity, just like the blood climbing.

Suffering from varicose veins of the lower extremities, timely treatment, can not be dragged, otherwise these 3 hazards will come to the door

However, if the venous pressure of the lower extremities is too high, such as sitting or standing for a long time, performing heavy physical labor for a long time, or there is an obstacle to venous return and venous valve dysfunction, it will cause the appearance of varicose veins.

The so-called varicose veins of the lower limbs are actually lesions that appear in the superficial veins of the lower limbs, and the scope of the lesions includes the great saphenous vein, the small saphenous vein and its branches.

It will not only appear in the patient's legs, bumpy, raised veins and blood vessels, but also have a certain harm to the body.

Suffering from varicose veins of the lower extremities, timely treatment, can not be dragged, otherwise these 3 hazards will come to the door

If treatment is not carried out in time, the following three problems may find patients later:

1. Edema and pigmentation: due to poor venous vascular reflux and reflux problems, the patient's plasma osmolality is often unbalanced, and a large amount of water penetrates into the tissue, so the patient is prone to edema symptoms, and most of them are manifested as mild in the morning and worse at night.

In addition, due to the presence of long-term venous hypertension, it will cause increased capillary permeability in the patient's legs, rupture after erythrocyte exudation, and continuous deposition of heme under the skin, which will cause the patient's skin to become darker and darker, and can also be accompanied by skin desquamation, itching, pigmentation and other problems, and may even form eczema and ulcers;

Suffering from varicose veins of the lower extremities, timely treatment, can not be dragged, otherwise these 3 hazards will come to the door

2. Bleeding should not be ignored: because the patient has varicose veins, in the area through which the veins pass, the skin nutrient intake is insufficient, so it is very fragile.

If there is damage, it may cause varicose veins to rupture, which can induce bleeding. Scarily, because most bleeding is often not accompanied by painful symptoms, patients are often unaware of it, only occasionally finding petechiae under the skin.

If there is heavy bleeding, especially at night, it may cause more serious consequences;

Suffering from varicose veins of the lower extremities, timely treatment, can not be dragged, otherwise these 3 hazards will come to the door

3. Venous thrombosis: the relationship between venous thrombosis and varicose veins is very complicated, varicose veins can lead to the appearance of thrombosis, and thrombosis can also cause varicose vein attacks.

If the patient's varicose veins have not been effectively treated, thrombosis may form in the superficial veins of the varicose veins, which are manifested by local redness and pain, vascular pain, local hard mass formation, and interference with normal limb movement and walking.

If left untreated, the thrombus may rise or pass through the communicative veins and spread to the deep veins, causing an attack of deep vein thrombosis. Once the deep vein thrombus falls off and travels with the blood circulation, it may cause a fatal pulmonary embolism burst.

Suffering from varicose veins of the lower extremities, timely treatment, can not be dragged, otherwise these 3 hazards will come to the door

From the above content, it is not difficult to see that varicose veins seem to be a small problem, but behind this is a greater health crisis, and even a fatal danger.

Therefore, everyone should learn to protect their lower limb veins in daily life, and avoid actively losing weight after sitting or standing for a long time and overweight.

If varicose veins have already occurred, you should seek medical attention in time for relevant examinations and start treatment according to the doctor's recommendations. So far, clinical methods of commonly used and treated varicose veins include traditional surgical treatment, compression stocking wearing treatment, minimally invasive treatment and so on.

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