
Toothache kills! The 4 triggers of toothache can be relieved early if the pain can be treated symptomatically

Although toothache is not a serious disease, once the pain starts, it can make people sit restless and painful. Toothache not only causes physical discomfort, but also affects eating, and is also very irritable mentally, which can only be experienced by people who have experienced toothache.

Toothache occurs not for no reason, if frequent toothache, generally related to oral diseases, if you can carry out targeted treatment, you can stay away from toothache.

So, what are the general causes of toothache?

Toothache kills! The 4 triggers of toothache can be relieved early if the pain can be treated symptomatically

1. Caries

Caries, also known as worm teeth, is caused by bacteria corroding tooth enamel. Many people in life do not take oral cleaning seriously enough, and most of them only cope with it when brushing their teeth, resulting in many food residues left in the mouth, which are easy to breed bacteria.

Especially if you usually like to eat sugar, the food residue formed is more conducive to the reproduction of bacteria, and the substances secreted by these bacteria corrode the teeth and form a tooth hole. Once the cavity is deeper and invades the pulp, it will cause pain.

If you have frequent toothache, you can look in the mirror to see if the teeth have black holes, and if it is caries, you can go to the hospital's mouth to repair the holes.

Toothache kills! The 4 triggers of toothache can be relieved early if the pain can be treated symptomatically

Second, long wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are teeth that grow after adulthood, and if toothache occurs frequently, it may also be caused by wisdom teeth. The food eaten by modern people is often more delicate, which can easily cause the jaw to be underdeveloped, resulting in tooth irregularities, and the wisdom teeth will grow crooked due to the influence of neighboring teeth after they grow out.

There will be a gap between the long crooked wisdom teeth and the surrounding teeth, and it is easy to leave food debris, and over time, pericoronitis of the wisdom teeth can be formed, causing symptoms of toothache. In addition, caries can also occur in the wisdom teeth themselves, and if the caries develops severely and inflammation forms, it can also cause pain.

For wisdom teeth that cause pain, it is generally recommended to remove them.

Toothache kills! The 4 triggers of toothache can be relieved early if the pain can be treated symptomatically

3. Pulpitis

The pulp is the tooth nerve, and if the pulp is infected, it can cause inflammation and pain. Trauma and wear of teeth, as well as the wisdom teeth and caries mentioned above, can cause pulpitis.

The pain caused by pulpitis at night will be particularly intense, unbearable, for pulpitis, the current general need for root canal treatment, if not treated in time, the later stage can cause more serious problems such as apical periodontitis, in addition to severe pain, will also affect the daily diet, should be paid attention to.

Toothache kills! The 4 triggers of toothache can be relieved early if the pain can be treated symptomatically

4. Gum recession

If the symptoms of toothache tend to occur after eating, especially after eating food that is too cold, too hot or too acid, the phenomenon of toothache suddenly appears, and then improves on its own after a period of time, this is likely caused by gum recession.

The occurrence of gum recession is related to incorrect brushing and periodontal disease is not treated in time, such people have very sensitive teeth, once the gums are stimulated, there will be pain.

Toothache kills! The 4 triggers of toothache can be relieved early if the pain can be treated symptomatically

The occurrence of toothache is related to many factors, such as caries, long wisdom teeth, pulpitis, gum atrophy, etc., when toothache occurs, it can be targeted according to the specific cause. Usually also pay attention to the protection of teeth, do a good job of oral cleaning, correct brushing, diet should try to avoid eating cold, overheating and other foods that can stimulate the teeth, once there is dental disease, to timely treatment to avoid aggravation of the disease.

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