
Mother's Day, take care of your mother's health

"Mom" is the hardest job in the world. But behind the hard work is not only a beautiful and warm home, but also a small illness on the body. Health can't be bought, time can't go back, it's time to care about mom's health!

On May 8th, on the occasion of Mother's Day, it was also the summer of Lixia, and the series of activities of "Famous Chinese Medicine Cloud Lecture Hall" co-sponsored by Life Times and Beijing Tongrentang Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. specially invited Professor He Junqin, chief physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, to give a health class for mothers and send a "health gift".

Five Diseases, Women's Health "Stumbling Blocks"

In outpatient clinics, several diseases that bother women the most are: gynecological inflammation, breast hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, menopausal syndrome and osteoporosis.

Gynecological inflammation

The reason for the high incidence of gynecological inflammation is twofold: First, the sexual life is unhealthy or unhygienic, which is easy to induce inflammation and HPV infection, resulting in cervical cancer.

On the other hand, many women don't have the right idea of sex. From the perspective of gynecology and endocrinology, women always have a normal sexual life, immune function is guaranteed, and even diseases can be reduced.

In addition, common inflammation is also related to induced abortion, the so-called pelvic inflammatory disease, adnexitis are caused by this.

In order to prevent gynecological inflammation, artificial abortion should be avoided and private hygiene should be paid attention to. Women who have already suffered from inflammation should not accept it when they see it in treatment.

HPV infection is a risk factor for cervical cancer and should be treated early and followed up on time.

Breast hyperplasia

Chinese medicine believes that poor emotions, poor diet, and imbalance are important causes of breast hyperplasia. Therefore, staying optimistic, the combination of work and leisure is the only magic weapon to prevent breast hyperplasia.

For such diseases, traditional medicine often uses flavored Yaoyao Pills, which are based on the Yaoyao Scattered Formula contained in the Song Dynasty's "Taiping Huimin and Pharmacy Bureau Fang", adding peony peel and gardenia herbs.

Chinese medicine believes that the liver mainly hides blood, likes to reach and is afraid of depression, and any factors such as emotional failure, anger and depression or blood deficiency cannot nourish the liver can make the liver qi lose its strip and go against the spleen. Therefore, it is necessary to thin the liver and nourish the blood, strengthen the spleen and medium, in order to cure it.

And the flavored yaoyao pills in angelica and white peony can nourish the blood and replenish the liver; angelica can scatter the liver and wake up the spleen; white peony can soften the liver, and the two drugs are prescription Chinese medicine. Bai Shu, Poria Poria, Licorice Qi, Spleen Strengthening and Zhong are the subject medicines in the prescription, Chai Hu can relieve liver depression as an adjuvant, Peppermint clear liver depression and heat removal, dried ginger warm stomach and Zhong as a medicine.

These drugs are compatible, so that it has the effect of thinning the liver and strengthening the spleen, and can be used for liver depression and blood deficiency, liver and spleen disharmony, swelling pain, dizziness, fatigue and less food, menstrual irregularities, umbilical and abdominal distention and pain.

In addition, women with breast hyperplasia should also pay attention to the potential cancerous trend, and can detect abnormalities early and treat them in a timely manner through medical examinations and other means.

Uterine fibroids

This is a benign tumor and treatment also depends on the situation. If the uterus does not exceed the size of 12 weeks of pregnancy, surgery is not necessary and you can go to the hospital every 3 months for a follow-up examination. Women close to menopause generally advocate conservative treatment because of the possibility of natural atrophy of fibroids after menopause.

If you want to prevent uterine fibroids in life, you should keep your mood comfortable, reduce stress, pay attention to keep warm, eat lightly, and avoid spicy raw and cold irritating foods.

Menopausal syndrome

More than 90% of menopausal women have menopausal symptoms, which is caused by the decline of ovarian function and the sharp drop in estrogen levels, such as moodiness, grumpiness, hot flashes, sweating, palpitations and insomnia, which seriously affect life.

In this special period, women should learn "three defenses" and "four attentions".

First, anti-anemia, you can eat some foods rich in high-quality protein, iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 and other nutrients. The second is to prevent obesity, insist on exercise, and eat less high-calorie foods. The third is to prevent hypertension, you should follow the doctor's instructions to take medicine, and monitor blood pressure every day.

"Four attentions", one is to pay attention to regulating emotions, when the mood is not good, you can talk to family and friends.

The second is to pay attention to appropriate exercise, which can be combined with the doctor's advice to determine the mode, intensity and frequency of exercise.

The third is to pay attention to sleeping enough, take a nap at noon or close your eyes to recuperate, do not stay up late at night, if insomnia and dreams, you can try to take calming and healthy brain fluid.

Fourth, we should pay attention to regular physical examinations, understand our own health status, and intervene as soon as possible once the disease signal is found.


During menopause, 25% of women suffer from osteoporosis, and if you find yourself in this period and often have back pain, you should be wary of osteoporosis.

If it is not paid attention to and paid little attention, falling down may cause serious consequences such as fractures. Among them, the wrist, spine, and hip are the three most likely to fracture.

Preventing osteoporosis in women should be a lifelong lesson. Before the age of 35, osteoporosis is prevented mainly through changes in diet and living habits.

Before and after menopause, first of all, we must change bad habits such as long-term sucking, excessive drinking, sedentary and low-calcium diet, and regularly monitor bone density if possible.

If necessary, anti-osteoporosis drugs may also be taken. In addition, it is recommended that female friends do more sports, that is, squatting + tai chi + cycling.

At the turn of spring and summer, the emphasis is on nourishing the heart

Before and after the summer, we should pay special attention to the maintenance of various organs, lay a solid foundation for the gradual improvement of the body and mind after the summer, and the focus should be on "raising" health from the following points.

Nourish the mind

In the summer season, the yang qi in nature gradually grows, the yin qi gradually weakens, relative to the human organs, the summer and the heart communicate, so the human liver qi weakens, and the heart qi gradually strengthens.

People's anger will also increase, it is recommended not to be overjoyed and angry, and to relax the heart in everything in order to achieve the purpose of lowering the fire of the heart.

Protects the spleen and stomach

The increase in summer rains, coupled with the hot weather, people like to eat cold drinks, which will make the spleen and stomach of "like dry and wet" easy to be injured. Therefore, it is recommended not to eat too much cold food after the summer, and can use fresh fruits and vegetables instead.

You can also take some traditional Chinese medicines that have the effect of soothing the liver and blood, strengthening the spleen and having medium effects under the guidance of a doctor, such as flavored yaoyao pills, which have the effect of soothing the liver and spleen.

Get enough sleep

After the summer, the weather is hot and dry, and Chinese medicine believes that heat can make a fire, which can easily lead to restlessness, insomnia and dreams.

From the perspective of Chinese medicine theory, 11 to 13 o'clock in the afternoon every day is the active period of the heart meridian, it is recommended that office workers or the elderly pay attention to recuperation during this period, and can reserve energy for the body through lunch break. During your lunch break, if you really can't sleep, you can try to close your eyes and recuperate.

Eat well

In terms of diet, it is necessary to grasp the principle of "spring and summer yang", choose warm yang qi, spicy food, such as ginger, leeks, etc.; you can also choose wet foods, such as Huai yam, mustard and so on. Also pay attention to supplementing protein, you can eat more fish, beans and so on.

Women with weak physique, after the summer metabolism increases, easy to "deficiency", can eat some ejiao and other relatively peaceful food, can replenish qi and blood, external strong spirit.

Move it

During the Summer Festival, you can choose some slow-paced aerobic exercises, such as walking, jogging, practicing baduanjin, playing tai chi or doing yoga stretching. You can also try combing your hair, which will not only relieve the fatigue of the day, but also help keep your hair black and shiny.

Need to remind, there is a type of person sweating in the summer is particularly serious, may be ordinary people are only slightly sweaty, and she has been soaked with sweat all over her clothes, this kind of person is generally caused by qi deficiency, if there is such a situation, it is recommended to go to the Chinese medicine hospital, ask the doctor to help dialectical treatment, you can drink some pulse drinks every day. ▲

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