
Do fibroids must be removed if they are found? Will it affect the preparation for pregnancy and fertility?

Regarding cancer, it is definitely a topic that everyone talks about.

In particular, malignant tumors can not only be seriously life-threatening, but even if they are cured, they may cause great damage to health.

Therefore, in most people's eyes, cancer is a disease that has to shed its skin even if it does not die.

However, there is a tumor, although it is mostly benign, but it also needs to be paid attention to!

Because a little carelessness, light damage to physical health, heavy may affect the inheritance of future generations!

It's uterine fibroids!

Do fibroids must be removed if they are found? Will it affect the preparation for pregnancy and fertility?

Speaking of uterine fibroids, some friends may not know much about it.

Simply put, uterine fibroids are estrogen-dependent tumors that are predominantly benign and have a low incidence of malignancy.

Many times, as women age and have menopause or change earlier, uterine fibroids will gradually atrophy and until they disappear.

Doesn't it sound like "harmless to humans and animals"?

But once the diameter of the uterine fibroids exceeds 5 centimeters and is not removed in time, it may endanger women's health!

Do fibroids must be removed if they are found? Will it affect the preparation for pregnancy and fertility?

If you find uterine fibroids in normal times, then we should treat it and cut it, and there will always be a way to deal with it.

But once the uterine fibroids are found in the process of pregnancy preparation, this will make many couples fall into a dilemma.

Take medication treatment, afraid that the drug will affect the quality of subsequent fertility, even if pregnant, you will worry about the health problems of the fetus;

Surgical treatment, not only has the risk of surgery, but also the time cost alone is also very high, in case of repeated recovery is not good, pregnancy preparation has to be postponed;

But I really want to say that I let it go directly to prepare for pregnancy, I don't say anything about my heart, and I am afraid that uterine fibroids will increase the risk of pregnancy, and it is not a proper treatment, nor is it not a cure.

Do fibroids must be removed if they are found? Will it affect the preparation for pregnancy and fertility?

So, do you have to remove fibroids when you find them? If you don't remove it, will it affect the pregnancy and fertility?

In this regard, Professor Li Kemin, chief physician and master tutor of Beijing Jiayuan Hospital, gave the answer: there are different sizes and parts of uterine fibroids, some grow on the surface of the uterus called subserosal fibroids, some grow between the uterine muscle walls called intermural fibroids, and some grow in the uterine cavity called submucosal fibroids, there are many types. Under normal circumstances, submucosal fibroids will directly affect pregnancy, so it is necessary to remove them in time before pregnancy; if the diameter of intermural fibroids exceeds 4 centimeters, it may cause miscarriage and infertility, and also need to be removed in time, and the diameter of subserosal fibroids reaches five or six centimeters, but it does not affect menstruation, you can directly prepare for pregnancy, the risk is not large! Therefore, it is advisable to determine whether the fibroids need to be removed, whether they affect pregnancy, or whether they need to make a detailed assessment before pregnancy based on the location and size of the fibroids!

Do fibroids must be removed if they are found? Will it affect the preparation for pregnancy and fertility?

Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumor in women, so even if the diagnosis is confirmed, don't be too anxious and nervous.

It is believed that as long as the medical treatment is done as soon as possible, timely treatment, and if necessary, assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF are used to complete fertility, then the disease will be controlled quickly, and a good pregnancy will come as promised.

Do fibroids must be removed if they are found? Will it affect the preparation for pregnancy and fertility?

Fertility is not easy, and it is good and cherished. Finally, I wish you all a smooth pregnancy preparation, a successful test tube, and an early arrival of a good pregnancy!

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