
What are the dangers of uterine fibroids? Do I need surgery? A piece of popular science, may wish to take a look!

"Uterine fibroids" I think everyone should have heard of in daily life, in the mainland all female patients who have had their uterus removed due to diseases, the vast majority of them are because of uterine fibroids.

The so-called uterine fibroids are actually the most common types of tumors in the female reproductive organs, and they are also the most common tumors in the human body, and its essence is benign tumors.

The main component of uterine fibroids is actually uterine smooth muscle cell hyperplasia, which also contains a small amount of fibrous connective tissue as a support, so its scientific name in the clinic is "uterine leiomyoma".

What are the dangers of uterine fibroids? Do I need surgery? A piece of popular science, may wish to take a look!

So far, the cause of uterine fibroids is still not fully understood, and in clinical opinion, it is the product of multi-factor combination.

Similar to other benign tumors, most patients do not have any symptoms after the onset of uterine fibroids, and are only detected during an occasional physical examination or ultrasound.

If the patient has obvious symptoms, it is affected by the size and number of fibroids, and common symptoms include menstrual changes and abdominal masses.

So the question is, what are the harms and effects of uterine fibroids?

What are the dangers of uterine fibroids? Do I need surgery? A piece of popular science, may wish to take a look!

1. Affect fertility

In mainland China, some patients with uterine fibroids have infertility symptoms, and a small number of patients can conceive naturally, but the pregnancy process is difficult and prone to miscarriage.

This is so because the specific growth site, size, and number of fibroids have an impact on conception and pregnancy. For example, after the appearance of huge uterine fibroids, it may cause deformation of the female uterine cavity, which in turn affects the implantation of the pregnancy sac and embryonic development.

If fibroids are pressed into the fallopian tubes, they may also cause ovulation disorders, and submucosal fibroids can hinder implantation of the gestational sac, affect sperm and egg binding, and then develop infertility. Statistics from relevant studies show that the spontaneous abortion rate of fibroid patients is significantly higher than that of normal people, reaching 4:1;

What are the dangers of uterine fibroids? Do I need surgery? A piece of popular science, may wish to take a look!

2. Anemia

Uterine bleeding is the most typical symptom of fibroids, and it is similar in 1 in 2 patients. Among the symptoms of uterine bleeding, the most common is periodic bleeding, which is manifested by a significant increase in menstrual flow and a prolonged or shortened menstrual period.

Some patients also have irregular vaginal bleeding, especially submucosal fibroids and intermural fibroids. Patients may develop hemorrhagic anemia due to prolonged menorrhagia and irregular vaginal bleeding. Especially in patients with submucosal fibroids, even more severe anemia will occur.

What are the dangers of uterine fibroids? Do I need surgery? A piece of popular science, may wish to take a look!

In addition to the above two hazards, if a woman has uterine fibroids with obvious symptoms such as pain, excessive menstrual flow, increased vaginal discharge, especially in patients with multiple uterine fibroids, surgery may be required. If necessary, even the uterus needs to be removed.

For women without fertility needs, the effects of hysterectomy are not large. But for women who still have fertility needs, hysterectomy is undoubtedly a huge blow.

What are the dangers of uterine fibroids? Do I need surgery? A piece of popular science, may wish to take a look!

Of course, the point that needs to be emphasized here is that when uterine fibroids are necessary for surgery, doctors will consider the patient's age, fertility needs, fibroid size and specific growth site, and not all women need to remove the uterus.

After all, the current medical technology is very mature, and fibroid removal surgery can save a woman's uterus. Therefore, after the emergence of the disease, the first thing everyone should do is not panic, but should actively communicate with the doctor.

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