
A 7-year-old boy in Zhengzhou has "knots" on his body, and more and more! Doctor's reminder: treat it quickly

Top News Henan Business Daily reporter Wang Menglin

Usually the doll has a cold and fever, can break the mother's heart, every time Aunt Bao goes to the hospital, she can see the baby crying because of the treatment and tearing the heart and lungs.

Watching children suffer, parents are also extremely tormented in their hearts.

When the child grows a "small pimple" of "no pain" and "no itch", do you mothers pay attention to it?


Zhengzhou a 7-year-old boy (Kiki) has a "small pimple" on the body has been 2 months, Kiki's mother just found out when she wanted to take the child to the hospital to see how this is going on, the child cried incessantly: "I don't want injections!" I don't go to the hospital! ”

"Itchy or not? Do you want to scratch? ”

"Not itchy!"

"Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt!"

"Not itchy" and "not painful"? Kiki's parents thought vaguely, "Then there should be nothing wrong, right?" ”

Therefore, dragging and dragging, dragging for 2 months, Kiki's "small bumps" slowly grew from a few at the beginning to more than ten, Kiki's father could not sit still, and quickly took his son to the dermatology department of the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou City to see what exactly caused it.

"The child has molluscum contagiosum." Wang Rui, deputy director of the dermatology department of the hospital, looked at the "small pimple" on Kiki's arm and said.

A 7-year-old boy in Zhengzhou has "knots" on his body, and more and more! Doctor's reminder: treat it quickly

what? Molluscum contagiosum? As soon as Kiki's father heard the word "contagion", he immediately did not calm down, "Why is this contagious?" How can it be transmitted to children? I don't have any length on my kids. ”

Wang Rui explained to Kiki's father: "Children are in the stage of growth and development, the body resistance and immunity are poor, they are more susceptible to the invasion of molluscum contagiosum virus, do not need to be too nervous, through treatment can be cured." ”

Wang Rui told Aunt Bao that such careless parents were "often encountered" on the outpatient clinic!

What is molluscum contagiosum?

Molluscum contagiosum, also known as "water sickness", is a contagious disease caused by molluscum contagiosum infection, as the name suggests, "it" will spread, and the contagiousness is relatively large.

Molluscum contagiosum can occur anywhere on the surface of the body, where susceptible sites are affected by the route of infection and the way of dress (i.e., climatic conditions), characterized by the occurrence of characteristic waxy, shiny papules or nodules on the skin, with a depression at the apex, which can squeeze out cheese-like molluscum bodies.

Knock on the point!

For children and adults, molluscum contagiosum is transmitted differently.

The disease is common in children and young people, through direct contact or through the presence of autovaccination, or through public baths or swimming pools.

In adults, molluscum contagiosum can be transmitted through sexual contact, and skin lesions tend to occur in the perianal-genital area of sexually transmitted patients.

"No pain" and "no itch" does not mean that it is okay

Here, Aunt Bao wants to give Bao Moms a wake-up call, molluscum contagiosum incubation period changes greatly, generally in 14 days to 6 months, weeks to months warts can be developed from a few to dozens or even hundreds, many parents after the discovery of warts, did not take treatment measures "At the beginning of the child's skin surface grew a small acne, because 'no pain', 'no itch', the symptoms are not obvious, plus many parents do not know what this is, often do not care too much. Wang Rui stressed that the child suffers from molluscum contagiosum, "no pain" and "no itch", does not mean that there is nothing wrong, the longer it is delayed at home, the warts will be "more and more born".

At present, the common means of treating molluscum contagiosum is wart clamping, and the treatment of freezing, laser, and gua wart can also be used, but no matter what method is chosen, the cries of children can be heard during treatment.

Wang Rui told Aunt Bao that the outpatient clinic often encounters parents who are afraid of pain and do not cooperate with active treatment, "Parents hold a fluke mentality, feel that the child will 'self-heal' after a long time, but the individual resistance of each child is different, for patients with strong resistance, the warts may subside on their own after a few months of infection with molluscum contagiosum, but most of them increase sharply over time. ”

A 7-year-old boy in Zhengzhou has "knots" on his body, and more and more! Doctor's reminder: treat it quickly

(Image from the Internet)

Warts are prone to recurrence, how to care?

In addition to the strong contagiousness of molluscum contagiosum, the point that makes many patients very "headache" is that after some patients have been treated, the warts have disappeared and the skin has returned to normal, but soon there will be repeated seizures.

In fact, there are many reasons for the recurrence of warts, such as incomplete treatment, lack of protection after healing, repeated contact with items carrying the virus, lack of attention to personal hygiene, etc., which can lead to the recurrence of warts.

Therefore, daily care is particularly important, for children infected with molluscum contagiosum, parents should pay attention to it, beware of children scratching, avoid rubbing the warts when bathing, which can easily lead to autodisporation, "daily necessities sheets, bedding, towels, intimate clothing may carry the virus, to often use boiling water to burn a hot, regular disinfection." Wang Rui said. (Edited by Hua Huajuan)

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