
Masculine Teenager 丨 Peng Xuluo: How to cultivate a child's masculinity

Recently, in response to the "Proposal on Preventing the Feminization of Male Adolescents" put forward by members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Ministry of Education said that it will pay attention to the cultivation of students' "masculinity", which has aroused controversy from all sides. In this regard, Peng Xuluo, an explorer of the China Adventure Association and a writer of children's literature, put forward ten suggestions on "how to cultivate children's masculinity".

Masculine Teenager 丨 Peng Xuluo: How to cultivate a child's masculinity

How to cultivate your child's masculinity

As parents, we all want our children to be spiritual, sunny, healthy, positive and upward; boys are like boys, girls are like girls. But reality often backfires.

In the current network terms, children are seriously affected by "pseudo-brides" and "mother cannons", have lost the mental outlook and spiritual qi that children should have, and have completely lost their masculine temperament, which is a major event that we have to pay attention to for the development of a country and the development of a nation.

How exactly can we cultivate masculinity in our children?

I think it's mainly starting from the following points.

The first point is to talk about rules from primary school, abide by order, cultivate good living habits and behavior habits of children, and not overly pamper and spoil.

For example, after the child is two years old, when learning to walk independently and freely, they should insist on letting them walk, rather than picking them up or carrying them up as soon as the child shouts tired, not to mention, the current child's opportunity to walk is less and pitiful, if the parents are spoiled again, they will have no opportunity to walk independently.

For example, when eating, you should sit at the table and concentrate on eating, and when you play, you should concentrate on playing, and you can't be half-hearted. If he does not eat seriously, do not chase and feed, and when the child is hungry, do not rush to give snacks, otherwise the child will no longer like to eat, because he thinks that he still has a way to retreat.

For example, when a child reaches kindergarten, he must learn to carry his own school bag, let alone after elementary school. Carrying a school bag to school is a very fulfilling and mission-oriented behavior, which is a feeling that our parents cannot replace and pass on, let alone deprive. If parents carry school bags for them, they will think that many things and behaviors in life can be shared by parents for them, including learning, and they will also think so, and the consequences can be imagined.

In terms of education, we parents must adhere to the bottom line, can not children cry, there is no bottom line of connivance and concessions, that will only make their temper and personality worse and worse, and finally, unable to control and manage themselves.

We let children in the process of young growth, pay attention to rules, keep the bottom line, and stress principles, which are all to help them grow up to be honest, abide by social order, and lay a good foundation for self-restraint and self-control.

Masculine Teenager 丨 Peng Xuluo: How to cultivate a child's masculinity

The second point is to involve children in family life and family affairs from an early age.

For example, let the children and parents wash dishes and clothes together, do the hygiene of the home together, and arrange the landscape of the home together, so that they can cultivate the children's sense of responsibility and mission, so that they are fully aware that they are a member of the family, and the beautiful environment maintenance and normal operation of this big family require everyone to make their own corresponding efforts and contributions, and no one is superfluous.

Regardless of whether he does it well or not, whether he will do it or not, we should guide, encourage, and ask, so that over time, children will naturally learn slowly, which will also help them to be independent and grow up in the future.

The third point is to develop the ability of children to take responsibility for themselves.

When children are very young, we parents will help them wash, find clothes, get dressed, and as they get older, we should let go and let them learn to arrange their own lives.

For example, before going to bed at night, you should find the clothes for school the next day and put them on the bedside, and after getting up the next morning, you should take the initiative to dress, wash your face, brush your teeth, comb your hair, and then take the initiative to remind parents that it is time to send them to school.

After school every day, what homework, you should take the initiative to do it, take the initiative to tell the parents after doing it, or ask the parents to check, or check yourself.

Over time, they will also cultivate a sense of responsibility for themselves. Slowly, they will understand, what should they do? What can I do? What will you do? What should I learn?

Masculine Teenager 丨 Peng Xuluo: How to cultivate a child's masculinity

The fourth point is to take the children to participate in the right sports.

For example, cycling, rock climbing, ice skating, mountain climbing, hiking, etc., these sports can regulate children's mood and can also improve their physique.

Children who usually insist on exercise and exercise will definitely be healthy and in a happy mood. As they grow older, the children's learning pressure is getting heavier and heavier, the time is getting tighter and tighter, and the more they go to the back, the more they fight for their physique.

People's life, said long and long, said short is also short, the most critical age group, is the age of children to lay the foundation. As parents, we must help our children lay a healthy foundation.

Healthy children naturally show the sunny side.

The fifth point is to take the children back to nature and experience nature.

Now most of the children, most of them live in the city, rarely feel the charm of nature, find the peculiarity of nature, coupled with the children's heavy schooling now, the opportunity to get close to nature is even less, we as parents, we should take time as much as possible, in the holidays to take them to the outdoors, to walk in nature, and even in a daze.

At the same time, children can be guided to observe, learn to discover, learn to describe and express what they see and hear, which can not only please their mood, health their bodies, but also improve their writing ability, observation ability and expression ability.

Now many children are afraid to write essays, and one of the main reasons is that they experience too little and experience too little.

Don't know what to write, don't know how to write, this is the root of the problem.

Returning to nature can also strengthen the hearts of children, so that they have a reverence for nature, as well as reverence for life and reverence for god. These are the things they can never learn in the classroom at school and in their homework.

You know, not only do plants need sunlight, but we humans also need sunlight for growth.

Masculine Teenager 丨 Peng Xuluo: How to cultivate a child's masculinity

The sixth point is to take the children to participate in public welfare activities and related volunteer activities.

We must let the children understand that there are still many people in this society who need our help, and each of us asks for a lot of things from the society and nature, and at the same time we should also return more things from this society and nature, so as to conform to the laws of nature and the balance of ecology.

For example, take your children to the nursing home to visit the widows and the elderly, talk with them for a while, send them some supplies, accompany them to a birthday, and so on.

Another example is to take children to the mountains to visit left-behind children and left-behind elderly people, so that children can see more living conditions. While helping them, it also makes children understand that they should cherish the happy life they have now, because a comfortable life is not easy to come by.

Through these behaviors, indirectly let the children feel the growth of life, aging, death, and some other life philosophies that we usually can't explain to them. In a person's life, life, old age, illness and death is a normal process, but also a complete process, we must correctly understand and face these problems.

In these activities, children believe that they will understand the meaning of life, and the meaning of life.

The seventh point is to consciously cultivate the children's spirit of hard work, simplicity, thrift, and hard-working.

Hardship, simplicity, diligence and thrift are the fine traditions of our nation, and we must not forget this virtue and tradition because the living conditions are better and the material is rich.

As parents, the supplies provided to the children should also be limited, such as each meal must be eaten in the bowl, control snacks; clothes and shoes unless small and broken, do not add new, let alone pay attention to brand names, so as to promote children's vanity. Toys must also be limited and controlled, rather than blindly unconditionally meet their requirements, to let children understand that all things are not what they want to want, but to be moderate, not extravagant, not wasteful, can be used, apply it.

If conditions permit, take the child as far as possible to do some hard physical work, such as cleaning the hygiene of the home, garbage cleaning of public welfare environmental protection activities, and going to the countryside to help parents or other elderly people go up the mountain to cut firewood, carry firewood, hoe the ground, dig sweet potatoes, harvest corn, etc. to do some farm work. These experiences can enrich the children's lives, the second is to make them more grounded, know that survival is not easy, food is not easy to come by, and third, they can develop the character of hard-working and hard-working.

You can also use flower pots on the balcony at home to plant vegetables, corn and other crops together, so that children can observe the growth process of plants, and also experience the hardships and achievements of being a small farmer. This is also a rare experience and harvest for children who are now far away from the land and far from nature.

Masculine Teenager 丨 Peng Xuluo: How to cultivate a child's masculinity

The eighth point is that parents should set a good example for their children.

We often say that parents are children's enlightenment teachers and children's best teachers, and what parents do will affect their children's life, including the formation of their future personality, as well as the standard of their outlook on life and values.

Therefore, as parents, we must set a good example for our children, such as punctuality, honesty, rules, not littering, obeying traffic rules, filial piety to the elderly, not vanity, not bragging, not speaking big words, and so on.

The influence of the power of example on children, we must not ignore, this impact is subtle, is lasting and far-reaching.

For example, if you want your children to grow up to be filial to you and be good to you, then when they are young, you must take them back to their hometown to visit their parents and honor their parents. You're doing it, the kids are watching and learning.

The ninth point gives the child normal dress and dress.

That is, the boy must be like a boy, and the girl must be like a girl.

Boys like toy knives, guns, cars, weapons, etc. from childhood, while girls like dolls, head flowers, trinkets, etc. From childhood, this is the natural difference.

We parents must not give boys long hair, braids, women's clothes, etc.; do not cut girls' heads, wear men's clothes, etc. This will invisibly send them an ambiguous signal, affecting their character formation and their understanding of their gender.

Boys should learn to be sunny, masculine, and gentlemanly; and girls should learn to be sunny, positive, and elegant.

The tenth point is to read more masculine literature.

Masculine literary works include adventure, military, detective and many other categories, and the spirit conveyed by these literary works is masculine, positive and upward positive energy.

These literary works are also professional books, most of which are created by relevant professionals, and you can learn a lot of professional scientific knowledge in the process of reading, which is the effect that reading other types of literary works cannot achieve.

Reading masculine literature can make children grow into wise, brave, responsible, and responsible masculine teenagers, and I believe that this is the dream of all our parents.

At the same time, we must stay away from those "small fresh meat" and "small pink face" entertainment programs, do not be misled and influenced by them, and clearly know who you are, what you should do, and what you should not do. The views they convey are not the views of our masses, but our future, the future of our nation, which must be passed on and guarded by masculine, bloody Chinese.

In the face of difficulties, wars, disasters, and diseases, those who wear heavy makeup, yin and yang are strange, crying and crying, and weak and can't help the wind can't face and bear. At this time, only people with strong hearts, good health, strong wills, and courage and resourcefulness can take responsibility. This kind of person is a person with masculinity.

People's life, after all, there are too few smooth sailings, it is inevitable to encounter some setbacks and tribulations, or difficulties and misunderstandings of others, at this time need a strong heart, masculine spirit, positive attitude to face, to overcome.

The brave are fearless, and the strong are invincible.

Masculine teenager, brave to move forward.

Masculine Teenager 丨 Peng Xuluo: How to cultivate a child's masculinity

Winter and summer camp activities are an effective way to implement quality education.

It is an important channel for improving the ideological and moral education of minors.

It is also a good supplement to school education and family education.

Winter and summer camps can be used to improve many of your children's abilities,

In particular, to cultivate children's spirit of bearing hardships and standing hard work,

This is something that many children in the city lack.

The emergence of winter and summer camps,

Provide a high-quality exercise platform for urban children,

This is also an inevitable product of the development of social, cultural and educational development.

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