
The latest Thai IVF raiders, what do you need to pay attention to?

For IVF families, the purpose of going to Thailand for IVF is to make a good pregnancy successful. After all, the cost of a whole test tube process is tens of thousands of yuan, which is not a small amount for the average test tube family, so let's follow Hengjian overseas to understand it together.

The latest Thai IVF raiders, what do you need to pay attention to?

Therefore, the IVF family starts from all aspects to improve the probability of successful IVF pregnancy. But there are Thai test tube families who are not too aware of the situation and are afraid of failure. Hengjian Overseas pointed out that there is no need to worry. Understand the precautions for IVF ivf preparation to the IVF family in Thailand, and the probability of good IVF pregnancy is high. See:

Tips for GOING to Thailand for IVF: IVF Preparation to Weekly Considerations

Both spouses need to pay attention to the following situations:

During pregnancy preparation or IVF, quit smoking and alcohol

Before pregnancy, both husband and wife should pay attention to the supply of folic acid, iodine and zinc

Good lifestyle, work and rest rules do not stay up late

Men perform semen analysis to understand sperm quality

Exercise appropriately to maintain a clean state of the internal environment of the body

Diet requires special attention and conditioning, maintaining a comprehensive and balanced nutrition, and eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods

In terms of mentality, you should be in a good mood and keep happy during the IVF pregnancy period. If the mentality is not good, it will affect the successful implantation of the embryo.

The latest Thai IVF raiders, what do you need to pay attention to?

IVF technique precautions for pregnant twins

Ivory tube fertility to conceive twins can be said to be the wish of every test tube family, after all, one time can solve the fertility plan, everyone is happy. But there are also some risks associated with IVF pregnancies. Because:

The zg cavity of IVF twin pregnancy is relatively narrow, Hengjian Overseas pointed out that it will affect the blood circulation of the placenta, and the incidence of abortion of pregnant twins is 2-3 times higher than that of single pregnancy, so if the woman is pregnant with twins, she should strengthen protection.

In addition, in the third trimester of IVF, it is necessary to pay attention to avoid overwork and need to stay in bed, which can reduce the symptoms of compression, and at the same time increase zg blood flow and prevent preterm birth.

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