
My sister can take care of him when she's 18, and we're older—the eldest is going to take the second eldest before he's an adult

As soon as the friend party sat down, she listened to her girlfriend Xiaoli complain about her work, and she worked in the parent-child swimming pool. She said that there was a client who wanted to change his child to a parent-child travel project, and there was no problem. But after changing well, he said that he and his husband were older, could he let his sister come and join his brother.

My sister can take care of him when she's 18, and we're older—the eldest is going to take the second eldest before he's an adult

Xiao li asked her sister how old she was, saying that 17 would soon be 18.

Xiao Li said that it must not be okay now, it belongs to minors.

The customer said that my sister was so old that she could take care of him, and I said that my son would also be brought by my sister in the future.

Xiao li said that I was sad for this sister, and her parents were not yet adults, thinking of letting her take her brother in the future.

My sister can take care of him when she's 18, and we're older—the eldest is going to take the second eldest before he's an adult

Tingting said that her unit also has such children. She works in a kindergarten, a child in the class is 4 years old, and her brother is preparing for the college entrance examination in his third year of high school this year.

Many people say that the second child is best to be four or five years old, so that the eldest does not have to worry too much, the parents are not old, and the second child can also take care of it. What are the parents who are more than 15 years apart thinking?

A few years ago, when the third child was not open, a colleague of mine asked for a second child. It turned out that she also firmly said that one child was enough.

My sister can take care of him when she's 18, and we're older—the eldest is going to take the second eldest before he's an adult

When the child was full moon, I asked her how to get the second eldest, she said that it was very difficult to be the eldest before, it took several years to succeed, the second suddenly came, it is also a surprise, then keep it, and then the future society who knows what it looks like, the brothers have one more or better support each other. In the future, when I am older, the brothers will not be too tired if there is something.

Another colleague, in his forties, wants to fight for the second child. She got married early, became a mother in her twenties, and was very high-profile when she went to school for parent-teacher conferences, because she was young, while other mothers were basically in their thirties.

Now the husband especially wants to have another child, so both of them are working hard. After the child was born, she began to complain about why she had this child and why she was guilty of herself. Originally, the child with a stable career did not have to worry about junior high school, and now this little baby let himself start all over again.

My sister can take care of him when she's 18, and we're older—the eldest is going to take the second eldest before he's an adult

And after the child went to school, she was already fifty years old, and the pressure was particularly high every day, and everyone asked her whether she was the mother or grandmother of the child. She said that she felt that she did not have happy days after the birth of the child, and every day she wondered why she had a second child at that time. If there is no second son, the weekend can still be all kinds of dashing, and now it is good to be tied tightly by a child.

My sister can take care of him when she's 18, and we're older—the eldest is going to take the second eldest before he's an adult

I heard the kindergarten teacher say that in the past few years, I could say hello to my parents at an old age, but now I can't, I can only simply say, good morning or goodbye. Because parents are particularly unpredictable about their age. Some parents are already grandmothers and grandmothers before they are fifty years old, and they are more good at dressing. Dresses, long curly hair, high heeled laces and a small satchel, especially foreign.

Some children's mothers are more than forty, with haggard faces and white hair. A neighbor said she had beckoned a child to say goodbye to Grandpa. Then the child looked at her calmly and said, Teacher, that's my dad.

The face of this neighbor teacher is almost no place to put it. This father looks relatively old, looks about fifty, very vicissitudes. The teacher thought it was Grandpa.

She said that since then she has not asked ** Mom how to do anything, just say good morning, welcome baby or goodbye baby. She was worried that she would make a mistake again, the parent's face was not good,and she didn't feel comfortable.

In addition to my colleagues, more than forty to fight for the second child, there are many such parents around. A lot of the reason is that I feel that my life is much better now than before, and I can have another child, except for the physical aspect, which should not be a problem. Or simply feeling that it may be a little lonely to leave home after the child grows up.

My sister can take care of him when she's 18, and we're older—the eldest is going to take the second eldest before he's an adult

I read a post online to the effect that the girl was going to graduate school, and then my mother discussed that she was going to have a younger brother. She didn't agree, and her mother scolded her in various ways, such as selfishness, how to raise you for so many years. The parents said that when they were older, their brothers would also take care of the girls, and the girls did not agree. Her parents began to beat and scold her. Later, her brother was born, and the girl also went to a foreign country for graduate school. Parents can't give birth to themselves and can only raise themselves.

Whether to have a second child and a third child is not just a matter of looking at the health and money of the parents now. Another big issue is age. Don't think that forty is how to do it, the mother is an advanced mother after forty, all kinds of examinations for various problems. Other moms think I have a lot of money and I don't have any problems with having a baby born and raised. In the process of growing up, children do not only need money, but also need to accompany and grow together.

Elderly mothers are unable to do a lot of things after the birth of their children, not to mention all kinds of running and chasing when their children are in trouble.

The pair of parents that Xiaoli complained about in front of her have careers, academic qualifications, status and wealth, and are excellent in all aspects. After the society is very stable, there is a son, and after that, when he is older, he has to rely on the boss to take care of his son. They feel that they lack everything, but in fact, there are many missing, such as swimming with their children, playing with their children, or accompanying their children to participate in parent-child sports meetings.

My sister can take care of him when she's 18, and we're older—the eldest is going to take the second eldest before he's an adult

Many elderly parents will give the second eldest to the eldest to bring together to participate in the kindergarten to participate in various school activities. But they forgot that although the boss was the boss, the boss was still an underage child.

It is the second eldest who forces the boss to continue to grow. When parents have the second eldest, the eldest has a lot of burdens on him, and he needs to bear a lot of responsibilities. And many times, parents do not ask the boss whether he is willing or not, whether he can or cannot.

The second child is open, and the third child is also open. Many people say that now that the career and family concept are stable, there is a baby, and life is very good. The icing on the cake is good, but the premise is not to give the responsibility of taking children only to the boss. The eldest is also the child of her parents, and when there is no second and third elder, how old is she the child of her parents, how can she become a foster after having the second and third elders?

Every adult is responsible for his or her own decisions, and since the decision is to give birth to two or three, then all aspects must be considered, do not let the boss bear too much pressure. The eldest is the older brother and sister and the first child of the parents. She loves her younger siblings and wants the love of her parents to give back.

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