
Ultraman card into elementary school students "social new favorite" popular baby circle of small cards Have your children bought?

[News Page-Taiwan Straits Network]

According to the Report of Quanzhou Network on February 23, your children are addicted to collecting Ultraman cards? Nowadays, ultraman cards have become "social artifacts" in the circle of children, many young boys are particularly obsessed, and it is not uncommon for children to throw hundreds of yuan or even thousands of yuan to collect cards.

Recently, in Zhumadian, Henan, a 10-year-old boy spent 9800 yuan of pressure money in a local stationery store in 10 days during the winter vacation, bought a blind box of a bunch of Ultraman cards, and finally lost all his money. Parents are very angry after learning about it, believing that it is the merchant who induces their children to shop, wanting to get an explanation and recover the loss.

The reporter's investigation found that Ultraman cards are also popular in the children's student circle in Quanzhou, and the "C position" of the commissary near the campus is always reserved for these cards. What kind of magic do these cards have? How should parents correctly guide children who are crazy to set cards?

Fascinated by the "mythical beast" and distressed parents, Ultramanka became the "new social favorite" of primary school students

Ultraman card into elementary school students "social new favorite" popular baby circle of small cards Have your children bought?

In the commissary near the school, Ultraman cards are displayed in the most prominent positions in the store.

What comes to mind when it comes to childhood entertainment? Marbles, sandbags, Super Mario, League of Legends... Each age is different. And now, many children play with the set Ultramanka. A card the size of a playing card has become a "fragrant feast" in the eyes of children, setting off a wave of card collection in the campus. Children are addicted to collection cards, and some even spend hundreds of dollars, which worries many parents.

Several cases

Son obsessed with Ultramanka Parents lament that the set card is like a bottomless pit

Ms. Sun's son, Xiao Fan, is 6 years old this year and attends kindergarten classes. One day after school, Xiao Fan picked up a few Ultraman cards on the road, and thus "bonded" with the cards. "Those cards should have been thrown away by elementary school students at a nearby elementary school." Ms. Sun said that at first, the child did not know the purpose of the card, only that it was printed with Ultraman and looked good, and when he brought the card to the school to communicate with his classmates, he knew that many students were collecting cards. Since then, Xiao Fan has often asked Ms. Sun to buy him cards. At first, Ms. Sun would buy a few packs of cheap cards online for Xiao Fan to play, and then ordinary cards could not meet the "social needs" of children, and Xiao Fan would ask Ms. Sun to buy him a more expensive suit and open rare cards.

Ms. Sun told reporters that children like Ultraman, school bags, cups, toys must buy Ultraman printed, after all, it is a boy, like Ultraman This image of an anime hero can be understood. But she didn't expect to buy such a low-cost, poker-sized card, but it cost her a lot of money. "I bought him hundreds of dollar cards before and after, and it felt like a bottomless pit." Ms. Sun lamented that during the New Year, Xiao Fan also asked to buy more cards with the money.

The "new social favorite" among boys The pocket money is used to buy cards

Mr. Zhang's son Xiaoyu is 12 years old, in the 5th grade of elementary school, and has been collecting Ultraman cards for more than 2 years. "I've collected a whole book, and as for how much it cost, it's really not clear." Mr. Zhang said that grandparents spoil their grandchildren and will give Xiaoyu pocket money from time to time, and these pocket money are almost taken by Xiaoyu to buy cards. At first, Mr. Zhang saw Xiaoyu come back with a card, thinking how much a few cards are, he didn't pay much attention, and later he learned that some of the rare cards in the children's card book were expensive, and Xiaoyu asked his grandparents for money to buy.

Xiaoyu said that many boys in the school are collecting cards, and some spend thousands of dollars. Boys often get together to discuss Ultraman cards and compare them with each other, and the cards that are repeated can be exchanged with classmates. Today, the Ultraman card has become the "new social favorite" of children.

"It's angry, but it's understandable." Mr. Zhang recalled that his childhood was also from the collection of "Water Margin Cards", when a pack of one-dollar dry noodles was bought to get the card inside. "It can only be guided slowly, and the child will not like it when he grows up." Mr. Zhang said.

The little boy follows the trend of the set card and carries the card everywhere he goes

On the afternoon of this year's Lantern Festival, the reporter met a little boy who was taken out by his parents to go shopping in the West Street of the city, he held a thick stack of Ultraman cards in his hand, walked behind the parents, and from time to time he would look at his cards, and the parents on the side urged impatiently: "Keep up, don't just care about playing cards, take these useless out every day!" ”

The parent expressed helplessness about his child's obsession with collecting Ultraman cards. He told reporters that when the child went to school, there were cards in the bag, and he also carried cards everywhere in the New Year, and there were already a lot of cards at home, the child was still clamoring to buy, and if he didn't buy it, he would make trouble, and he also took more than 500 yuan of money to buy a card.

The reporter chatted with the little boy and learned that he was in the second grade of primary school. The child said that the classmates around him were collecting cards, and he followed suit. The reporter asked him what was the use of so many cards, and the little boy said that his classmates all collected cards, and if he didn't, he wouldn't be able to play with everyone.

There are also parents who play with their babies to protect the joy of their children's childhood

Mr. Chen, a citizen, is more open to the matter of children's collection cards. His child is 8 years old this year, and at the beginning he also compared himself with children, and when he saw that others did not have themselves, he clamored to buy them. Every time you go out to play, you have to bring your card book, and every day when you come home from school, you have to look at the card book first.

"The child wants it, I'll buy it for him." I agreed with him that I would put it down when it was time to write my homework, and I could play when it was time to play. Mr. Chen told reporters that the cards he bought for his children had been filled with several card books and spent thousands of yuan. He believes that children are obsessed with one thing, which means that this thing is very important to children, and if Ultramanka can make children happy, parents still have to protect it. "It's a process of growing up, I don't like Ultramanka, I'm fascinated by other things, and parents just need to help their children grasp the 'degree'." Mr. Chen said that Ultraman is a symbol of heroes, and it is not wrong for children to like Ultraman itself, that is the joy of children's childhood. Sometimes, he will also play with his children, understand the reasons why children like Ultramanka, and believe that as children grow up, their hobbies will also shift.

Reporters investigate

The Ultraman card near the commissary near the campus is "standard"

Recently, the reporter visited the commissaries around some schools in the city and found that these stores are selling Ultraman cards. At a kiosk on Aiguo Road in the downtown area, Ultraman cards are placed in the most prominent position at the entrance of the store, with a variety of cards, packaging and prices. The owner of the shop introduced to reporters that the price of Ultraman cards ranges from 1 yuan to 10 yuan, and there are 8 of them in 1 yuan, most of which are ordinary cards, and the "level" is lower. The higher the price of the Ultraman card, the higher the probability of opening a rare card. "Children collect, mainly to get rare cards, some children see that it is a normal card, they just throw it away." The owner of the store pointed to a New Year's limited edition gift box placed in the "C position" at the entrance of the store and said that this box of cards should be more than 800 yuan, which are rare cards, and there will be no more when they are sold out, and they may be able to appreciate in value when they are bought back.

"Nowadays, children like this, and many children usually come to buy it." The shop owner said that many primary school students use their pocket money to buy cards, and some children's albums may have spent thousands of yuan or even tens of thousands of yuan. So, what is the difference between a rare card and a regular card? The owner of the shop admits that they are all cards, but the probability of winning a rare card is relatively low.

In a stationery store on Nanjun North Road in the city, the reporter saw that its glass window was in the most conspicuous position, with a variety of Ultraman cards. The owner told reporters that every day after school is the best time for business in the store, and nearby primary school students will come together to buy cards. "Most of them buy cards under 10 yuan, and some students will buy expensive ones." The owner admits that in the commissary at the entrance of the school, Ultraman cards have become "standard" goods. What children like, of course, the merchant will do what they like.

Online cards are also popular

There are many people who buy a few hundred yuan at a time

In addition to the commissary near the school, ultraman cards in the online store are also popular products. The reporter searched on Taobao, jumped out of a variety of Ultraman cards, full of star cards, gold cards, flash cards and other rare cards are readily available, high transaction volume of stores, monthly sales reached 60,000+, the price of cards ranging from more than ten yuan to hundreds of yuan.

The reporter entered a store with high sales and saw from the store evaluation that most of them were purchased by parents to send their children. "My son loves it very much, and it's a must-have for kindergarten socializing." "The child likes it, and has already taken the card to communicate with the little friend." Shop customer service told reporters that Ultraman cards have been on fire in children's circles for two or three years, and many children will ask parents to buy them. "How old are your children?" If you don't know how to play, you can buy a normal card, if you understand, they all like rare cards. Customer service told reporters that there are not a few customers who buy a few hundred yuan cards at a time, and some limited edition cards are very sought-after. In addition, some childlike adults will also collect cards, and adults have the financial means to buy limited edition sets.

Through several days of investigation, the reporter learned that ultraman cards are divided into R, SR, SSR, PR, UR, HR, CP, LGR, SP and other levels, R level is the most common card, the "force value" of Ultraman and monsters is relatively low, the rarer the card level is higher.

The reporter tried to buy a pack of 2 yuan, opened and found that there were 8 cards the size of playing cards, including 7 R-rated ordinary cards and only one SR-grade coated flash card. The packaging of 10 yuan is almost the same as that of 2 yuan, and in addition to the ordinary card, there is also an SSR card that is particularly conspicuous. The reporter consulted a child, he told reporters, usually a pack of cards will only leave one or two of the most special, ordinary cards are "garbage cards", everyone is not rare.

According to industry insiders, collecting Ultraman cards is the same as opening a blind box, what can be opened, with uncertainty, may open ordinary cards, may also open rare cards, the higher the price of the suit to open a rare card The higher the probability, and want more rare cards, you can only spend money to buy more expensive suits. In addition, many children will make comparisons, more than whose rare cards are, than the "force value" on the cards.

Voices from all sides

Schools strengthen home-school linkage to create a good learning atmosphere

Teacher He Yun of quanzhou No. 3 Experimental Primary School told reporters that there are also children in the class who collect ultraman cards, which depends on how to guide children. As a school and teacher, to create a positive learning atmosphere for children, Ultraman is a hero image of saving the world in the eyes of children, so you can carry out theme class meetings, let children talk about the symbolism of Ultraman, encourage children to study hard like Ultraman in learning and life, and bravely challenge learning problems. "We create an atmosphere of 'catching up with each other' in the class, encouraging children to find opponents, learn better, and develop more than various abilities." He Yun said that the school also carries out activities that are beneficial to children's physical and mental development, such as basketball friendship games, etc., to cultivate children's more interests and hobbies, and in the activities, children's brave and righteous character can also be shaped.

Lin Niannian, a psychology teacher at Quanzhou No. 6 Middle School, said that as a school, it should expand students' horizons by carrying out various activities. Schools can use the school association and team meetings to educate students, tell students not to buy, use, or bring into school; and educate students to choose toys that are beneficial to physical and mental health at home, and appropriately guide and supervise students' extracurricular game toys. "Many parents attach great importance to what their children learn, but they do not have the correct understanding and guidance of what their children play." Lin Niannian said that the home-school linkage can be strengthened to help parents and children control extracurricular games and prevent children from becoming addicted.

Parents understand psychological needs to increase parent-child companionship time

As a parent, how to guide your child correctly? He Yun believes that parents can spend some time guiding their children to another game that is beneficial to physical and mental development and divert their attention; they can also look for things that children are good at and encourage children to find a sense of accomplishment in these things.

Lin Niannian said that parents should understand the psychological needs of their children to collect Ultraman cards, some children are comparison psychology, and some are herd mentality. Ask your children what kind of psychological needs can be met by buying Ultraman cards, and make specific guidance for different psychology. Parents should establish a correct consumption concept for their children, avoid letting children have excessive comparison psychology and out-of-control consumption, and at the same time, they can agree with their children on the number and time of play. More importantly, it is necessary to enrich the child's after-school life, which can not only divert the child's attention to the Ultraman card, but also cultivate more interests and hobbies for the child. Parents should increase the time of parent-child companionship and do some interactive activities with their children. "Children's after-school life is enriched, and their obsession with Ultraman cards will slowly weaken." Lin Niannian said.

Lawyer Children who spend large sums of money to buy a card require the consent of the guardian

In response to this situation, the reporter consulted a lawyer. He said that according to the Provisions of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, minors over the age of 8 are persons with limited capacity for civil conduct, and the implementation of civil juristic acts requires the consent and retroactive recognition of their legally-designated representatives. That is to say, minors over the age of 8 can engage in activities appropriate to their age and intelligence, but this does not mean that they can do anything, spend a large amount of money to buy cards, purchase game equipment, etc., must be approved or retroactively recognized by parents or guardians. For transactions with large amounts or contrary to common sense, merchants should also fulfill their obligation to remind.

The Mainland's Law on the Protection of Minors stipulates that the production and sale of food, medicine, toys, and amusement facilities for minors shall comply with national or industry standards and must not be harmful to the safety and health of minors; where it is necessary to indicate precautions, they shall be marked in a conspicuous position. Minors are the object of common protection in need of society, with "blind box" products to stimulate consumer curiosity, for minors is a kind of inducement consumption, is not conducive to their mental health growth, schools, families, all sectors of society should actively guide, cultivate minors healthy and upward interests. (Reporter Fu Hengwen/Photo)

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