
Ultramanka becomes a "social artifact" for elementary school students! How to break the child addicted to the set card?

It's hard to imagine that a cartoon character born in the 1960s could break through the dimensional wall and become popular again - Ultraman cards have gradually become popular in the island city children's circle since last year. Many children are keen to collect cards and peripheral products, and there are many people who spend hundreds of yuan or thousands of yuan, and some even spend tens of thousands of yuan for this. Not only did they often discuss, but they exchanged with each other, and the Ultramanka became a new generation of "social artifacts". Why do small cards make some children get caught up in it? In the face of addicted children, what should parents do...

The physical store small card occupies the C position

Peripheral products are also popular

When the Ultraman card becomes the "hard currency" of communication between children, the merchant will obviously not let go of such a business opportunity. On the 8th, the reporter saw in a large toy store on Lijin Road that a variety of small bags of Ultraman cards were placed in a conspicuous position on the cash register, properly occupying the C position. "The child loves this card, and once the classmate has a new card, he also wants to buy it." Sometimes I buy several packs and go home to dismantle them. Ms. Liu, a citizen who accompanied her child to buy a card at the toy store, said helplessly.

Ultramanka becomes a "social artifact" for elementary school students! How to break the child addicted to the set card?

Still picking out my favorite Ultraman card.

In addition to toy stores, some stationery stores and commissaries near some schools also have traces of Ultraman cards, and even 24-hour convenience stores are also selling. Open the shopping AppP and enter "Ultraman Card", the product links are overwhelming, and the sales records of the top sales stores can reach more than 10,000 per month. Small cards are divided into multiple price points according to different levels, ranging from a few dollars to dozens of dollars.

The ultraman cartoon image not only relies on card circle powder, but also "chicken dog ascension" with various handmade, seals, card books and other peripheral products. In a game hall in the MixC, the reporter observed that several Ultraman battle monster-themed game consoles "attendance rate" is extremely high, whenever a child finishes the game and leaves, usually other children sit down immediately to continue the game, the whole process is almost "seamless".

Ultramanka swept the kids circle

There are baby set cards that cost tens of thousands of dollars

The reporter learned that at present, ultraman cards have become the "social artifacts" of the child circle, they are not only keen to buy and collect, but also often discuss and exchange with each other, and there is a "card in hand, talk about me" posture. The reporter randomly released an online questionnaire survey among the parent group, and as of press time, a total of 40 people participated. According to the results of the questionnaire survey, 50% of the 40 people explicitly stated that their children collected Ultraman cards and peripheral products. In the question "How many students in the class collected Ultraman cards and peripheral products", 11 people chose about 1/4, 18 chose 1/2 or more, 4 chose about 1/3, and only 7 chose little or no.

How much money do kids spend on set cards? According to the feedback of parents, it is common for their children to spend hundreds of yuan and thousands of yuan, and there are two people who spend about 5,000 yuan. According to their understanding, the children's classmates and partners paid the most for 20,000 yuan in order to collect cards and buy peripheral products.

"Spending money is not the point, the key is that it affects learning very much. There are many children around us who have slipped their grades because they are addicted to the set card. During the investigation, Ms. Han, a citizen, expressed her concerns. Ms. Guo, a citizen, believes that for children without self-control, small cards are tempting and deceptive, and it is easy to appear unrestrained comparison, "Some children take money privately to buy, and lie afterwards to cover up." ”

Whether cards can be collected

The young journalist has two views

How do the children themselves think about the collection card? The young reporters of qingdao evening news openly and honestly made their views clear.

"Without involving learning energy and wasting too much money, it is okay to make the card a hobby. Li Peitong, a small reporter at the Evening News, believes that if you indulge in mobile phones and waste money, then the collection card cannot be advocated. Young reporters Cao Zhun, Lu Yuanyuan, Liu Yuxuan, Qiu Mingzhe, Yang Shaoning, etc. made it clear that under the condition of observing the principle of moderation, it is okay to collect Ultraman cards, and parents do not have to strictly prohibit it. However, young reporters Sun Minhui, Li Yuanbin, Qu Mengyao, Li Mingkun, Zhang Chi, Liu Fangfei, Wang Ziqiao, and Liu Yifan all clearly put forward their objections. "I originally wanted to integrate into the circle of my friends, let my mother buy cards, and then gradually hoped to get more cards, and spent more and more money, and was urgently stopped after being discovered by my parents." Young reporter Guo Junfu gave his own appearance. Small reporter Zhang Jialiang also said that once a SR premium card is drawn, it will be tempting to buy more cards, and the more you buy, the more addictive you are, in fact, once you jump out of the infatuation circle, you will find that this behavior is a waste of money and has no practical significance. Deng Heyan, a small reporter, believes that the money for buying cards is given by his parents and should be used in more meaningful places.

Judging from the reactions of small reporters, they are clearly divided into two camps with distinct banners.

■ Read a little deeper

Experts give anti-addiction strategies

Why are some children fascinated by a small card? Liu Jie, an expert of the Qingdao Women's Federation Family Education Expert Group and the chief psychological counselor of the Psychological Counseling Center on the other side of the heart, analyzed that from a physiological point of view, the card package does not know whether there will be a high-level card before opening, this uncertainty will stimulate the secretion of dopamine in the brain, dopamine makes people have pleasure, so it will further stimulate children to get it, falling into infatuation. From a psychological point of view, children need a sense of belonging, peer relationships are very important to them, they will imitate each other to learn, in order to have a common language with their peers, have their own friends, children will have conformist behavior. Collecting a large number of cards also reflects the child's sense of comparison, especially some children are not recognized in learning and other aspects, and hope to have an advantage in their peers by having more cards. Children who are addicted to the set card often grow up with a lack of love from important supporters, and they will compensate themselves by having more things they like. From the perspective of family relations, when a child is obsessed with something to the point of infinity, it may mean that there is a problem with communication with parents, indicating that parents should adjust the parent-child relationship.

"The card itself is a toy, nothing harmful. What we need to be vigilant about is to avoid excessive obsession with children affecting learning, life and parent-child relationships. Mou Haixia, the host of Qingdao Famous Class Teacher Studio and a teacher at Shinan District Experimental Primary School, told reporters that the key to collecting cards is to see how parents guide their children. If the child has just begun to collect cards, parents should not be too anxious, the preference for toys is in line with the characteristics of the child's age, parents should respect the child, but also carefully observe. Once they find that there are signs of infatuation, parents may wish to learn "Dayu Zhishui" - play cards with their children, chat about the story of Ultraman, cut from the heroic identity of anime characters, tell children what is the spirit of punishing evil and promoting good, not afraid of failure, positive guidance for children, and change blockages into slack. At the same time, it is also necessary to implement rules, such as using clear data to tell children how much money is spent on buying cards, and how much money can be used for daily expenses at home, so that they can form a sense of thrift and thrift. In addition, parents can also find ways to cultivate their children's new interest points to divert their attention from the cards. ( Guanhai News/Qingdao Evening News reporter Zhang Yan)

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