
Just in love, fifty tips teach you how to make your feelings heat up quickly?

1. If you could choose anyone in the world, who would you like to invite to dinner?

2. Do you want to be famous? In which way?

3. Do you practice what you want to say before making a call? Why?

4. What makes a "perfect" day for you?

5. When was the last time you sang to yourself? When is it time to sing to others?

6. If you could live to be 90 years old, and you could choose to keep your mind or body stuck at 30 for the next 60 years, which one would you choose?

7. Do you have your own secret hunch about how you might die in the future?

8. List 3 traits that you and the other person share.

9. What is the most thankful thing in your life?

10. If anything you could change growing up, what would you like to change?

11. Tell your life story to each other in as much detail as possible in 4 minutes.

12. What would you hope to be able to attain any ability or trait tomorrow morning when you wake up?

The second set of questions

13. What would you want to know if a crystal ball could tell you all the truth about yourself, your life, or your future?

14. What have you been thinking about for a long time? Why haven't you done it yet?

15. What was your greatest achievement in life?

16. What is the most important part of friendship?

17. What are your most cherished memories?

18. What are your worst memories?

19. If you knew you were going to die suddenly within a year, would you change your current lifestyle? Why?

20. What does friendship mean to you?

21. What role do love and affection play in your life?

22. Take turns sharing the better personality traits you think the other person has. Each mentions 5 points.

23. Is your family close and warm? Do you feel like your childhood was happier than most people?

24. What is your relationship with your mother?

The third set of questions

Just in love, fifty tips teach you how to make your feelings heat up quickly?

25. Say 3 sentences that contain "we" and are realistic, such as "We are all in this room now".

26. Complete the sentence: "I wish I could share it with someone—"

27. If you are going to be a close friend of the other person, is there anything he or she needs to know?

28. Tell the person what you like about him or her (answer this question very honestly, saying things you might not say to someone you just met).

29. Share awkward moments of your life with others.

30. When was the last time I cried in front of others? When do you cry?

31. Tell the other person what you like about him or her now.

32. What is there that you must not joke about?

Just in love, fifty tips teach you how to make your feelings heat up quickly?

33. If you're going to die tonight and can't contact anyone, what's your regret about not telling anyone yet? Why haven't you said it yet?

34. Your house is on fire, and all your things are in it. After rescuing loved ones and pets, you still have time to safely rescue the last thing. What would you take? Why?

35. Of all your family members, whose death will hit you the hardest? Why?

36. Share a question in your life and ask the other person what they would do when they encounter such a problem. Also ask the other person to tell you what your feelings about the issue are in his or her opinion.

(2) Cultivate common hobbies

Just in love, fifty tips teach you how to make your feelings heat up quickly?

Psychological research has shown that when two people's temperaments complement each other, the same values will enhance liking.

Take basketball, both sides like to play basketball, will promote like, but there is always a person to play forward, a person to play guard, it is impossible for both people to like to play forward, or both play guard, this is temperament complementarity.

Whether two people together like to read a book or like to watch a TV series, it can promote your relationship.

Some common interests can make your life more tacit.

(3) Appropriate stop loss

Don't be a spare tire!!

If in a relationship, one party only knows how to take, does not know how to give, gladly accept your kindness to him, and will not give you any positive feedback.

No matter how reluctant you are, you must leave quickly, and when the value protection mechanism is not coordinated, you are no longer yourself.

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