
Baby farts have these symptoms do not be careless, be wary of perianal abscesses, delay for a long time may require surgery

The anus is a secret and great organ, and both adults and children must protect it well.

According to relevant statistics, more than half of the country's people are plagued by diseases of varying severity, and for children, perianal abscess is one of the more common diseases in infants and young children, because it is easy to recur, and the duration of the disease is long, as short as ten days, as long as a few months, and let the child and parents be physically and mentally exhausted!

What a "ghost" is a perianal abscess

Perianal abscess as the name suggests is the abscess of pustules around the anus, if the baby is always in touch, pull stink or change the diaper when crying, refuse to change the diaper, then open the child's diaper, found that the child's ass is red, swollen, there is a bulging lump on the side of the anus, and accompanied by fever, parents should be vigilant, this may be a headache perianal abscess come, to take the child to seek medical treatment in time!

Baby farts have these symptoms do not be careless, be wary of perianal abscesses, delay for a long time may require surgery

If the perianal abscess is not treated in time or improperly treated, it will spread larger and larger, more and more seriously, and finally spread to the entire perianal perianal area or spread to both sides of the perianal perianal area, which may cause fistula or more serious diseases, and then bring danger to the child's life!

Causes and treatment of perianal abscesses in babies

Perianal abscesses are common in children within 3 years of age, newborns, and infants up to 3 months of age, with more male than female babies. It is mainly caused by an sinus infection, which is about 1-2 cm at the edge of the anus and is structured like a funnel, so it also becomes an crypt.

Baby farts have these symptoms do not be careless, be wary of perianal abscesses, delay for a long time may require surgery

Because the skin of infants and young children is relatively delicate, the resistance is weak, the sebaceous glands are exuberant, if the child often has diarrhea, the number of stools is more frequent, and the stool is not formed, then a large number of pathogenic bacteria in the stool are easy to cause infection of the crypt, and spread to the fat under the perianal skin, and the loose connective tissue around the anus, it is easy to form a baby's perianal abscess.

Perianal abscesses are subcutaneous infections that can be treated conservatively or surgically depending on the situation!

But no matter what kind of treatment, it is recommended to go to the hospital to have a doctor for diagnosis, do not rub medicine on the child at home.

To prevent perianal abscesses in children, it is necessary for mothers to do the following:

How to prevent a baby's perianal abscess

Pay attention to care

Perianal abscesses are more common in infants and young children, mainly because their skin is delicate, poor resistance, often wear diapers, resulting in anal part of the air, so try to give the baby's small ass breathable, basking in the sun, keeping the ass dry.

Pay attention to cleanliness

Be sure to pay attention to the hygiene of the anus, when changing diapers, you must clean your buttocks, and at the same time give the anus a "warm bath" regularly, clean the anus after each bowel movement, before going to bed, and take a warm water sitz bath, which can prevent bacterial infection and effectively prevent the occurrence of perianal abscesses.

Baby farts have these symptoms do not be careless, be wary of perianal abscesses, delay for a long time may require surgery

Pay attention to diet

According to relevant data reports, the mainland diet generally lacks dietary fiber, and the stool is dry and hard, which will make the anus excessively forceful, and it will cause harm after a long time!

Therefore, parents should try to give their children more vegetables, coarse grain mushrooms and other foods, as well as prunes, dragon fruits and other fruits that are rich in dietary fiber, so that it is easy to make the stool moist and make the anus worry-free and labor-saving!

If you eat breast milk babies, mothers should also try to pay attention to avoid spicy, greasy and other irritating foods, eat more vegetables and fruits, etc., to ensure that the baby's water intake and stool are smooth.

In short, the anus is an ordinary but not ordinary organ, which needs to be given special care by parents!

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