
Almost the beginning of school, these 6 eye-protecting foods are often given to the baby, which can effectively prevent the baby's myopia

Soon it is the school season again, the children are starting school one after another, and after the children enter and start to be busy reading and learning, parents may worry about the baby's eye myopia again.

Almost the beginning of school, these 6 eye-protecting foods are often given to the baby, which can effectively prevent the baby's myopia

Because the eyes are the windows of the soul, protect the eyes of children and start small. Nowadays, more and more children are experiencing myopia, and there is a trend of getting younger and younger, and parents are worried about this.

If you want to better avoid your child's vision problems, you not only need to strictly control the time for your child to watch TV and play mobile phones, but also pay attention to letting your baby's eyes rest more and avoid long-term excessive fatigue of your baby's eyes.

Almost the beginning of school, these 6 eye-protecting foods are often given to the baby, which can effectively prevent the baby's myopia

Your baby's eyes are still in the developmental stage and need rich nutrients to further promote development. In order for the baby's eyes to develop better and avoid eye myopia, then when the mother makes complementary food for the child, she also needs to consider giving the child more food that can effectively prevent eye myopia and promote the development of the child's eyes.

On the occasion of the opening season, I would like to share with you the 6 eye-protecting foods that can prevent the baby's eye myopia, hoping to help all the mothers.

Almost the beginning of school, these 6 eye-protecting foods are often given to the baby, which can effectively prevent the baby's myopia


When it comes to eye-pleasing ingredients, carrots are the first to be recommended. Carrots are not only rich in nutrients, but also rich in carotene, which can be very good for the development of eye vision, and the effect on preventing children's eye myopia is very good, often let children eat carrot vision, is a good choice to prevent children's myopia.

There are also many ways to cook carrots, whether it is stewing or stir-frying. In fact, after the carrot is steamed, it is also possible to take it directly to the child to eat, the taste is sweet, and the child likes it.

Almost the beginning of school, these 6 eye-protecting foods are often given to the baby, which can effectively prevent the baby's myopia


Babies watch TV and play mobile phones, and use their eyes for too long, which can easily lead to myopia in the baby's eyes. To avoid myopia in the baby's eyes, we not only need to pay attention to giving the baby's eyes a full rest, but also need to supplement the baby with vitamin C. Vitamin C can effectively prevent the stimulation and damage caused by light to the baby's eyes and reduce the chance of myopia in the baby.

Often supplementing the baby with vitamin C can also effectively enhance the baby's body immunity, thereby preventing the baby from getting sick, and can also nourish the baby's skin, making the baby's skin more white and red and shiny.

Almost the beginning of school, these 6 eye-protecting foods are often given to the baby, which can effectively prevent the baby's myopia


Spinach is rich in lutein. Lutein not only prevents eye aging, but also relieves the problem of macular appearance in the retina. In addition, spinach is also rich in calcium and magnesium and other mineral minerals, which can promote the elasticity and activity of the baby's eye muscles, and also promote the development of the baby's eyes, so as to better prevent the baby's eye myopia.

Almost the beginning of school, these 6 eye-protecting foods are often given to the baby, which can effectively prevent the baby's myopia


It is rich in vitamin C and carotene. It can alleviate the dry eyes of the baby, alleviate the discomfort caused by the baby's eye fatigue, and has a good effect on preventing the baby's eye myopia. If you want to prevent your baby's eye myopia, it is also a good choice to let your baby eat cabbage often.

Almost the beginning of school, these 6 eye-protecting foods are often given to the baby, which can effectively prevent the baby's myopia


Broccoli is rich in vitamins and fiber, which not only helps the baby's gastrointestinal digestion, but also contains a large amount of progesterone, which is very helpful for promoting the healthy development of the baby's eyes, and can also reduce the pressure of the baby's eye cells by free radicals, thereby improving the baby's vision and preventing the baby's myopia.

Almost the beginning of school, these 6 eye-protecting foods are often given to the baby, which can effectively prevent the baby's myopia


Egg yolks are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which help your baby's eyes play a good antioxidant role. Often give the baby egg yolk, but also to the baby iron supplement, as well as supplement the baby's physical development of a variety of nutrients, thereby promoting the baby's healthy development.

For the baby, giving the baby an egg every day can not only prevent the baby's myopia problem, but also supplement the baby's body with various nutrients needed for physical development, thereby promoting the baby's healthy development.

Almost the beginning of school, these 6 eye-protecting foods are often given to the baby, which can effectively prevent the baby's myopia

If you want to better prevent baby myopia, you not only need to control the time when the baby plays mobile phones and watches TV, but also needs to pay attention not to let the baby use his eyes for a long time, resulting in long-term eye fatigue for the baby.

In fact, mothers can take more time to accompany the baby, accompany the baby to play outdoors, get close to nature, and accept the stimulation of natural light, which is very helpful for the baby's eye development and relaxation of the baby's eyes.

Almost the beginning of school, these 6 eye-protecting foods are often given to the baby, which can effectively prevent the baby's myopia

In a word, if you want to avoid the baby's eye myopia and promote the healthy development of the baby's eyes, in addition to paying attention to the above details, you also need to let the baby develop good eye habits from an early age, let the baby learn to do eye health exercises, pay attention to the nutrition required for the baby's eye development, and more importantly, take the baby to play outdoors, which many parents' wives have ignored, and I hope that parents can pay attention.

Now that the school is about to start, the baby is engaged in intense learning, and it is easy to have eye fatigue problems, which leads to the baby's eye myopia. Therefore, parents and friends must help the babies to keep a good pass, protect the baby's eyes, and the baby will thank you in the future.

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