
【Pregnancy in July】The sword of Damocles during pregnancy - premature birth crisis

Entering the third trimester of pregnancy, it indicates that the difficult pregnancy life is finally coming to an end, and the full-term delivery of the child is the perfect ending that all parents look forward to.

However, to unlock the main plot of this HappyEnding, it is necessary to defeat the biggest boss in the third trimester- the premature crisis, which is like a sword of Damocles, hanging above the head of every parent, hanging and shaking, reminding every parent that the child has not yet been born, and everything still needs to be worked on.

According to a 2016 survey, there are about 15 million premature babies born globally every year, and about 1.2 million of the about 16 million births in China at that time were premature, and the incidence of preterm birth was about 7.5%.

Although the rate of preterm birth has declined in recent years with advances in medicine and technology, it is still a common problem among newborns.

Giving birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy is usually called preterm birth, and the reasons for most preterm births are not yet clear, so it is difficult to determine which type of pregnant woman will be born prematurely.

【Pregnancy in July】The sword of Damocles during pregnancy - premature birth crisis

However, if your wife falls into one of the following situations, she is relatively likely to be born prematurely:

- Have had a history of premature birth

- Have had a miscarriage after pregnancy

- Vaginal and uterine infection with a certain infectious disease

- The cervical opening is loose

- There have been symptoms of placental bleeding

- Pregnant with twins or multiples (almost half of all twins are premature, and triplets are more than half more likely to be born prematurely)

- Smoking during pregnancy

The biggest threat to premature babies is survival, and most premature babies require medical intervention, but whether medical intervention violates the laws of nature is still a highly controversial issue.

In 2006, a report by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics gave the ethical basis for medical intervention:

- Premature babies born at 22 weeks and 6 days should not usually be treated

- Premature babies less than 22 weeks of age should not be treated

- Premature babies born between 23 weeks and 23 weeks and 6 days have the right to refuse treatment if the doctor believes that treatment is not the most beneficial practice for the baby

In a word, only premature babies aged 23 weeks and older are allowed to undergo medical intervention.

But even so, the survival rate of premature babies born too small a week is still a shocking number.

- Survival at week 23 birth: 17%;

- Survival at week 25 birth: 50%;

- Survival at week 27 birth: 90%;

- Week 34 birth survival rate: The survival rate has been basically the same as the survival rate of full-term babies.

【Pregnancy in July】The sword of Damocles during pregnancy - premature birth crisis

The crisis of preterm birth has a number of other issues in addition to the survival rate of babies.

For example, in the short term, breathing problems caused by unsound lung development, cerebral palsy and many other fatal diseases, as well as long-term problems, such as certain defects in learning and development.

In one survey, 219 respondents were selected from a list of premature babies born in 1995 who were all born less than 26 weeks, and the researchers analyzed their IQ and learning ability, and selected 153 full-term children from their classmates as a control group.

The results showed that 1/3 of the preterm infants had worse reading ability than the control group, 44% of the preterm infants struggled with mathematics, and the average IQ of these children was slightly lower than that of the control group.

However, even so don't be discouraged, the above is only a matter of probability, there are still many examples of healthy growth of premature babies.

So, even if misfortune happens, parents still have to be hopeful, if you are facing the problem of premature birth, you must summon up courage, keep faith, think of Isaac Newton and Winston Churchill, both of whom were premature babies, but they were great people who made history, right?

【Pregnancy in July】The sword of Damocles during pregnancy - premature birth crisis

In the third trimester, fathers-to-be pay special attention to whether the wife has early signs of childbirth, that is, symptoms of contractions (such as vague back pain, pelvic compression or pain, diarrhea, unknown vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding, etc.).

As soon as your wife has any abnormalities, contact your doctor or midwife immediately, and remember not to be careless.

Just after the New Year festival to write these is not to add to the blockage for everyone, but Chinese pay attention to precautions, understand that the enemy is always the first condition for defeating the enemy, in order to encourage you with your fathers and mothers-to-be, in addition, I also give everyone a good year, I wish you good health and good luck, and the healthy growth of the babies is carefree.

Note: The pictures in this article come from the Internet

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