
When school starts, children are often given 8 "eye protection dishes", containing lutein, to improve the peace of mind of mothers

author:Akiko Food Diary

Children have started school, reading books and writing homework with excessive eyes every day, and many children's eyesight has dry eyes, visual fatigue, and decreased vision. In addition to doing eye exercises, we should also pay attention to the combination of diet, it is recommended to give children more of these 8 "eye protection dishes", containing lutein, nourishing liver and eyesight, and protecting eye vision. Moms and dads collect it and do it!


When school starts, children are often given 8 "eye protection dishes", containing lutein, to improve the peace of mind of mothers

Spinach is rich in carotene, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and a certain amount of iron, vitamin E and other beneficial ingredients, can supply the human body with a variety of nutrients, spinach contains carotene, can maintain vision and epithelial cell health, promote children's growth and development.

Recommended recipe: Spinach bean skin roll

When school starts, children are often given 8 "eye protection dishes", containing lutein, to improve the peace of mind of mothers

Ingredients: Spinach, tofu skin, carrot, egg, shallot, garlic, white sesame seeds


1: Prepare fresh spinach and wash it, remove the roots and cut into segments, peel the carrots and cut them into strips, cut the shallots into green onions, cut them all into a bowl.

2: Boil the carrots in water and cook until they are broken, blanch the spinach for 30 seconds to remove the oxalic acid and bitter taste. Then add the tofu skin and blanch it in water until one minute to remove the bean smell.

3: Pour the carrot spinach into a large bowl, add three eggs and stir well, then add the green onion, salt, chicken essence, pepper, soy sauce and mix well, then add flour in a small amount and mix well.

4: Spread the blanched tofu skin flat on the board, add the adjusted spinach filling to flatten, then roll up tightly from the side, put it in the steamer and steam for 10 minutes.

5: Minced garlic into a bowl, add a spoonful of paprika, white sesame seeds, green onion, then pour on the piping hot pepper oil to stir out the aroma and then add salt, chicken essence, sugar, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil and stir well. Wancheng sauce is ready.

6: After steaming, cut into 1 cm thick slices, put them on a plate, and eat them with the sauce.

Purple cabbage

When school starts, children are often given 8 "eye protection dishes", containing lutein, to improve the peace of mind of mothers

Purple cabbage is rich in nutrients, contains a lot of sulfur elements, and is rich in anthocyanins, it is a powerful antioxidant, it can protect the body from free radical damage, has anti-aging effects, and it can also relieve eye fatigue.

Recommended recipe: Cold mix with purple cabbage

When school starts, children are often given 8 "eye protection dishes", containing lutein, to improve the peace of mind of mothers

Ingredients: purple cabbage, garlic, millet pepper, cucumber, white sesame seeds

1: Rinse with water first, then cut in half, remove the hard core in the middle, then cut into strips, add two spoons of salt and a spoonful of sugar after cutting, mix well and put for ten minutes to kill the water and astringency.

2: Cut some side dishes, cut the cucumber into strips, cut the millet spicy into circles, cut the garlic into minced garlic, purple cabbage also kills the water, pour in water to clean it, drain it, and then dry the water by hand.

3, add cucumber shreds, and then pour in minced garlic, millet spicy white sesame seeds, pour hot oil to stimulate their fragrance, and then add soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, salt does not need to be added, you can add a spoonful of sugar, mix well and then you can put it on a plate to eat, crisp and refreshing.


When school starts, children are often given 8 "eye protection dishes", containing lutein, to improve the peace of mind of mothers

Carrots are rich in carotene, vitamin B, vitamin C, have the effect of tonifying liver and eyesight, clearing heat and detoxification, carotene can also be converted into vitamin A, which can prevent night blindness.

Recommended recipe: Sautéed shredded carrots with lean meat

When school starts, children are often given 8 "eye protection dishes", containing lutein, to improve the peace of mind of mothers

Ingredients: Carrots, lean meat, black fungus, green pepper, garlic

1: Wash and cut carrots into shredded carrots, black fungus foam in advance, pepper shredded, lean meat thin slices.

2: Put the bottom oil into the lean meat in a hot pan, sauté the meat over medium heat to simmer the oil, add the garlic, add a little flavorful soy sauce and stir-fry into the taste, pour in the carrot shreds, peppers, black fungus and stir-fry over high heat.

3: Stir-fry until the carrot shreds become slightly softer, add salt and stir-fry to taste, then add steamed fish tooth oil to freshen, stir-fry evenly to start the pot and plate.


When school starts, children are often given 8 "eye protection dishes", containing lutein, to improve the peace of mind of mothers

Contains a lot of lutein, zeaxanthin, has antioxidant effects, absorbs harmful light, and can maintain the health of the macula.

Recommended recipe: Golden corn kernels

When school starts, children are often given 8 "eye protection dishes", containing lutein, to improve the peace of mind of mothers

Ingredients: Corn, salted egg, green and red pepper

1. First take out the egg yolk and put it in the steaming drawer to steam for five minutes. The peeled corn kernels are poured into a bowl and set aside, and the green and red peppers are cut into small cubes.

2, corn kernels under the cold water pot, open the high heat to boil it, boil after boiling water for a minute to fish out to control the water, slightly let him cool.

3, next take a raw egg yolk to add corn kernels to stir it, so that each corn is wrapped with egg yolk, so that the corn kernels can be more sticky. Stir well and add a spoonful of custard powder to it, three spoons of cornstarch and stir well so that each kernel is coated with starch, and then use a colander to drain it of excess starch. Let the salted egg yolks cool and stir to a powdered form.

4, burn the pot to 60% heat, then put in the corn kernels to fry it for fifteen seconds, all scattered, continue to fry him on medium-low heat until the surface is golden and put it out.

5, the pot left the bottom oil, put some butter, and then put in the salted egg yolk to it on a low heat and slowly fry the sand, then add a little salt to it, and then add some sugar, and then add corn kernels, green and red peppers also added, turn on the high heat to fry it for fifteen seconds to do it.

6. Tomatoes

When school starts, children are often given 8 "eye protection dishes", containing lutein, to improve the peace of mind of mothers

Contains vitamins, minerals and other nutrients can protect vitamin C, can prevent vitamin C from being destroyed. Patients can supplement with vitamin C to improve myopia.

Recommended recipe: Tomato egg soup

When school starts, children are often given 8 "eye protection dishes", containing lutein, to improve the peace of mind of mothers

Ingredients: Tomatoes, eggs, chives

1: Blanch the tomato cutter with boiling water, remove the skin of the tomatoes, then cut into small cubes, beat two eggs in a bowl and stir well.

2: Stir-fry the tomatoes over low heat in a hot pan until the tomatoes melt out the juice, then add the right amount of boiling water, bring to a boil on high heat and cook for another two minutes.

3, then start seasoning, add the right amount of salt, pepper can be, you can also use starch water to slightly hook the thin sheet, boil again after turning off the heat, slowly pour egg liquid along the chopsticks, stir it slightly, and finally sprinkle with green onions to do a good job, the original taste, the soup is delicious.


When school starts, children are often given 8 "eye protection dishes", containing lutein, to improve the peace of mind of mothers

Broccoli contains a large amount of progesterone and zeaxanthin, which can play a role in improving vision and can also prevent a variety of eye diseases.

Recommended recipe: Garlic broccoli

When school starts, children are often given 8 "eye protection dishes", containing lutein, to improve the peace of mind of mothers

Ingredients: broccoli, garlic

1: Prepare the appropriate amount of broccoli and cut into small flowers, put in water and add the right amount of salt to mix well and soak for half an hour, and cut the garlic into small pieces.

2: Bring the water to a boil in the pot, add the salt, the right amount of oil, blanch the washed broccoli for a minute, then fish out the control water, then put the broccoli into the plate, prepare a plate upside down.

3, add the right amount of oil in the pot, add minced garlic and stir-fry incense, add the right amount of oyster sauce to fry the incense, then add a little water, add a little soy sauce, chicken essence, salt, sugar, and then add the right amount of water starch hook, hook until viscous, drizzle a little oil, and then drizzle on the broccoli.


When school starts, children are often given 8 "eye protection dishes", containing lutein, to improve the peace of mind of mothers

Cabbage, also known as brussels sprouts, cabbage is quite rich in nutrients, containing a large number of vitamins, vitamin C, carbohydrates and various minerals and other nutrients. The selenium element it contains has the effect of protecting the eyes.

Recommended recipe: Scrambled eggs with cabbage

When school starts, children are often given 8 "eye protection dishes", containing lutein, to improve the peace of mind of mothers

Ingredients: Cabbage, egg, garlic, dried chili peppers, shallots

1, first tear the cabbage into slices by hand to clean and set aside, garlic cut into slices, dried pepper chopped, spring onion cut into sections, beat three eggs in the bowl with salt, white pepper, to a little white vinegar to fishy, and then add a small amount of water, beat into egg liquid for later.

2: Heat the oil in a hot pan, pour in the egg mixture, then use chopsticks to stir, and then scoop it up and set aside.

3, reheat the pan and put the oil, pour in the dried garlic pepper slightly, then pour the cabbage on high heat and stir-fry for about 20 seconds, add salt, soy sauce and continue to stir-fry into the flavor, and then pour in the egg and shallots to stir-fry the aroma and then you can start the pot and plate.

9. Peas

When school starts, children are often given 8 "eye protection dishes", containing lutein, to improve the peace of mind of mothers

Peas contain a large amount of carotene, lutein, to protect the optic nerve, improve vision is very beneficial, of which high content of carotene, can protect the integrity of epithelial cells, prevent inflammation, improve immunity, especially suitable for often stay up late with the eyes, eyes fatigue dry, blurred vision of the population to eat.

Recommended recipe: Sauté minced meat with peas

When school starts, children are often given 8 "eye protection dishes", containing lutein, to improve the peace of mind of mothers

Ingredients: peas, lean meat, garlic, carrots

1: Wash the picked green peas, cut the carrots into cubes, shoot the garlic into garlic paste, and chop the fat and lean pork into minced meat.

2, the pot of water boiling, pour in green peas and carrot diced water, blanched green peas and then fry the taste is more tender, the color is more emerald green, about a minute or so to blanch drain and set aside.

3, re-heat the pan to put the oil, under the minced meat medium heat stir-fry until the minced meat changes color slightly yellow, pour in the peas and diced radish stir-fry evenly, add cooking wine to fishy, come to a little old pumping color to continue stir-frying evenly, and then add salt to taste, oyster sauce to freshen, stir-fry into the flavor can be started to plate.

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